samedi 19 décembre 2015

How do you handle customer phone calls?

This may sound like a simple question, but how do you handle a call from a customer that asks what do you charge?

I got an unsuspecting call this evening from a lady inquiring about my services and what I charge. I'm not used to receiving calls like this (usually customers have already done research and most don't call for prices are clearly listed online) and was caught off guard. In short, I was afraid to give her a quote....the way she asked for price right away made me think she was looking for some kind of deal. I do my best to give an impression that my business is not cheap, it's premium-priced for premium service. Anyway, I fumbled a bit and quoted $$$ based on the info she gave me. When I got a few pauses, I immediately told her that my business is growing, values reviews and I would love to work with her. I quoted half of the original quote and still got a bunch of pauses. She said she would call back. But I doubt that now. Hmmm just wondering what I should do next time. I admit sales is not my strong suit!

Should I have a script for all situations? What do/would you do?

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