mardi 20 septembre 2016

Help with growing my business

Hello all,

My name is Sam and I am partner in a second home management company. We have been open for 9years now and the company is growing great (around a 30% growth a year). We receive around 3-5 new properties a year which a nice grow rate but I would like to increase this. I have started spending allot more in advertisements (Online adds, magazine adds, print adds) and all tho it creates some brand awareness my ROI is literally 0%.
I know that most (90%) of my clients come from referrals so I decided to great a referrals program, one for my existing clients and one with local business. However this still hasn't worked the way I was expecting it.

We are located by a number of luxury resorts where the properties here worth up to 20mil, it seems incredibly difficult to attract new customers. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Cheers, S

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