vendredi 13 septembre 2013

Searching for Partnerships

So I have started my company, 1812 Productions, finally. I do commercial audio production for businesses. So far this has been fun (sarcasm) trying to find work. I have 0 dollars for advertising so I have been doing the Craigslist and Facebook thing. My sister is a hairdresser in a swanky salon, so I have put business cards on her station. I know that my bread and butter will come from partnerships with ad agencies, but I can't seem to get any of them to respond to emails to open a line of communication. I have been targeting smaller agencies and newer agencies as well as media buyers. Every email is personalized so it doesn't feel like a form letter.

Is this just a case of throwing enough **** against the wall waiting for something to eventually stick (my grandpas old expression)?

Has anybody here had experience with finding partnerships like this? If so, what did you do/how did you do it?

I have some contacts in the local ad agency community, but they all have in-house audio services, or have worked with the same production companies for years and years.


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