lundi 19 septembre 2016

Name space collision?

I thought I had settled on a name for a business that would sell handmade and household goods online through Etsy and Amazon (depending on whether the good is more handmade or manufactured). The .com version of the name URL is squatted on, but not by anyone actually using the URL for business. I have the .co. No one has the .net or .org. I was doing another search via google and duckduckgo on the name, and it turns out that there are two other people doing something similar, one in England (very close match to what I would be doing), the other in Australia, and the one in England has the .biz version. There's also someone on Etsy who has the business name as a subpart of their business name... I guess I'm not the only one who thought the name was appropriate... but.....

Would you abandon a name for this? Chances are I'd be lucky to branch out across the ocean in any sort of formal way, but is it better just to start over now than to have to face that question later?

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