jeudi 29 septembre 2016

Bank fraud

My company was recently the victim of bank fraud, losing £5,500 in a fraudulent payment. My bank is HSBC and they have carried out a very biased investigation that was more about pinning blame on me than getting to the truth.

Has anyone else faced a similar problem? How did their bank handle the situation? Has anyone taken this to the banking ombudsman?

I was shocked to learn that customers are not very well protected in law against bank fraud and recent news stories suggest that many high street banks are adopting a hard stance. This can only encourage more fraud. Throughout the process so far it has felt as if HSBC and myself are on opposite sides of a dispute - not on the same side against the fraudster.

I actually telephoned the bank while the fraud was being committed but waited for more than an hour in the bank's queuing system - this was on a fraud reporting number. By the time I got through, it was too late, and then, while the fraudster was telephoning me to gloat (my son picked up the telephone), I had to listen to a lady from HSBC lecture me about security. Throughout the process, I have found HSBC staff completely unhelpful - it is as if they are in denial.

Fraud is actually commonplace and you would think that the banks would be leaning over backwards to involve customers in the battle. Anyway, interested in hearing the views of others.

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