samedi 17 septembre 2016

Trade Show

I just returned from attending a trade show in Akron, OH. The show was tiny, but it is my bread and butter industry, so I believe I should be there. What are your thoughts? If a particular industry is 60% of your business, would you attend the trade show and be there for the customers? Or would you think, I've already conquered this industry, I should spend that trade show money trying to nurture another industry (one that you know you are involved in)?

I only spoke to a couple of customers. And one time I got lost in what I was explaining, and had to regroup. Kinda felt like an idiot. I wasn't planning on attending next time, but at the end of the show they give away a free booth and I won. So I will be there next time.

I heard someone talking about another trade show (different industry), I investigated it, and it looks promising. I'm going to visit, to see if it is a good idea to attend in the future. My product is used in many different industries, figuring out where money is best spent can be difficult.

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