dimanche 11 septembre 2016

Bad computer luck

Man, this week has been unlucky for me.

Thursday night, my CPU or motherboard in my desktop computer died suddenly. Not overheating, no power issues. Just died an instant death. So I ordered a replacement CPU and motherboard, and opted for water cooling (I have overheated it a few times in the past - likely a contributing factor).

I had a part of a project nearly finished, but I hadn't pushed the changes up yet. So I figured I'd work on another part over the weekend while suffering through the limitations of my laptop.

Then the hard drive in my laptop died a noisy death. Finally, that SATA/IDE->USB kit I bought on clearance several years ago (and had never opened) came in handy! It took several hours (because of all of the damaged sectors) to clone the old drive to a new Samsung 850 EVO SSD and to repair the recoverable corrupt files, but I'm finally up and running again.

A friend of mine told me to not come near any of his machines until I have clearance from a doctor that I am free of whatever virus I seem to have been carrying the past couple of days.

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