jeudi 26 septembre 2013

partners skimming off the top and keeping partial tax info from me, TX

I bought into a salon (25%) that i previously worked for nearly 3 years back in November with the goal to purchase 100% outright after the contract (1 year) has expired. Since working with these 2 partners I have not had the full cooperation from said partners as per the contract that was written. I have to beg and plead to get them to deliver products that have run out at the store, my name was supposed to be put on the lease and has yet to happen, and took them nearly 6 months to get me bank account information which was also in the contract. I was guaranteed 60% commission for my work as well as my share stake (25%). Lately they have been telling me that i owe them due to an error made on their part which in turn is keeping me from paying my investor. It was at this point that I requested all tax information from the company's CPA and fiduciary officer. This was back in June, and since then I have some how managed to piss my partners off which sounds very weird since it is in the contract that any member can view all tax information. I have hired a lawyer to send them a letter to hand over all paperwork that we asked for and also hired my own CPA for my LLC to review. I have also noticed that lately when i look over my pay stubs on our company's payroll system, i am no longer able to go further than 6 months which I was initially able to. I have also seen that in the 6 months of stubs I was able to acquire that there has been money missing from my paycheck ranging from 5-20$ at a time. Basically my pay stub not matching payroll when being sent to the accountant. My biggest issue is the lack of money for assets (Lawyer/CPA) since it is coming out of my pocket. In a recent meeting with our CPA's, one of the partners, myself and my husband, things got a little dicey as my husband defended my work ethic compared to theirs. The owner shouted at my husband (not a small guy by any means) for calling him out on his errors which in turn angered my husband. Nothing happened however, he said that in future meeting my husband is no longer allowed to attend. Can he even do that? any help would be greatly appreciated!


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