mardi 24 septembre 2013

UPC Codes going even cheaper on October 1st, 2013

Hello everyone.

I'm new to this forum. Thank you for adding me to your list of professionals.

My name is Paul Marin and I am the founder of an up-and-coming Condiment company located in the Bronx, New York. Our motto is: "Just When You Though It Could Get Any Better!"

In researching the cost of UPC Codes and noticing the post by "Reflo LTD" (by the way, thank you Reflo LTD for the information), I decided to contact GS1 and to my surprise they are even going lower in their pricing to obtain a UPC Code. Reflo LTD said that their "membership is only $350 to sign up plus $90 per year." I found out that as of Oct. 1, 2013 their pricing is as follows: membership is only $250 to sign up plus $50 per year. If you would like more information you can go to this link: New Pricing

I will be posting more in the future. Thank you once again for allowing me to join!

Paul Marin


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