mardi 15 décembre 2015

Is it a good idea to incorporate a private C Corp in order to do stock trading?


I was reading Rich Dad Poor Dad, and Robert Kiyosaki told his personal story of starting his own business and becoming a successful investor, he talked of investing in real estates and stock market.
So I was curious, did he invest in properties and stock through his company? Does anyone do that? Is this smart (I have heard Hollywood Stars live in houses that are legally owned by some random/unheard-of/untraceable company)? Is it advisable? Does doing this have any benefits (i.e. tax advantage)?
Translating the question on to myself, I am foreign and broke, but I want to have some investment in the US; when I set aside USD$1000 and say purchase some sort of asset (growing it, acquiring more with time), should I start a company (C Corp) in US and purchase assets with this separate entity that is under my control?
It is sort of an odd question, I appreciate any response.

Thank you!

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