mercredi 21 septembre 2016

Are online wedding businesses even profitable?

I was brainstorming ideas of what I’m interested in. I came up with weddings and dogs (what girl isn’t?). I was thinking of doing online retail for wedding favors, bridal gifts, and wedding shower gift packages for the bride. Also to sell gently used wedding and bridesmaid dresses and rent some decor. Eventually I would like to have it turn into a community providing discussion forums and also maybe partner up with someone and offer personalized items.

Seeing my friends start their businesses and have it successful has inspired and motivated me to really get going and not waiting for the perfect moment. Example, my boyfriend's friend has a highly successful online business servicing businesses with high-end cards for memberships, gifts, business, etc. I looked online and it brings in nearly 1 million in revenue! He now has offices in Hong Kong and Australia.

I want to do my own thing. I want to be able to pursue something without quitting my full time job. My job is cushiony and okay but I have no passion in it!

Anyway, can online wedding details make any money at all? I don't need to be rich...just not poor! I currently make $40,000 so if I can make that at least I would be okay but of course eventually want to grow.

I plan on researching a bit about search engine optimization and social media marketing. I already know a bit about it because I created a website, Instagram, and Facebook for my parent’s business which now has over 1,000 likes and people even find our business because of it!

So is this worth a shot?

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