vendredi 25 décembre 2015

Starting up a library for

Good evening, all...and Merry Christmas (to those who are celebrating). I'm new to this site and forum and have a question I hope to get some feedback on, as there really just aren't any people I know in real life who have any insight to offer.

So, I've got an idea to start a private library. I love to read, and I tend to like to read on what I'll label 'fringe' topics. Without getting into too deep, I'll just say that 10 times out of 10, when I go to my public library looking for these titles, I never find them in the inventory. Thus, I usually have to scour the internet for a PDF copy of what I'm looking for or just order it outright, if I can find the book at all. Earlier this year, I just got the idea to start a private library full of these 'fringe' books. I'm sure there are other people out there thinking the same thing I am, and I'd like to provide the space/service for like-minded individuals to come out and read and check out books from this specialty library. Without getting too ahead of myself, I want to start my library small but do already have so ideas of how I might be able to expand it, if it proves to be a 'successful' business in the first year.

My issue, though, is figuring out a way to actually make real money off of this library. Right now, I'm a stay-at-home mother, and I'm looking to turn what I love into a stream of income which produces, hopefully, comparable to what my spouse earns, or at least half to start. However, when I look at everything I'll need to even get started - money for renting a commercial space in the area, procuring licensing, buying furniture and purchasing inventory - I cannot figure out the details of what I'm missing. I'm at a loss for how I'll get the funds to start up (do not want to take out a loan). Furthermore, I really can't figure out how to turn this into a money-making venture, though I know it is possible...I just do not know how to accomplish it.

I'm looking for any ideas, suggestions, critiques...ANYTHING would help spark more thought as I start to really structure and refine a business plan for this fringe library. Does anyone have any idea how I can make money off of my own library? Furthermore, how might I procure startup capital for such a business? Any comment would be appreciated. Thanks!

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