mardi 27 septembre 2016

Are you spending too much time on social media?

Hello! I have been selling business services for a few years, & it has made me realize that a significant amount of business owners spend a good amount of time on social media. I have generally asked them if they have accounted the time-value of money that goes into this and compare it to the results they would get if that time was allocated to growth and sales. It actually sparked an idea for me a while back to help businesses manage social media accounts. I started with a few people in my network and have now been able to build an automated system using a saas solution that allows me to provide this service for under $399 a month. I'm posting this due to the fact that I see a lot of people on this forum and other small business forums asking if the time they spend on social media is "worth it". If you're one of those people, you should think about it and maybe shoot me a PM. I'd gladly give advice & recommendations to you!

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