jeudi 8 septembre 2016

2 things people hate most about brands on social media

A common question around here is "How do I use social media to promote my company".

To me this question starts out with a flawed premise that social media is there for you to promote your company. That it is a stand alone thing that you do, and not part of an overall marketing strategy. I've learned that when you have a well balanced, thought out plan you don't have to struggle with what to do on social media. Your social media persona is guided by that plan.

A good plan develops out of knowing who you are, who your target market is, and being able to speak directly to them about the things that they care about. You also need to have professionalism in your presentation of that message, and a purpose.

Most times small businesses don't have a brand, don't have a plan, and aren't realistic about who their market is. So of course nothing they do for marketing works.

Good article from Hootsuite that warns of the mistakes that most companies make on social media and how they do more harm to their brand than good.


So what is it about the way some brands behave on social that people resent? We asked our Twitter followers that question, and the answer largely comes down to two critical mistakes that too many brands continue to make: Focusing too much on themselves, and trying too hard to act like the cool kid in the room.

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