jeudi 22 septembre 2016

Which Social Media Platform You Should Use!

A lot of people wonder what social media platform they should use, so I figured since I had some experience in this, I might share what I do, and tactics on how to get certain things across to people around the world.

The first thing you want to do, is determine who your audience is. Social media really is a huge factor within a business. Depending on who you're targeting, social media isn't even always the key. A lot older people don't even know how to use a computer, let alone know what a tweet is. So what are you looking for? Are you targeting people that are about the age of 15-50? I think that's a decent range for social media. I've seen younger people use social media, and some older people as well too.

Now that you have your target, you're going to need to spread your social media. So what platform should you use? How do you use it, and what's the best way of going about it?


Graphics and content are a HUGE key to anything online. People like to be attracted to things. It catches their eye, then their attention, and goes from there. Did you know they did a study about babies trusting the more attractive people more? Well, think of this the same way. Pages, websites, and accounts that seem more professional, presentable and nice, seem to get a lot of attention. Obviously this doesn't mean they're better, but it gives them an advantage because they look professional and well-grounded. So make sure your graphics are looking good. The other thing is content, this is a HUGE factor as well. You want to engage people. You caught them with the flashy pictures and moving parts on a website, but now you need to back that up. You need to create content specific to what you're giving. People generally don't like being confused or not knowing what's going on. They feel more comfortable and willing when they understand and have something to follow.


Facebook is a great platform to use when you want to get personal. People on Facebook usually have friends, family, and close affiliates added. That being said, you want to target people and make sure they see it. Humans are curious and generally investigate things. That's why people stare at accidents on the side of the road; they are CURIOUS. What does that mean? Well, if one person shares something, their friends, family and close affiliates will see that content. Since they're close, they're going to be curious and most likely check it out as well. That's why most of the phishing that happens on Facebook spreads quickly. They send friends links to phishing websites, and it's just a huge spider web of things going on. There's people of all ages using Facebook. I've seen people who are 12, and people who are almost 70 using Facebook. This is a HUGE platform to get going on and building whatever it is you're trying to build. Go make a page, get some good graphics, and post some good content. Engage with people. Make it personal.


This platform is a little different, because your fan base can be everywhere. Most people on Twitter follow people who they don't know, people they know, and celebrities. This is where you can get them. Posting tweets that relate to people is really good. A lot of people always re-tweet things that relate to their life and needs/wants. So you can tweet about things like that, and add a link to whatever you tweet. Explain in a few words how it would help someone. Engage with people as well, cause Twitter is huge for engaging. People love gettings @'s, and favorites/re-tweets. Let them know that you're interested. Study a little bit about them, and engage. Do this with 50-100 people, and then after that your tweets might start spreading.


This one is pretty huge for younger people most of the time. Also great in general, because let's be honest.... Who doesn't love an awesome picture that looks really cool? Instagram allows you to post interesting things, add filters, and edit images. As well as comment, tag people, and like things. As long as your content is good, people will most likely follow. They want to see more of the great things you have to offer. Think outside the box though; don't go posting pictures of your website and pages online of your products. Take personal pictures of yourself, and oceans, houses, and whatever else might be engaging. You DO NOT need to post pictures of one thing every time. People tend to like varieties, as long as they're good to them. So maybe take an awesome picture of the sky, or a nice car, and tell them you're living the happy life thanks to your company or something.


Those are MY big three social media sites that I use. Of course there's Pinterest and other ones too, but I like to focus on those three. Another great tip, is to search hash tags that are related to what you're doing, and like peoples content. Sometimes they'll follow back and like your stuff as well. The opportunities are endless with social media, and it's all about how you present yourself, and how you can engage with your targets. You want them to feel like they have a purpose to look at your content, or present something that they might like.

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