jeudi 19 septembre 2013

New to the USA questions.


I had businesses in Sweden when I was younger, now I live in the USA and I am enrolled as a full time college student in Florida.

I have some questions that I cant really get my head around and keep in mind that I just want the most simple and easiest solution not necessarily the "best", since I am in college I have no delusions that this will make me a living I just need something to do in my spare time and hopefully I can make some pocket money and get some business experience until time comes to start something "for real" in the future:

* Do I really need a dedicated Business Bank account? Or is it just preferred?

* If I need a dedicated account how; What is the cheapest account? I will mainly do my business online and will also accept credit cards. Is PayPal OK to use?

* Do I need a business number, some say yes others tell me no. I heard that you can run your business of your SSN, is that correct? If so what is the point with getting a business ID number?


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