vendredi 30 septembre 2016

Attracted so many new customers, we had to turn people away. How we did it…

This is my second post - and it’s a long one.

Full Disclosure: I have a selfish motive for sharing this… no I’m not trying to sell you anything.

I’m going to share with you exactly how I flooded a local business with more new customers than they can handle. They were swamped with so many new customers they had to turn people away and refer them to competitors!

If you have a local business, you should copy this idea - like tomorrow. I’m going to share with you exactly what I did.

What is my selfish motive?

Over the years I have read countless articles about the power of giving away your BEST information for free without expecting anything in return. The theory is that when you do this, somehow it will come back to you - most of the time not ‘directly’. Instead ‘indirectly’ through other people in the future. Call it karma if you will.

Still not sure how much I believe this, though I do believe it to some degree. I’ve heard a lot of stories and I want to put it to the ultimate test. I want to give away my best information to as many people as possible and see if anything significant happens.

For the past 10 years I have successfully helped businesses grow and attract new customers, and what I’m about to freely share with you has worked better than ANYTHING else I have ever done… ever. My client literally increased annualized revenue by $1.2 million in less than six months - at a cost of only $7,500.

This is literally the BEST idea I have had in 10 years. So I’m going to test this karma thing out by freely sharing with you my most successful idea ever. I plan to freely share this on as many forums as possible to make my test more effective.

By the way...

I’m NOT going to share my company name.
I’m NOT going to share my company website.
I’m NOT going to post my company contact information.
I’m NOT going to hold back any “secrets” and ask you to pay for it.

My point is… I’m not here to try and sell you information, coaching, training, whatever.

Anyways, here is the most successful idea I’ve ever implemented for a client. If you have a local business, you should definitely go do this.

You should organize a “Ladies Eat Free” event in your city. During the event, every lady in your city can receive a free meal at any local restaurant that participates in the event. The restaurant covers the cost of the food.

In order to eat for free, ladies must visit the restaurant with a guy. The guy can be their friend, father, brother, boyfriend, husband, co-worker, son, uncle - doesn’t matter.

The guy pays for their own meal, but the lady eats for free. Ladies must present a voucher to get their meal for free. The voucher can be printed from their computer.

Here is how you can get a TON of new customers...

Build a special website just for the event. Promote your company on the website. Tell everyone the event is sponsored by your company. Talk about your company and give everyone your contact information.

Lastly, require everyone to sign up for your email list in order to receive the vouchers that must be presented at the restaurants.

68,234 people signed up for our email list when we did this and my client got a TON of exposure.

This is in a city of 279,000 people. Word about the event spreads quickly. Who doesn’t love free food?

You will have both guys and ladies signing up for your email list. Guys sign up so they can take out their dates or their wives without having to pay for their meal. And obviously ladies sign up so they can get free food.

If you organize this event, people all over your city will know your company. Your company will become very popular in the area. People will love you and thank you for organizing such an awesome event.

Do this and you’re going to receive a flood of new customers without wasting money on advertising that doesn’t work. My client is a dentist. He got so many new patients, he had to turn people away. He even had to refer people to his competitors! It was freakin crazy.

His annualized revenue increased by $1.2 million in a very short time period - less than six months from when I organized the event for him.

Here is the icing on the cake:

You now have thousands of people you can email any time you want to promote your company. Just be careful not to spam them.

As the event sponsor, you should be emailing everyone on the list during the event. You should be emailing them about different things related to event, all while promoting your company at the same time.

For example, you should email everyone during the event to “remind” them not to forget to attend. Promote something about your company in the same email. Email them again towards the end of the event to “remind” them the event is about to end. Promote something about your company in the email.

Email them again after the event is over to “thank” everyone for attending. You guessed it, you should also promote something about your company in the same email. Once the event is over, get creative about reasons to email everyone. Just be careful not to spam them with blatant advertisements.

That’s pretty much it.

You should definitely do this… like tomorrow. Seriously.

You can literally attract as many new customers as you want. It doesn’t matter what type of local business you own. This will work for you too.

I have never seen this done before. The opportunity is wide open. When I got the idea, I said to myself, “this is freakin brilliant!”

I did everything for my client, including building the website for the event, convincing local restaurants to participate, and marketing the event.

Convincing the restaurants to give free food to the ladies was time consuming and a little challenging, though I got it done. Maybe I can come back and explain more about how to do that.

Marketing the event is very important too. You have to market free stuff just as much as stuff that costs money. Though once a good chunk of people know about the event, the word spreads like wildfire.

I could very easily charge companies to train them how to do this, though as I explained above, I decided to test this karma thing by freely sharing it rather than charging for consulting as I normally do.

This is the best idea I ever had for a client. As they say, my client is laughing all the way to the bank.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask. I will do the best I can to answer your questions.


Hi, I'm Brandon

Hi everyone,

My name is Brandon. I’m here because I want to share something I believe a lot of people here can benefit from. I’m already pretty successful in business.

I’ve been doing a lot of reading about karma and the power of sharing information to help others without expecting anything in return and how it comes back to you in the future. So my goal here is to share what I can to help the community.


Have 1 company or start one more? NEED HELP ASAP


I am currently running 1 business.
Were i sell art/design, jewelry etc.

But, i have been thinking if i should seperate the business and start one more business only for the jewelry business.

The thing is that i focus worldwide on the art/design but the Jewelry i only target and sell 95% in denmark..

So what you guys think, should i seperate it? And focus straight on the jewelry in one business..

Many thanks for all the help i can get!

Outsourcing Companies in India

Are there Good Outsourcing Companies in India to get services for our IT firm located at Bangalore?

Hi All

Hello Friends, This is Somdev, I am from Chennai. I am a Software Developer. I am Happy to be a part of this forum. My hobbies are playing COC, Volley ball and surfing.

jeudi 29 septembre 2016

Google Adwords and competitive pricing: New to retail

Hi! I'm new to the forum and I don't even own a business but I'm looking for some advice for the retail store that I basically manage (my boss has most of the decision power but is never here). First of all his prices are high to say the least. I know you can never compete with amazon but he tells me to just double the cost of every item accross the board to price it regardless of SRP, popularity or other considerations. Is this normal? What is a potentially better strategy? My idea was pricing popular heavy items higher to subsidize lower prices on lighter impulse-type items. Also, the only advertising he does is google adwords. I know this is cutting edge but I feel like this will also cause the google algorithm to display what we sell from other online retailers cheaper. There is only one brick and mortar competing in the whole state so the main competition has to be online.

I wouldn't be posting if it the business was doing well. Its been super slow for a long time. I try my best to sell sell sell but you can't sell what people can't afford and can't sell to people who don't walk through the door. I'm really new to retail but since I'm here and he isn't I hear what the customers say about want from the place. I really like working here and feel a sense of responsibility since I am the only one here most of the time. Looking to maybe start a business myself in the future and want better methods.

Sorry if this is a rehashed topic. Also bored cause its really gdam slow.

Bank fraud

My company was recently the victim of bank fraud, losing £5,500 in a fraudulent payment. My bank is HSBC and they have carried out a very biased investigation that was more about pinning blame on me than getting to the truth.

Has anyone else faced a similar problem? How did their bank handle the situation? Has anyone taken this to the banking ombudsman?

I was shocked to learn that customers are not very well protected in law against bank fraud and recent news stories suggest that many high street banks are adopting a hard stance. This can only encourage more fraud. Throughout the process so far it has felt as if HSBC and myself are on opposite sides of a dispute - not on the same side against the fraudster.

I actually telephoned the bank while the fraud was being committed but waited for more than an hour in the bank's queuing system - this was on a fraud reporting number. By the time I got through, it was too late, and then, while the fraudster was telephoning me to gloat (my son picked up the telephone), I had to listen to a lady from HSBC lecture me about security. Throughout the process, I have found HSBC staff completely unhelpful - it is as if they are in denial.

Fraud is actually commonplace and you would think that the banks would be leaning over backwards to involve customers in the battle. Anyway, interested in hearing the views of others.

mercredi 28 septembre 2016

hello everyone

Hye This is anne agatha From USA representing Ubergo. we are providing the Taxi/Cab fare estimate services in USA . . thanks for adding to this forum. feel free to visit Us :)

mardi 27 septembre 2016

Are you spending too much time on social media?

Hello! I have been selling business services for a few years, & it has made me realize that a significant amount of business owners spend a good amount of time on social media. I have generally asked them if they have accounted the time-value of money that goes into this and compare it to the results they would get if that time was allocated to growth and sales. It actually sparked an idea for me a while back to help businesses manage social media accounts. I started with a few people in my network and have now been able to build an automated system using a saas solution that allows me to provide this service for under $399 a month. I'm posting this due to the fact that I see a lot of people on this forum and other small business forums asking if the time they spend on social media is "worth it". If you're one of those people, you should think about it and maybe shoot me a PM. I'd gladly give advice & recommendations to you!

Are you lacking an online presence?

Hello! How is everyone doing? I just joined this forum & am looking forward to helping small business owners. I provide affordable solutions to help establish small business' online presence. I realized a lot of business owners, especially ones not so tech savvy, are at a disadvantage because they choose to skip on an online presence. As many of you know, most clients research businesses via google, directories such as yelp, dexknows, and their website before they make they're decision to go. Lacking an online presence really hurts business owners. Many of them do this because they assume that they have to contract an established web design firm / agency and pay thousands for this. I provide Web Design & Social Media Implementation + Management for UNDER $1000, TOGETHER. I started this business a while back because I realized there is an opportunity to help businesses grow, and as i stated, I see a significant amount of business owners at a disadvantage. Not everybody needs a fully-customized hand-coded website, some just want enough to have a noticable online presence without breaking the bank. If you're one of the business owners whos' online presence is nonexistant, contact me and let me tell you more about it, I'd like to educate you before I "sell" you anything.
I will be around the forum answering questions about productivity, sales, marketing, & business growth/expansion. Shoot me a PM if theres something you'd need help with or are curious about, I'd love to help you!

Business Plan Writing Tips

Hey there,

How are you all doing?

I started my Business Plan Writing rubrics a while ago on and the Wordpress blog. I am just posting helpful tips for those who plan on writing a full-fledged BP for their upcoming business venture. I am even assisting novice entrepreneurs in the write-up process to make sure they are on the right path. Now I decided to share the tips here on the SBF forum. Hope that helps. If you have an experience please share it in this thread.

How To Write a Business Plan? (First Steps)

The question of how to write a business plan has significant value for all entrepreneurs who plan on launching a new venture. The more detailed and deliberate a business plan is, the less open questions and uncertainties remain. As a matter of fact there could be a number of reasons of why people need a business plan creation. Thereby various types of business plans exist and designed for specific situations and certain conditions.

If you belong to the type of entrepreneurs that apply for a bank loan to get fundings then most likely your financial part should reflect clear and reasonable financial statements with detailed descriptions of ROI ratios and Break Even analysis. The faster your business breakevens (as per your BP) the better chances you’ve got to receive fundings from a lender.

Any business plan is a combination of 3 to 4 shorter plans synchronized with each other to provide a full picture of the business idea. Every BP should contain a marketing plan, an operational plan, a legal plan and a financial plan. Each of those has to have defined goals, whereas underlying strategies and methods show how the goals will be achieved.

At the beginning of each business plan, an angel investor (or any other fund provider) should see an executive summary and a brief idea description. They both give an outlook of the viability and reasons of why this particular business would gain in the future. At the end, a business plan unveils critical risk factors that could threaten the venture’s existence. In addition, a business exit strategy plays a vital role too. It tells what should be done in case of a failure and what is a plan B for the owners to secure at least part of the invested capital.

In later posts we will be observing the types of business plans as well as their integral parts and also what one should do to create a perfect BP.

lundi 26 septembre 2016

Interesting article

Stumbled across this article earlier today.

Stealth socialism | The Economist

Ignoring the clickbait title and some poor references to communism, it appears to be fairly accurate and somewhat disturbing.

Do you know your entrepreneurship score?

Evaluate your entrepreneurship score now @ Useful for Startups, Entrepreneurs, Business people and people who are planning or thinking whether I can start a business. It will evaluate a person's entrepreneur skill. Evaluated based on 17 traits. It will give your Entrepreneur score, Strong areas, Area of improvements and also recommendations and suggested readings for improving the trait in which you need improvement.

dimanche 25 septembre 2016

Want To Open First Restaurant? How?


I’m looking to open my first restaurant; I lack the funds to just open one.

From those who are experienced In the Hospitality sector, which effective steps can I take to achieve this?

All the best,

Want To Open First Restaurant? How?


I’m looking to open my first restaurant; I lack the funds to just open one.

From those who are experienced In the Hospitality sector, which effective steps can I take to achieve this?

All the best,

Street Trading at events, laws, advice?


I’m Looking to start a food business, and to begin trading from a catering vehicle at events e.g Festivals.

- I wanted to know all the legal requirements I would need to full-fill, from licences to insurance?

- Does any one have experience in this field who has any advice?

All the best,


samedi 24 septembre 2016

How do I open a business account?Is their banks who accept small business?

Ok to make this story short(please excuse my grammar) I work for a online digital marketing company business. Anyways our business has been getting alot of clients/customers so we have been getting alot of money.We had a paypal account but paypal closed our account i guess due to the fact we were receiving alot of money.As you know paypal is worthless and waste of time,it seems like when you get alot of money these banks want to close you down.Now we have been trying to open business bank accounts but of course banks are denying us and we been having trouble finding co-signers.Is their any suggestions?Is their any banks out their who would accept us?And we mostly prefer applying for online rather then in person due to our busy schedule.So is their online banks who would accept our business to open an account without needed income history?Again the money is their i don't care how much money the bank wants to take as long as we can have a safe place to put our money.Need help guys..

Finding the right doctor

Finding the right doctor is very important to help you and your family to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

jeudi 22 septembre 2016

Now i'm thinking of starting SEO blog but without real content, so what do you think?

I am just aiming to begin a new SEO blog to talk about some of my real case studies and lot's of workable blueprints, although rather than wasting my & readers time reading 1000+ words per article.

Now i am thinking about turning articles into wide-screen interactive slideshows with 20% text, 80 percent visual content, in order to make it more attractive to those who dislike to spend their whole day reading sole article.

I feel this is may be something that worth working on
But really need to listen to your thoughts so what do you think about it?

Come on.

Really Yahoo? You are up for sale and a sad sale it was. Then you were "breached" and user information was taken? My bet is they sold it to the highest bidder.

Which Social Media Platform You Should Use!

A lot of people wonder what social media platform they should use, so I figured since I had some experience in this, I might share what I do, and tactics on how to get certain things across to people around the world.

The first thing you want to do, is determine who your audience is. Social media really is a huge factor within a business. Depending on who you're targeting, social media isn't even always the key. A lot older people don't even know how to use a computer, let alone know what a tweet is. So what are you looking for? Are you targeting people that are about the age of 15-50? I think that's a decent range for social media. I've seen younger people use social media, and some older people as well too.

Now that you have your target, you're going to need to spread your social media. So what platform should you use? How do you use it, and what's the best way of going about it?


Graphics and content are a HUGE key to anything online. People like to be attracted to things. It catches their eye, then their attention, and goes from there. Did you know they did a study about babies trusting the more attractive people more? Well, think of this the same way. Pages, websites, and accounts that seem more professional, presentable and nice, seem to get a lot of attention. Obviously this doesn't mean they're better, but it gives them an advantage because they look professional and well-grounded. So make sure your graphics are looking good. The other thing is content, this is a HUGE factor as well. You want to engage people. You caught them with the flashy pictures and moving parts on a website, but now you need to back that up. You need to create content specific to what you're giving. People generally don't like being confused or not knowing what's going on. They feel more comfortable and willing when they understand and have something to follow.


Facebook is a great platform to use when you want to get personal. People on Facebook usually have friends, family, and close affiliates added. That being said, you want to target people and make sure they see it. Humans are curious and generally investigate things. That's why people stare at accidents on the side of the road; they are CURIOUS. What does that mean? Well, if one person shares something, their friends, family and close affiliates will see that content. Since they're close, they're going to be curious and most likely check it out as well. That's why most of the phishing that happens on Facebook spreads quickly. They send friends links to phishing websites, and it's just a huge spider web of things going on. There's people of all ages using Facebook. I've seen people who are 12, and people who are almost 70 using Facebook. This is a HUGE platform to get going on and building whatever it is you're trying to build. Go make a page, get some good graphics, and post some good content. Engage with people. Make it personal.


This platform is a little different, because your fan base can be everywhere. Most people on Twitter follow people who they don't know, people they know, and celebrities. This is where you can get them. Posting tweets that relate to people is really good. A lot of people always re-tweet things that relate to their life and needs/wants. So you can tweet about things like that, and add a link to whatever you tweet. Explain in a few words how it would help someone. Engage with people as well, cause Twitter is huge for engaging. People love gettings @'s, and favorites/re-tweets. Let them know that you're interested. Study a little bit about them, and engage. Do this with 50-100 people, and then after that your tweets might start spreading.


This one is pretty huge for younger people most of the time. Also great in general, because let's be honest.... Who doesn't love an awesome picture that looks really cool? Instagram allows you to post interesting things, add filters, and edit images. As well as comment, tag people, and like things. As long as your content is good, people will most likely follow. They want to see more of the great things you have to offer. Think outside the box though; don't go posting pictures of your website and pages online of your products. Take personal pictures of yourself, and oceans, houses, and whatever else might be engaging. You DO NOT need to post pictures of one thing every time. People tend to like varieties, as long as they're good to them. So maybe take an awesome picture of the sky, or a nice car, and tell them you're living the happy life thanks to your company or something.


Those are MY big three social media sites that I use. Of course there's Pinterest and other ones too, but I like to focus on those three. Another great tip, is to search hash tags that are related to what you're doing, and like peoples content. Sometimes they'll follow back and like your stuff as well. The opportunities are endless with social media, and it's all about how you present yourself, and how you can engage with your targets. You want them to feel like they have a purpose to look at your content, or present something that they might like.

Business Credit Cards

I recently, I found a cool little website that allows you to get gold and platinum credit cards through American Express. It has a 60 second decision maker on whether or not you get accepted. I'm not going to give out the URL quite yet, because it's valuable information and can really do good for small companies.

I was thinking about making a service to sign people up with these awesome offers.

$0 Introductory annual fee for the first year, then $175.

Foreign transaction: 0% of each transaction after conversion to US dollars.

All charges made on this charge card are due and payable when you receive your periodic statement.

It's a pretty awesome credit card, but don't know how to go about it.

How do you know if the market is saturated?

I had an idea for online retail for wedding favors, decor rentals, and wedding gift and bridal gift packages but then I looked online and did some research and the market is heavily saturated. I decided maybe renting should be more of my focus.

Target audience would be weddings and bridal showers. You would be able to rent out lighting, linen, seats and covers, tables and table clothes, back drops, bar set up, dining, wedding decorations like card holders and table center pieces, tents, etc. but also have a shop set up for wedding favors, bridal shower packages, etc.
I would like to deliver around the area but also offer shopping to any location and also have the option for pick up.

I looked online and in my county alone, there were 8,000 marriages. My county is small with a pop of 1 million but there are other surrounding counties too of course. .Average wedding spent is $25,000 and average guest count is 120. In my area there are some party rentals but only 3 that targets weddings (1 targets vintage and the other rustic).

Does the competition seem too heavy or is there room me for piece of the pie? I want it to be a one stop shop for a wedding planner or bride to be to create the perfect wedding whether small or big themselves. Many rental places online either do only linen or only tents or only decor.

Also, I am inspired by a business I found based in Florida Nationwide Wedding and Event Rentals with FREE Shipping Both Ways! | Nationwide Wedding Rentals and they ship anywhere in the country for free. How is that even possible? It seems it can be costly to pay for all deliveries. The only have the flashy set up not the decor.

Also, I have $35,000 saved but I want to buy a house. Currently live with my parents and I need to get out but I think this is enough for start up. My parents are willing to help invest too.

The scary part is taking the walk and knowing if this would be viable to make a living off of!

Trying to workout a fair deal for sleeping partner


Me and a friend of mine are planning to start a very small business.
Initial investment is planned $10,000 (50% share, means $5,000 each).

The store we plan to start business in will be rented at $400/week.

At present we both are working as an employee at almost same salaries ($500/week) and we're thinking one partner should leave the job and handle business while other continues the job.
Let's assume the worse and business makes 0 profit. At the end of the week we have to pay the rent, utility bills etc. Let's just say rent is $400 and as 50% partner, each has to pay $200.
Now, since one partner is at job (paid), while other is handling the store (managing supplies and store), what sounds the fair deal in this case?

I personally think that the silent partner should pay the store rent. Other cost (bills etc) should be bared equally.

In case of any profit, silent partner should pay the store rent. Cost and profit should be shared equally.

What you say? or silent partner should pay something like 70-80% of store rent and working partner should share 20-30% of rent as well?


mercredi 21 septembre 2016

Website flipping

Hi everyone,

Wondering if anyone here has looked into/worked on flipping websites?

The idea is you buy a domain name and either re-sell it or build a website on it first then re-sell for higher value.

What do you think? how was your experience?

Thank you

Are online wedding businesses even profitable?

I was brainstorming ideas of what I’m interested in. I came up with weddings and dogs (what girl isn’t?). I was thinking of doing online retail for wedding favors, bridal gifts, and wedding shower gift packages for the bride. Also to sell gently used wedding and bridesmaid dresses and rent some decor. Eventually I would like to have it turn into a community providing discussion forums and also maybe partner up with someone and offer personalized items.

Seeing my friends start their businesses and have it successful has inspired and motivated me to really get going and not waiting for the perfect moment. Example, my boyfriend's friend has a highly successful online business servicing businesses with high-end cards for memberships, gifts, business, etc. I looked online and it brings in nearly 1 million in revenue! He now has offices in Hong Kong and Australia.

I want to do my own thing. I want to be able to pursue something without quitting my full time job. My job is cushiony and okay but I have no passion in it!

Anyway, can online wedding details make any money at all? I don't need to be rich...just not poor! I currently make $40,000 so if I can make that at least I would be okay but of course eventually want to grow.

I plan on researching a bit about search engine optimization and social media marketing. I already know a bit about it because I created a website, Instagram, and Facebook for my parent’s business which now has over 1,000 likes and people even find our business because of it!

So is this worth a shot?

Best resources to learn about SEO and how to get started?


I am interested in researching about starting an online niche retail business. My vision also includes forums where other people can discuss on forums too. I've been inspired lately by my boyfriend's friend who is very successful starting his own business just by making and offering services creating credit, business, or gift cards with fancy material! It seems so simple yet now he has offices in Hong Kong and Australia as well as here in the U.S.

I guess I can also ask him some questions on how.

The thing is, where is the best to learn about SEO? I know traffic is important! Where can I learn to start from the very beginning?

Hi, my name is Gabe.

Glad to have found you! I am looking to learn to be a businessman, i have been a mechanic for 22 years and want to own my own shop.

Licence needed for online rental business?.

Hello everyone. I'm starting to research about the possibility of opening a website for renting games online and sending them through mail. My biggest question is about weather I need a licence for renting the games or not? It says on the discs that renting and selling is not allowed. I must say I'm from Romania and this business idea is for Romania. I'm currently living in UK and I was thinking this will work in Romania because there is no online rental websites for games. Thank you!


mardi 20 septembre 2016

Help with growing my business

Hello all,

My name is Sam and I am partner in a second home management company. We have been open for 9years now and the company is growing great (around a 30% growth a year). We receive around 3-5 new properties a year which a nice grow rate but I would like to increase this. I have started spending allot more in advertisements (Online adds, magazine adds, print adds) and all tho it creates some brand awareness my ROI is literally 0%.
I know that most (90%) of my clients come from referrals so I decided to great a referrals program, one for my existing clients and one with local business. However this still hasn't worked the way I was expecting it.

We are located by a number of luxury resorts where the properties here worth up to 20mil, it seems incredibly difficult to attract new customers. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Cheers, S

lundi 19 septembre 2016

Name space collision?

I thought I had settled on a name for a business that would sell handmade and household goods online through Etsy and Amazon (depending on whether the good is more handmade or manufactured). The .com version of the name URL is squatted on, but not by anyone actually using the URL for business. I have the .co. No one has the .net or .org. I was doing another search via google and duckduckgo on the name, and it turns out that there are two other people doing something similar, one in England (very close match to what I would be doing), the other in Australia, and the one in England has the .biz version. There's also someone on Etsy who has the business name as a subpart of their business name... I guess I'm not the only one who thought the name was appropriate... but.....

Would you abandon a name for this? Chances are I'd be lucky to branch out across the ocean in any sort of formal way, but is it better just to start over now than to have to face that question later?

Outsourcing. Advice Please

I have had to look at outsourcing some of my work for my company. Specifically, Content writers, web designers, developers and mobile app developers. Has any one had good experience with outsourcing? Has anyone used sites like upwork or freelance?

What is your experience good or bad and is their any good websites that you would recommend?

New Business Struggles

Hello Everyone,
I trying to get some business advice from people who are starting businesses and how already run existing businesses. My question is what is your biggest struggle in starting and/or running a business (e.g. financial, marketing, technology)

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dimanche 18 septembre 2016

Hi from Creative Web Agency (Creativewa)

Hi, I´m Almendra but We are a Web Development Team that works in Creative Web Agency

With over 6 years of experience in web design/development area we can build any type or size website you require, from small business websites to online stores where you can sell your own products at a nominal cost.

I`m very thankful for accepting us on this site and we are very excited to help and to learn also.

Why not ?

I wonder, if this is just a BLACK OUT of my thoughts... a SYSTEM ERROR, or a MODEL that is totally fine and shouldn't run into any tax issues.


I wonder why so many small business entrepreneurs are so worried about paying taxes on their private income.
I wonder, why you don't want to keep all your money within the company, pay everything from the money of your company, live and benefit from the wealth of the company and DO NOT pay any profit to yourself.

I REPEAT... what if you DO NOT PAY any profit to yourself ? Not through employment, and not through dividends. Not one single Dollar that is going to be transferred to your private bank account. NOT ONE SINGLE DOLLAR that is going to be payed into your private pocket.

Let me try to explain MY MODEL in more detail.

- you own a company as a shareholder (sole 100% is yours)
- the company (C/Corp Structure Inc.) is based in a country that has 0% taxes on corporation taxes
- the company itself renders no service in the US and has zero links to the US
- the company DOES NOT PAY the shareholder any dividends
- the company DOES NOT PAY the owner any paystubs (not employed)

NOW... let's take a minute and think about that setup. Nothing special, just a regular 100% LEGAL setup of a company structure, that creates profit outside the US.

Your Questions:
- how can you pay for all your private expenses if you don't have any income ?
- how can you cover all your private costs of living if you don't get any dividends payed ?

My answer/idea and thoughts and facts:
- The company is incorporated outside the US
- all service is rendered outside the US
- all profit is made outside the US
- a tax report is not even necessary and not mandatory since it's based in a country that has zero % on corporate pofits

The OWNER of the company can invest in estates he likes. He can buy what ever he want's to buy in the name of the Corporation.
In fact, he could blow all the money on a big party without reporting to any government or tax departments explaining losses or profits.

The Corporation can buy Real Estate in the name of the company.
The Company can also wire money for rent through online banking, can cut checks and can even have a debit or credit card to buy what ever the corporation want's to buy.

NOW.... knowing that fact... and yes, there is ABSOLUTELY NO LAW in the world, that doesn't allow a company to own what ever the company want's to own... WHY NOT KEEPING ALL THE WEALTH WITHIN THE COMPANY ?

If I am living in a house that is owned by the company.... so be it.
If the company pays rent for an apartment I would live in... what's the problem ?
The company takes care for your car payments, or even posses a car. The company can also pay for Food.. well, literally for everything.

I know.. at this point.. I got immediately confronted with the argument that the IRS could see the rent payments, food payments, gas payments, or what ever payments the corporation is executing... as part of an INCOME - or hidden income.

But again... why should the IRS even be interested in that, if you don't even have to report to the IRS ?
Remember, the Corporation that pays or owns property in the US is a foreign Corporation.
And again.. that corporation can do with it's money whatever the company decides to do.
It could even invest all it's money into stocks.. losing all of it.. or making even more profit...
But the profit the corporation makes.. stays untouched since the all corporation profit has zero % business income tax.

Sooo.. let's keep in mind... it's a fact, that Corporation does NOT EVEN EXIST for the IRS because it's outside the US.
That corporation only spends money inside the US, helps to drive the economy buy buying goods in the US.

And again... NO profit is accumulated within the US.
Sooo... now.. let's leave it by that for now.

I wanted to hear everybody's opinion on that !

  • What do you think about it ?
  • Do you think this idea/thought is not correct ?
  • Do you see any concerns/issues ?
  • Any answers to WHY NOT doing it like that ?

Again.. I can die as a poor man... I don't need any wealth in my private account.. as long as I own the company - it doesn't really matter.
And as far as I understand.. Warren Buffet and/or Bill Gates handle it the same.

Your wealth is measured by the wealth of your ownership of corporations !

I am really curios about your thoughts, opinions, hints, tips and recommendations.

Thank you very much !

ps: I am not a US Citizen... I am member of the European Union with a Permanent Residency in the US
Attached Images

samedi 17 septembre 2016

Depreciation of vehicle when converting use from personal to business

Hi Everyone,

I am trying to figure this out:

Purchased new car on 12/01/2012 for $65,000, for personal use. I assume that this is the "in service date"
Started a business on 5/1/2016, without any use of the car, personal nor business (not sure if this is relevant)
Started another business on 8/1/2016, from then on business use of the car is 100%.
Fair market value of the car on 8/1/2016 (KellyBlueBook) is $37,000.

Am I correct in the following assumptions?:
1. I cannot use section 179 deduction, because the in service date is in a year prior to its first business use.
2. I cannot use any special depreciation allowance, because business use in 2016 started after the first half of the year, so business use for the year cannot be 50% or more for the year, even though business use is 100% since business started.
3. I cannot use MACS method of depreciation for the same reason (<50% business use in first year of business depreciation).
4. I should use straight line method of depreciation.
5. I should depreciate the car over 5 years (60 months) starting 8/1/2016, based on FMV value of $37,000, even if it is not likely that the car will have such a useful life (it is already 44 months old when it starts to be used for business).

How should I depreciate the car for use in the business started on 8/1/2016?
How would I determine the future residual value for depreciation calculation?

Thanks much.

Online business! Marketing techniqes to start with first

Hi all,

I have an online business for custom vinyl decals. I also do this locally, but was hoping to gain a presence online to create a steady income. I currently work a full time job as a machinist, but am finding some financial troubles with my wife quitting her job and fighting depression, putting one child through college and now paying for that, and a daughter that just got married this summer which has also put us further in debt. Sorry for the venting, but having trouble keeping up and I think if I could get some steady orders going online with my vinyl decal business, it would make a huge difference right now.

My question is, and what I am just horrible at is the marketing. What is one of the fastest forms of marketing to get this rolling online as quick as possible. I should also mention that, it is a business that is listed on Etsy. Never thought I would be selling there, but it seemed like a very easy way of at least getting started. More of a challenge though to get sales than I thought it would be.


Inc. & Dividends ?

Hi there !

I do need clarification about one simple fact.

US based Inc. generates 100k annual profit
Corporate Tax on FED+State based on the 100k annual profit: ~30k

The Inc. decides to pay Dividends.
Can the company only pay out Dividends AFTER the taxes have been deducted from the profit ?
In that case, it would mean, the Inc. can only pay a maximum from 70k on Dividends since 30k are gone on FED+State taxes ?

OR... does it mean...

The Inc. could pay 100k on Dividends. The Inc. would NOT HAVE ANY PROFIT.
Therefore, the Inc. would NOT pay any FED and State taxes ?

And only the Shareholder who receives the 100k Dividends will be taxed ?

Thank you very much for any little help,
appreciate it !

How do we know that digital sales aren't being stolen?

I was wondering how do companies know that their digital sales aren't being stolen by the middle person? For example: iTunes music, Amazon ebooks, Steam games, Google adsense, etc...

Trade Show

I just returned from attending a trade show in Akron, OH. The show was tiny, but it is my bread and butter industry, so I believe I should be there. What are your thoughts? If a particular industry is 60% of your business, would you attend the trade show and be there for the customers? Or would you think, I've already conquered this industry, I should spend that trade show money trying to nurture another industry (one that you know you are involved in)?

I only spoke to a couple of customers. And one time I got lost in what I was explaining, and had to regroup. Kinda felt like an idiot. I wasn't planning on attending next time, but at the end of the show they give away a free booth and I won. So I will be there next time.

I heard someone talking about another trade show (different industry), I investigated it, and it looks promising. I'm going to visit, to see if it is a good idea to attend in the future. My product is used in many different industries, figuring out where money is best spent can be difficult.

vendredi 16 septembre 2016


Hello All,
I am newbie and my Name is Suman. I am blogger by profession and I am really exploring the SCM field these days. I am here to research a bit about the supply chain management and know more about it in order to excel myself in the same. I am gonna see through the valuable opinions of various individuals over here and benefit myself.

Printer suggestions for Marketing Materials?


My personal printer, although a "decent" quality home printer usually prints images like crap. Maybe because I use the cheap ink instead of the name brand.

I wish to buy a printer to print my own business cards, flyers, and other marketing materials. No huge images, and no actual photo quality or glossy paper needed. But it must print images and text crisply.

Experience printing on refilled cartridges?

Im just starting up, and am very low budget right now. I would say my max is around $200, but lower is nicer! If it prints 2000 flyers and 2000 business cards it has paid for itself.

Logo Copywriting

Or is it trademarking, registering, ect. I am pretty new to the legal stuff...

I am purchasing a logo from a freelance graphic designer via the website. Great website to get just about anything done for free btw!

Here is what is listed as including for most of these jobs.

Logo Package
Editable Source File
3D Mockup
High Resolution
Logo Transparency
Vector Source File
1 Logo Included
3 Revisions

Now my question is, is this enough for me to take legal ownership of this logo and copyright and trademark it on my own? Or do I need any documentation from the seller other than our sales contract.

Suppliers of online software store?

I wish I set up an online Software store,
Such as providing security software licenses (product key) and etc.

My question is how do I find the main suppliers?
And How can I get the products at a lower price for the Asian region? (Like Iran)
Thank you for your tips.

jeudi 15 septembre 2016

When is parody infringement?

There was a comment on another thread about whether or not you should worry about a cease and desist for parody site. That "they" wouldn't go after a small "fan" site. That the fan site is doing them a favor by giving them free press and attention.

OK, here's the thing.

If I had $1 for everyone who said this, I'd be wealthy.

First thing, it's not your call that it's OK because you're "giving" someone free press. Obviously they don't need your free press because you're piggy backing on them. Not the other way around. Bottom line is you can't be sure if they will or won't. Using someone's trademarked name is a definite no-no and anyone who is serious about protecting their brand will come after you no matter how small you are.

You're not doing them a favor. You're doing yourself a favor. They have a marketing team.

If you want to "give" them press, just ask. Most people or companies of any significance have press packs and updates that they gladly send to anyone who asks. No one takes kindly to anyone just taking what they want from their website and putting it on another website. The size of your operation is not the point.

Second thing is...if you try to make money on it, they will come after you. Having a gossip or niche blog that speaks about a variety of things is much different than having a site dedicated to one person, using all of their images, their name, and then trying to make money with it.

Yes fan and parody sites exist and most are harmless and allowed to exist. Where they run afoul is when they try to make money. Just because you see something online doesn't mean it's legal. It's the WORLD wide web. Not the United States web. Plenty of law breaking websites are hosted offshore and out of reach of the America legal system.

If you really have respect for the person that you're claim to be helping, you'd insure that you aren't infringing on their trademarks for personal gain and maybe even contact them. You'd be surprised how accommodating people and companies can be if you simply just ask.

Telecommunications for businesses

Here's how you can save hundreds of dollars on a monthly basis.

Because today's businesses rely on VoIP (Voice over IP) technology to stay connected, the relationship between "connectivity" and "mobility" is taking on a whole new meaning. It's not just about telephony anymore. It's about keeping tabs on web-based portals, interacting with customers while on the move and extending office communications far beyond the confines of the office.

Teltik Communications offers a state-of-the-art office PBX platform with powerful features that allow team members to stay connected wherever opportunity presents itself. Coupled with a mobility partner, using a solid network infrastructure, and aggressively pursuing the small to mid-sized business sector, Teltik Communications is the answer to all your telecommunication needs.

Creating your Teltik account and placing your first order, gives you a special telecommunications business package - a bundle of two powerful and cost-effective products.
1. Wireless service with unlimited talk, text, and data on the fastest growing nationwide 4G LTE network, for as a low as $25 a month.
2. PBX (Private Branch Exchange) cloud-phone system with a customized virtual receptionist that will give your business a great first impression.

Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn and stay tuned for our launching date. It'll be sooner than you know.


Hi Everybody... :)

Hi All,

We work in the area of business consultancy services. Mainly providing consulting on starting a business in UAE, focusing on Offshore, Freezone areas.

We joined this sites for extending our help to all those who need consulting in business matters,and help improve your business.

Feeling great to join this site and help as many people as we can. :D

Decent Birthday return gift

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Birthday return gift
Birthday return gifts options
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Attached Images

mercredi 14 septembre 2016

Hello All Forum Friends...

Hello To All,

You can call me Adam my (marketing name) and I am running my website through which i provide marketing and SEO services. I am new to this forum but I am doing this business from last 3+ years. Before i used to provide services to adult webmasters only but from last month i started providing services to mainstream websites too.

I hope i can find some good friends here and help them with any problem they are struggling from. Ofcourse my suggessions are completely free for all my friends:o

I hope you will find my suggessions helpful here.


learning more of running yuor business

Hi u can call me Kiptrying.

I am a Zimbabwean currently living in South-Africa . I started a project about six yrs ago on how to fix cell-phones, it was a hit for two yrs then my contract expired . now I have redesigned it to fit kids from the age of 10 going up .
now my problem is becoz I am paying everything myself and teaching these kids for free how can I find sponsors or how can go about it to make a self sustainable business?

Please review my parodic website

Hi everyone!

During my free time, I designed a website about the world famous YouTuber, PewDiePie.

It's a parodic website, based on his universe, lifestyle and jokes.

I made the coding, the design and the content.

I'm asking for reviews about the content, the design and if you have ideas about new sections I could add to this childish project.

Here is the URL:

Thank you for your time :)


Hi from Kuala Lumpur!

Hi everyone,

This is Faisal from Malaysia representing WebMedic.

We are a website maintenance company helping business owners focus on growing their business while we take care of their website.

Looking forward to learn and share more with the community.

Thank you

mardi 13 septembre 2016

I Made An Article On Medium

I decided to give Medium a try. It's actually very fun. I made an article about basically my life as an entrepreneur, but I would say I feel like I'm kind of being cocky in the article. Aside from that, here's the URL:

Please feel free to give me your honest advice and opinion. :D (this is what I have to resort to until SBF creates a fancy blog)

Business Name Feedback


I am new to this forum and it is great to read through many of the threads.

I am starting a new company and I would like a some opinions of this business name 'MetaData Media'. We do custom Theme development, Search Engine Optimization, Paid Search Marketing and Custom Mobile App Development.

Do you like it? Would the name fit for our services? Would it motivate you to find out more about our services?

Thanks for all your feedback!!

What issues do you face with your WordPress website?

Hi business owner,

We are working on a website maintenance service and interested to learn more about your website problems.

In return for answering our questions, we will work with you to fix the issues free of charge.

0. How many websites do you currently manage?

1. What do you use your website for? (ex: generating leads, online sales, informational)

2. Do you measure your website visitors? If yes, approx how many visitors per month? out of the visitors, approx how many of them convert to clients?

3. Who currently maintains (fixing bugs, customising, managing content) your website?

4. Do you do any online advertising that leads to your website? if yes, how is the conversion rate?

5. Top issues with managing and maintaining your website?

6. Are you interested in a free website health checkup? please share your websites here

7. Are you interested in outsourcing your website maintenance and management?

Looking forward to your feedback.

Thank you

Make sipmle for online leads

Hi friends,

I am marketing member of UK based company Awesome candy. I want to know how to use social media for generating leads for my products. Can you people help me?


lundi 12 septembre 2016

Use P.O. Box To Register Company?

Okay so since there's literally no age restriction (hooah!) on getting a P.O. box can I get a P.O. box in New Hampshire and set my business address to that P.O. box?

Any credit card which protects against fraud?

Hey guys, we have a Chase business card and called them up to ask if there is any protection against fraud, they said no. Is there any other card which offers protection please? If not, any insurance we can purchase?

What issues do you face with your website?

Hi business owners,

We want to help you fix all your WordPress problems.

What issues do you usually face with your website? how often do they happen? and what do you do about them usually?

Looking forward to your feedback.

Thank you

dimanche 11 septembre 2016

How do you build apps for your business?

I’ve been researching how small-to-medium sized business build apps. By “build apps”, I mean develop custom, user-facing software for core business processes. By "core", I mean unique and essential to the business, not common. if I were a deli, I wouldn’t try to build a custom food ordering app: I’d get an account on Seamless or Grubhub.

So, assuming no commercial off-the-shelf solutions exist, the four top options for getting a customer-facing or even just employee facing app seem to be:

  1. Consulting Agencies / Dev Shops
  2. Hiring Developers as contractors or employees
  3. Doing it yourself.
  4. App Builders

The first three seem pretty expensive or difficult. I’ve heard that “App Builders” are supposedly the best mix of “easy” and “productive”, but in my experience, most of them seem “cookie cutter”. Great for content on websites, and not so great when users need to go through complicated, business specific flows.

That said; what is your perspective on building apps for your business? What have your experiences been like?

buying an established online business

im interested in buying just about any type of lucrative established online business which i can only assume is recession proof. im new to online business industry and want to buy an established online business that deals particularly in united states dollars. i live all the way in argentina and although we dont officially use the u.s. dollar i dont think that, that should be an issue but this might be, The 5 Major Risks of Buying an Online Business | what kinds of established online businesses are truly lucrative and recession proof assuming we can even say that? how can i go about what kind of established online businesses are as recession proof as they come? can someone please help me because i have the capital but dont know what decision to make???????? rsvp. thank you.

What comes first ?

Hi there !

I am kinda confused and have the following issue:
I don't have an office yet, and I don't have formed a new company yet.

a) when filing for the registration of my new company I am asked for the business address - which I don't have yet.
b) and when I am asking to rent a new office, the broker/landlord is asking to provide the necessary information of my company - which is not formed yet.

So what should I do first ?
Renting a space and writing the contract on my private name ?

It's kinda confusing !
Thank you very much for any little help !
appreciate it !

Cat Cafe without the Cafe idea

Help me out here:

So there's tons of research that says that hanging out with pets boost productivity and reduces stress. In Japan, they have these animal cafes with all sorts of critters that you pay to hang out with and have a coffee. Since US food safety doesn't like mixing live animals with food, I was thinking of nixing the cafe part of the Japanese cat cafe entirely. It would be geared to students and creative types looking for a place to work where there are also cats to hang out with. So, more like a library than a cafe. I'm not sure where exactly to go for this type of thing, because people who replicate the cat cafe model in the states just make two separate enterprises with a door connecting coffee shop with room filled with cats. I do know some of the odds and ends of how I want to run this, but I don't have a one-to-one model I could base my operation on.

I think there is a huge market in college towns for this sort of thing, and nixing food prep would ease the FDA off my back, but how doable would this venture be?

Bad computer luck

Man, this week has been unlucky for me.

Thursday night, my CPU or motherboard in my desktop computer died suddenly. Not overheating, no power issues. Just died an instant death. So I ordered a replacement CPU and motherboard, and opted for water cooling (I have overheated it a few times in the past - likely a contributing factor).

I had a part of a project nearly finished, but I hadn't pushed the changes up yet. So I figured I'd work on another part over the weekend while suffering through the limitations of my laptop.

Then the hard drive in my laptop died a noisy death. Finally, that SATA/IDE->USB kit I bought on clearance several years ago (and had never opened) came in handy! It took several hours (because of all of the damaged sectors) to clone the old drive to a new Samsung 850 EVO SSD and to repair the recoverable corrupt files, but I'm finally up and running again.

A friend of mine told me to not come near any of his machines until I have clearance from a doctor that I am free of whatever virus I seem to have been carrying the past couple of days.

samedi 10 septembre 2016

Google will soon notify Chrome users of unsecure websites

This is huge news.


In an announcement published to the Google Security Blog on Thursday, the search giant said users of its Chrome browser will be warned when accessing non-secure websites, starting January 2017.
Users won't be blocked from accessing non-secure sites, but they will be alerted when visiting an address that doesn't use an encrypted connection.

From Google


To help users browse the web safely, Chrome indicates connection security with an icon in the address bar. Historically, Chrome has not explicitly labelled HTTP connections as non-secure. Beginning in January 2017 (Chrome 56), we’ll mark HTTP sites that transmit passwords or credit cards as non-secure, as part of a long-term plan to mark all HTTP sites as non-secure.

This will undoubtedly have a huge impact on everyone. Whether or not your site asks for credit card or personal information, I'm sure no one wants their users and website visitors seeing that warning.

Will any of you update your website security, or is it no big deal?

cheap upwork accountant VS doing it yourself

Freelance graphic designer, no idea what I'm doing with taxes/accounting. Currently work a full time job but I want to freelance on the side.

Does accounting software like quickbooks or wave take care of taxes as well? Does it know if I need to do quarterly reports or just yearly? Does it know who I need to pay taxes to: local,state, federal? Does it know how much I need to pay in taxes?

Should I trust a cheap worker from India on upwork to take care of stuff like this for me if I have no idea what I'm doing? I'm pretty good with computers and wouldn't mind doing it myself if I knew what I was getting myself into. I just don't want to **** anything up and get fined by the IRS :)

What do you do? What do you recommend?

vendredi 9 septembre 2016

Research, analysis and verification of information

We provide assistance in the collection, validation and structuring of information:

1. Find unavailable market information, check your contragents, their connections, information, data and documents in CIS and Eastern Europe.
2. Develop and check any kind of financial and marketing documentation (financial models, memo, researchs e.t.c.).
3. Make valuation of business, assets, investment projects, check valuation reports.

We have dozens of projects and good expertise in a number of sectors of the economy in CIS and Eastern Europe, the cost is modest.

Allways ready to answer your questions.

Kids Quran online | Quran teaching online academy | 6 kalmias in Islam in Arabic & Ur

Quran For Kids is International & professional World Leading Quran Academy. We offer experience Male & Female Quran Tutor, Special for Kids Online Leering, learn Quran online with tajweed and contact to more Islamic Learning.

jeudi 8 septembre 2016

2 things people hate most about brands on social media

A common question around here is "How do I use social media to promote my company".

To me this question starts out with a flawed premise that social media is there for you to promote your company. That it is a stand alone thing that you do, and not part of an overall marketing strategy. I've learned that when you have a well balanced, thought out plan you don't have to struggle with what to do on social media. Your social media persona is guided by that plan.

A good plan develops out of knowing who you are, who your target market is, and being able to speak directly to them about the things that they care about. You also need to have professionalism in your presentation of that message, and a purpose.

Most times small businesses don't have a brand, don't have a plan, and aren't realistic about who their market is. So of course nothing they do for marketing works.

Good article from Hootsuite that warns of the mistakes that most companies make on social media and how they do more harm to their brand than good.


So what is it about the way some brands behave on social that people resent? We asked our Twitter followers that question, and the answer largely comes down to two critical mistakes that too many brands continue to make: Focusing too much on themselves, and trying too hard to act like the cool kid in the room.

Is it safe to use advertising services?

When I ventured forums about websites promotion/advertisement, I saw lots of posts about their websites promotion/advertising services. I'm just wondering if this is safe enough to entrust these kinds of service, also are these services work better than self-working?.
My leader always tell me that it's better to do it ourselves but personally I'm not entirely sure why.

Question about forming LLC in Delaware and taxes

I am(US citizen currently in NJ) planning to form a LLC in US (lets say BalanceMark LLC) in Delaware State and have following questions

It would be doing business with a company in UK (lets say Rapid Force Solutions)

1. Customers in US would be paying to LLC in US - BalanceMark LLC using cheque or credit card. This money would eventually go to US Bank account held by BalanceMark LLC (via merchant account)

2. Twice a month, around 75% money would be transferred from BalanceMark LLC bank account to bank account in UK(held by UKcompany Rapid Force) as expense. Is this a perfect thing to do from legal perspective or any limits etc needs to be taken care of here?

Can you please let me know how the tax calculation would be done for BalanceMark LLC and expenses(profit/loss/etc) go for this?

For eg
1. US LLC (BalanceMark LLC) gets $10,000 from customers every month
2. It transfers $7000(including the wire charge) to UK company for expenses
3. So, assuming there are additional $500 expenses in US, $2500 is net balance in the US LLC = net profit ?
Now, how much should be paid in taxes? And since this is an LLC, the individual holding the company need not pay any other taxes or he has to pay any taxes?

Is S-corp recommended for above or LLC is best way to go? Would legalzoom be the best way to form the company?

Hello Fellas

Hello, I just join a startups(Aim Technology) as a SEO Manager here. We are located in India.
Just want to get advises about how to grow this company.
Any suggestion would be appriciated

mercredi 7 septembre 2016

Buying out initial partner- need "word problems" to define terms

Hi, Hope this is in the right forum.

I am part of a small 3 person company (including myself!) that is growing like crazy.

One of the founding partners cannot deal with any risk or liabilities and wants out. The remaining partner and I are trying to hash out a buyout deal with her.

The main sticking point is that she wants 2% of sales for the next year. We are offering 4% of revenue after costs.

I need some verbiage (story problems) to help explain to her why her 2% of sales demand is bad for the company.

Background: this is a generous offer, because the 2 partners are brother and sister. So far, it has been amiable, but this is the point we cannot seem to explain to her. Also, I barely have a grasp on this myself...I am the production manager, not the great business mind behind it all. Also, for the last 2 years, we netted about $20K, so...not a ton of cash here!

All help is appreciated.

Telecommunications for businesses - how to boost marketing and sales?

Hi everyone, I'm Joe.

I run a startup company that will offer businesses telecommunication solutions, including great cellphone service for the cheapest price to be found anywhere.

I'm new to Small Business Forums, and still learning what it has to offer.

If anybody has any specific ideas on how to promote my business on social media (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc.) I'd greatly appreciate.

Feel free to message me directly or ask on this forum for more details.

Thanks all.

Crowd Funding Resellers License Question

Hello all,

This is my first post, and I have a question that I can't seem to get a straight answer from, even from Kickstarter or Indiegogo.

I am starting a new business. It's based on an invention I have been working on based on over two decades of experience.

I have decided to raise funding through CrowdFunding (CF) and in that am getting pricing quotes for all the machining and manufacturing I am going to need. CF has a rewards system which includes a Tier that will be giving a product if a certain milestone is donated to.

My question is whether I need to have a resellers license for this. I spoke to the Franchise Tax board and they were literally of no help. I spoke to Kickstarter and Indiegogo to ask them and they both came back with two different answers.

Granted, the one I liked was that because we are giving the item, we would not need to have a resellers license, but the other said because we are giving an item as an exchange for funding we would.

Thoughts, opinions, laws? Kinda stuck here.

Should startup loan be repayed out of salary or as business expense?

I am in the very early thought process of starting a business with a friend. He was going to get financing from his mother as a gift, but realized the startup costs would be too much. I decided I would put together a business plan and go to a family member to get a loan or investment. My question is, if my friend gets half of the startup capital as a gift and I get the other half as a loan, should that loan be repayed as a business expense or should it be a personal loan that I repay out of my salary?

mardi 6 septembre 2016

Hello everyone!

I am new member here, hope to learn something news.

Hello We are The Bargain Page

We Opened a Family Owned and Operated
General Merchandise Discount Outlet Store.
We are Located in OHIO 44718.
Just South Of Belden Village Mall.

We are here Looking for tips on how to get our Name out there and Bring Customers into
Our Store.
Thank You And Have A Great Day.

Hi Guys, Another startup is here

Hey Guys,
I m working with a startup. I am a SEO Manager(with just 1 year of!)
So technically I need a number of advises, checklist, what to do or what not to do...
please help me for my website.
I want to make it perfect as all the other want to do, but don't know how to do it exactly!:(
Please tell me anything for improve my business website.

lundi 5 septembre 2016

Advice please. Self employment

Ok. I am currently in a partnership and have been for 9 years, however this is with my wife and we are separated. I an going to be working self employed in the building trade now on my own rather than the shop which the partnership is run. Do I set up another business in my name? I don't wish for the two to become one business, as we shall be divorced and she will retain the shop?

samedi 3 septembre 2016

Fitness Center Management Company, NJ

Fitness One Management is an experienced, first class fitness management company. We are comprised of a team of dedicated individuals with extensive industry experience in fitness club sales, start-up, marketing, and consulting. We don’t follow the pack, and we’re proud of it. Why just stay ahead of the trends when you can create the trends, the buzz, and the following that everyone clamors to imitate?

Help us help you, let us use our years of health and fitness experience to make your fitness center a thriving success with pre-sales, ongoing support and consultation, expert assistance in all facets of the industry.

Visit our website to know more details about our business plan and also about our services. Thanks..................


Hello All,

How's everyone doing?

vendredi 2 septembre 2016

Does Everything Sound Right To You?

I'm almost done registering my company in New Hampshire. Now I just want to see if this all sounds correct to you or do you think I'm missing anything:
The total cost is coming out to about $200 to register the company.

$100 State filing fee
$0 EIN
$49 registered agent fee
$50 Trade name (DBA) registration
Total: $199

All accounting will be done by myself until I can afford an accountant. As the company will be registered as an LLC, there shouldn't be a lot of bookkeeping anyways.

In the state of New Hampshire there is no minimum age requirement for registration of an LLC, and you can get an EIN whilst being under 18 apparently according to the internet. But if not I'll have to get my dad involved or something.

I don't have an attorney nor $300+ an hour to spend on one, so that's out of the question at the moment :P

Do these costs seem legit or do you think I'm missing something? Another thing I'm missing is a name, but I'll figure that out before I send it to the Secretary of State.

Should I offer health insurance so that I can cover my wife's cancer treatment ASAP ?

I have a small business in WA with one part-time employee, and I get my health insurance (along with my kids) thru my wife's job. She needs expensive cancer treatment ASAP not covered by her insurance (we have used up all covered in-network treatment options).

Cancer treatment/trials run in the $100k, and we cannot wait until Open Enrollment in November to start coverage in January, so we don't want to go the individual insurance route, but try our options from the small business perspective, since I understand there are apparently no time limitations for enrollment.

Do I have to pay for my employee insurance in order to cover my wife's treatment? If he doesn't want insurance, do I just need to document it, and I can get coverage for my wife? I wish we could still keep her existing coverage for our kids. Would she need to stop insurance coverage completely from her employer in order to START the new coverage, or can we keep the existing insurance for all of us in parallel?

We need to figure this out ASAP, so thank you for any responses and suggestions you might have.


jeudi 1 septembre 2016

Finding first franchisee (several questions)


My name is Anthony. My father and his business partner own a successful home services business that operates in Washington and Idaho. The company provides full service landscaping and home exterior maintenance for households. Around six months ago, the company took the first steps into franchising, registering with Franchise Direct (a company focused on locating and vetting potential franchisees) and completing all necessary steps for the franchising process, such as development of the franchisee handbook, etc. Initially, the response was very good; many leads came in and were promising; however, after interviewing the potential candidates, none met all of the qualifications necessary (some were located outside of our target franchise regions, didn't have enough capital, not enough experience, etc.). My father understands the importance of signing a high-quality franchisee (especially as your 'first'), and so they decided to pass on these franchisees.

The stream of leads has seemed to dry up, and I have been brought into the company to help with the franchise process. I do not come from a business background (education), so any advice would be much appreciated.

Currently, this is what is being done or has been done:

* Our website contains links to complete franchise information

* Profile on Franchise-Direct with franchisee vetting service

* Craigslist posts in preferred franchise regions

My questions:

1. What is the best way to find high-quality franchisees?

2. What is the best way to find franchisees within a specific region? (Pacific NW, for example).

3. What is the best way to "get the word out" about the company in areas where the company currently does not operate? (e.g. how would we find potential franchisees in Seattle area, for example, when the company does not operate there?)

4. What is the best way to increase awareness of the company, specifically to franchisees?

5. Is there any other tips that you would give me? While the company has been in the process of franchising for six months, I am just starting at the company.

Thank you in advance,


Finding Inventory/Products Message Board

Hello everyone,

I'm looking for inventory, and I've heard there are forums where you can post what products you need. Does anyone have suggestions of sites that I can use?

Thank you. :)

Registering My Business At My Grandmother's Address?

Long story short I'm starting a software company. The main product is currently in development (costs about $5k to make). However, I also would like to register the company as an LLC in New Hampshire. The only issue is I live in Maine and have a physical address there. However, my grandmother lives about 10 minutes from me but lives in New Hampshire. I've already gotten her okay for this, but would it be legally advisable if, before I have the opportunity to open a small office in NH, could I set my business's address to hers? I am paying a local registered agent service to handle the registered agent things. I also will be getting insurance from a New Hampshire based company. Can I do this even if I 'secretly' operate from my home in Maine?

What is the state of web design biz going forward?

Hate to be so serious, but with so many web designers on the forum I wanted to hear some other perspectives.

I've been contemplating this for well over 2 years now. If you've followed any other threads that I've commented on, I frequently tell people that getting into business doing JUST web design is a losing battle these days.

With so many DIY options now, the average boot strapping small business who once saw hiring a web designer as a necessity now seem to be perfectly happy throwing up a Wix, Go Daddy Site Builder, or Squarespace site and never looking back till years later if/when their endeavor takes off and they need something a little more custom.

I personally think this is backwards thinking, especially if your entire business is web based, however, I can't deny that some of the DIY solutions are good enough for many people who just want a presence up and don't expect much from it ( even though everyone has delusions that their website will be insanely popular for some reason).

I kind of saw this coming a few years back when Squarespace started, and then Intuit,, Wix, and Go Daddy started getting into the game offering introductory offers that were insanely cheap. They aren't selling awesome websites, they're selling "good enough" and it's eaten into a market that we used to control alone. I knew then that not enough people understood anything more than putting some pictures and words together, and that these services would kill us with the average user who knows nothing...which is most of them.

Over the past 2 years I've pivoted to offering more marketing type services and repairs, which are now 90% of my business (thank God for crap hosting and user error). But how much longer will that last? I've done well specializing in WordPress since so many people use it, and are loyal to it, but even that's getting a little weaker now that WordPress is almost bug free.

Most of my work today are hack repairs/recovery, updates, redesigns, and customization. I do still get the older business who now wants something more custom and robust, but I rarely get the small business, new website start up anymore. 7 years ago THAT was 90% of my business.

The amount of people that now call me who are doing it themselves and just want a few hours technical support has grown. It used to be non existent, now it's most of my design related calls. And of course there's always going to be the "Just take care of it and send an invoice" customer. My favorite :).

The big gold rush of getting sites online is over. The big push to mobile ready is kind of over. The big SEO rush is kind of over since Google has matured, and that is combined with small businesses are seemingly less and less interested in doing more than the basics. More people are interested in doing well on Social Media than they are in the SERP's.

The amount of small business owners who care about design is shrinking. Mainly since most figure they've "done it once" and either got burned or since it wasn't wildly successful that it's not worth it anymore. That good enough is good enough. Consequently the amount of crap DIY or old websites is growing, and it doesn't seem to be as urgent as it used to be for many people.

So what's the answer for a small web design firm? Even if you pivot to a more advanced market, with more complicated, higher dollar sites, I gotta say things are a lot less maintenance than they used to be, and larger firms that need continuing support are hiring in house with all of the old freelance web designers now looking for jobs.

That's not to say the business is dead. There's always going to be a need, it's just smaller now, cheaper now, and more people than ever in the market.

How does a small design or support shop compete with a corporate call center who pays people $12 to answer phones and fix basic issues? Or overseas freelancers that have now gotten the hang of this market and work for cheap? The answer? You can't.

Keeping loyal long term customers is more important than ever, but you also have to offer them more. Be their go to person for everything web and marketing. I see it as the only way.

I've also started learning new skills so that I can develop my own products. Just seems like the natural progression.

So what do you guys think? If you've been in this for a few years, you had to have noticed the change in the market.
Where do you think it will go? Do you have plans to evolve, change, or get out completely?

What is the state of web design going forward?

Hate to be so serious, but with so many web designers on the forum I wanted to hear some other perspectives.

I've been contemplating this for well over 2 years now. If you've followed any other threads that I've commented on, I frequently tell people that getting into business doing JUST web design is a losing battle these days.

With so many DIY options now, the average boot strapping small business who once saw hiring a web designer as a necessity now seem to be perfectly happy throwing up a Wix, Go Daddy Site Builder, or Squarespace site and never looking back till years later if/when their endeavor takes off and they need something a little more custom.

I personally think this is backwards thinking, especially if your entire business is web based, however, I can't deny that some of the DIY solutions are good enough for many people who just want a presence up and don't expect much from it ( even though everyone has delusions that their website will be insanely popular for some reason).

I kind of saw this coming a few years back when Squarespace started, and then Intuit,, Wix, and Go Daddy started getting into the game offering introductory offers that were insanely cheap. They aren't selling awesome websites, they're selling "good enough" and it's eaten into a market that we used to control alone. I knew then that not enough people understood anything more than putting some pictures and words together, and that these services would kill us with the average user who knows nothing...which is most of them.

Over the past 2 years I've pivoted to offering more marketing type services and repairs, which are now 90% of my business (thank God for crap hosting and user error). But how much longer will that last? I've done well specializing in WordPress since so many people use it, and are loyal to it, but even that's getting a little weaker now that WordPress is almost bug free.

Most of my work today are hack repairs/recovery, updates, redesigns, and customization. I do still get the older business who now wants something more custom and robust, but I rarely get the small business, new website start up anymore. 7 years ago THAT was 90% of my business.

The amount of people that now call me who are doing it themselves and just want a few hours technical support has grown. It used to be non existent, now it's most of my design related calls. And of course there's always going to be the "Just take care of it and send an invoice" customer. My favorite :).

The big gold rush of getting sites online is over. The big push to mobile ready is kind of over. The big SEO rush is kind of over since Google has matured, and that is combined with small businesses are seemingly less and less interested in doing more than the basics. More people are interested in doing well on Social Media than they are in the SERP's.

So what's the answer for a small web design firm? Even if you pivot to a more advanced market, with more complicated, higher dollar sites, I gotta say things are a lot less maintenance than they used to be, and larger firms that need continuing support are hiring in house with all of the old freelance web designers now looking for jobs.

That's not to say the business is dead. There's always going to be a need, it's just smaller now, cheaper now, and more people than ever in the market.

How does a small design or support shop compete with a corporate call center who pays people $12 to answer phones and fix basic issues? Or overseas freelancers that have now gotten the hang of this market and work for cheap? The answer? You can't.

Keeping loyal long term customers is more important than ever, but you also have to offer them more. Be their go to person for everything web and marketing. I see it as the only way.

I've also started learning new skills so that I can develop my own products. Just seems like the natural progression.

So what do you guys think? If you've been in this for a few years, you had to have noticed the change in the market.
Where do you think it will go, and what are your plans to evolve?