mardi 27 septembre 2016

Business Plan Writing Tips

Hey there,

How are you all doing?

I started my Business Plan Writing rubrics a while ago on and the Wordpress blog. I am just posting helpful tips for those who plan on writing a full-fledged BP for their upcoming business venture. I am even assisting novice entrepreneurs in the write-up process to make sure they are on the right path. Now I decided to share the tips here on the SBF forum. Hope that helps. If you have an experience please share it in this thread.

How To Write a Business Plan? (First Steps)

The question of how to write a business plan has significant value for all entrepreneurs who plan on launching a new venture. The more detailed and deliberate a business plan is, the less open questions and uncertainties remain. As a matter of fact there could be a number of reasons of why people need a business plan creation. Thereby various types of business plans exist and designed for specific situations and certain conditions.

If you belong to the type of entrepreneurs that apply for a bank loan to get fundings then most likely your financial part should reflect clear and reasonable financial statements with detailed descriptions of ROI ratios and Break Even analysis. The faster your business breakevens (as per your BP) the better chances you’ve got to receive fundings from a lender.

Any business plan is a combination of 3 to 4 shorter plans synchronized with each other to provide a full picture of the business idea. Every BP should contain a marketing plan, an operational plan, a legal plan and a financial plan. Each of those has to have defined goals, whereas underlying strategies and methods show how the goals will be achieved.

At the beginning of each business plan, an angel investor (or any other fund provider) should see an executive summary and a brief idea description. They both give an outlook of the viability and reasons of why this particular business would gain in the future. At the end, a business plan unveils critical risk factors that could threaten the venture’s existence. In addition, a business exit strategy plays a vital role too. It tells what should be done in case of a failure and what is a plan B for the owners to secure at least part of the invested capital.

In later posts we will be observing the types of business plans as well as their integral parts and also what one should do to create a perfect BP.

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