samedi 21 septembre 2013

New Site Design

Thinking about doing a wp martial arts site for a friend. His site sucks, but it does have some good text for his bio and a few other things. Only a couple of pages. My proposal would be to have him write a page in word and give me any images about once a month or so to put on the site. For the well written text from his current site, I would put that on the new site with no index no follow.

In say two years we could have a good reference site, add a cart to it, 301 it to his current domain. Money permitting, we could have it professionally redone. While this process is going on, we would have two sites with say three no index no follow pages that are identical and grow the new site. The old site would have the stuff that is important for his business such as class schedules. At the appropriate time (when we place high on G SERPS) 301 the new site to the old domain.

The idea is to have a site that is well done and a revenue stream in a couple of years.

Oh, and there is no reason not to write adwords pages and pause them until it goes live. Could even take the adwords pages live from time to time to test keywords.

Any comments, ideas etc?


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