mercredi 18 septembre 2013

Want to open a hobby/video game store

Good day SBF! This being my first post I'd like to introduce myself, my name is Frank I'm currently in the military and looking at getting out and, you guessed it, start a business. I'm 24 years old, been in quite a few positions that put me in the leadership role so I have no problem in that area, I've got a small amount of business experience, and worked in retail for about 2 years before the Military and out sold many of my other coworkers. Any way on to my post.

I've been looking around the internet and while I have found quite a few articles on opening a hobby/game store and there is a lot of good information, one cannot have to much info

Being in the Military I'll have my GI bill to cover the opening costs of the business, I've looked around my current city and can see a need for a video game and hobby store and with this being a military town can see it doing well if advertised right.

So far what I have in mind for my business is to carry a wide range of things from tabletop rpgs, tabletop war games, board games, new and used video games, retro systems and games, trading card games, anime, manga, comics, etc. I would also have a gaming room for customers to come in and use for pretty much whatever they would like hobby/game wise, I would sell snacks and drinks and have tournaments with prizes to help drive customers into the business.

I'm very enthusiastic when it comes to nerdy things like this, but I don't want to open one of these stores so I can play more video games or anything like that, I want to provide a service I see a need for and like any one starting a business want to provide for myself and be my own boss.

So what am I asking? Give me any information, guidance, cautions or advice you would have for me. If you have experience in this field that would be great, but any thing would be helpful.

Thank you everyone for at least reading this!


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