vendredi 30 septembre 2016

Attracted so many new customers, we had to turn people away. How we did it…

This is my second post - and it’s a long one.

Full Disclosure: I have a selfish motive for sharing this… no I’m not trying to sell you anything.

I’m going to share with you exactly how I flooded a local business with more new customers than they can handle. They were swamped with so many new customers they had to turn people away and refer them to competitors!

If you have a local business, you should copy this idea - like tomorrow. I’m going to share with you exactly what I did.

What is my selfish motive?

Over the years I have read countless articles about the power of giving away your BEST information for free without expecting anything in return. The theory is that when you do this, somehow it will come back to you - most of the time not ‘directly’. Instead ‘indirectly’ through other people in the future. Call it karma if you will.

Still not sure how much I believe this, though I do believe it to some degree. I’ve heard a lot of stories and I want to put it to the ultimate test. I want to give away my best information to as many people as possible and see if anything significant happens.

For the past 10 years I have successfully helped businesses grow and attract new customers, and what I’m about to freely share with you has worked better than ANYTHING else I have ever done… ever. My client literally increased annualized revenue by $1.2 million in less than six months - at a cost of only $7,500.

This is literally the BEST idea I have had in 10 years. So I’m going to test this karma thing out by freely sharing with you my most successful idea ever. I plan to freely share this on as many forums as possible to make my test more effective.

By the way...

I’m NOT going to share my company name.
I’m NOT going to share my company website.
I’m NOT going to post my company contact information.
I’m NOT going to hold back any “secrets” and ask you to pay for it.

My point is… I’m not here to try and sell you information, coaching, training, whatever.

Anyways, here is the most successful idea I’ve ever implemented for a client. If you have a local business, you should definitely go do this.

You should organize a “Ladies Eat Free” event in your city. During the event, every lady in your city can receive a free meal at any local restaurant that participates in the event. The restaurant covers the cost of the food.

In order to eat for free, ladies must visit the restaurant with a guy. The guy can be their friend, father, brother, boyfriend, husband, co-worker, son, uncle - doesn’t matter.

The guy pays for their own meal, but the lady eats for free. Ladies must present a voucher to get their meal for free. The voucher can be printed from their computer.

Here is how you can get a TON of new customers...

Build a special website just for the event. Promote your company on the website. Tell everyone the event is sponsored by your company. Talk about your company and give everyone your contact information.

Lastly, require everyone to sign up for your email list in order to receive the vouchers that must be presented at the restaurants.

68,234 people signed up for our email list when we did this and my client got a TON of exposure.

This is in a city of 279,000 people. Word about the event spreads quickly. Who doesn’t love free food?

You will have both guys and ladies signing up for your email list. Guys sign up so they can take out their dates or their wives without having to pay for their meal. And obviously ladies sign up so they can get free food.

If you organize this event, people all over your city will know your company. Your company will become very popular in the area. People will love you and thank you for organizing such an awesome event.

Do this and you’re going to receive a flood of new customers without wasting money on advertising that doesn’t work. My client is a dentist. He got so many new patients, he had to turn people away. He even had to refer people to his competitors! It was freakin crazy.

His annualized revenue increased by $1.2 million in a very short time period - less than six months from when I organized the event for him.

Here is the icing on the cake:

You now have thousands of people you can email any time you want to promote your company. Just be careful not to spam them.

As the event sponsor, you should be emailing everyone on the list during the event. You should be emailing them about different things related to event, all while promoting your company at the same time.

For example, you should email everyone during the event to “remind” them not to forget to attend. Promote something about your company in the same email. Email them again towards the end of the event to “remind” them the event is about to end. Promote something about your company in the email.

Email them again after the event is over to “thank” everyone for attending. You guessed it, you should also promote something about your company in the same email. Once the event is over, get creative about reasons to email everyone. Just be careful not to spam them with blatant advertisements.

That’s pretty much it.

You should definitely do this… like tomorrow. Seriously.

You can literally attract as many new customers as you want. It doesn’t matter what type of local business you own. This will work for you too.

I have never seen this done before. The opportunity is wide open. When I got the idea, I said to myself, “this is freakin brilliant!”

I did everything for my client, including building the website for the event, convincing local restaurants to participate, and marketing the event.

Convincing the restaurants to give free food to the ladies was time consuming and a little challenging, though I got it done. Maybe I can come back and explain more about how to do that.

Marketing the event is very important too. You have to market free stuff just as much as stuff that costs money. Though once a good chunk of people know about the event, the word spreads like wildfire.

I could very easily charge companies to train them how to do this, though as I explained above, I decided to test this karma thing by freely sharing it rather than charging for consulting as I normally do.

This is the best idea I ever had for a client. As they say, my client is laughing all the way to the bank.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask. I will do the best I can to answer your questions.


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