samedi 24 septembre 2016

How do I open a business account?Is their banks who accept small business?

Ok to make this story short(please excuse my grammar) I work for a online digital marketing company business. Anyways our business has been getting alot of clients/customers so we have been getting alot of money.We had a paypal account but paypal closed our account i guess due to the fact we were receiving alot of money.As you know paypal is worthless and waste of time,it seems like when you get alot of money these banks want to close you down.Now we have been trying to open business bank accounts but of course banks are denying us and we been having trouble finding co-signers.Is their any suggestions?Is their any banks out their who would accept us?And we mostly prefer applying for online rather then in person due to our busy schedule.So is their online banks who would accept our business to open an account without needed income history?Again the money is their i don't care how much money the bank wants to take as long as we can have a safe place to put our money.Need help guys..

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