samedi 30 novembre 2013

Hello from the UK


I've just joined the forum. I'm Nigel and I'm a business owner and Business Consultant from the UK.

I'm here because I am looking to network with businesses in the USA with a view to doing business with or in the USA. I own a number of businesses at the moment and I have been involved with a wide range of businesses from new start ups to those with a 7 figure turnover, providing long and short term consulatancy on a variety of different issues. Being an ex police senior trainer, I have also designed and delivered training solutions covering a range of areas from crime prevetion to management and personal development.

I'm particularly interested to see if I can help any business in the USA that would benefit from learning more about the way business is done here in the UK or who wish to break into the UK market but require help to do so.

Best wishes

Nigel, England


Hello Everyone!

I am happy to have found this website and have already found some good advice. My name is Maria and my husband and I own a cat and bird boarding resort in San Diego, CA. Our website is The Purring Parrot. We have been open for about 5 years and are planning to open a 2nd location in about a year.


vendredi 29 novembre 2013

Hello, SEO'er from Canada

Hello all. I'm new to this forum but so far it seems friendly. A little about myself. I have two children, boys, aged 2 and 1. I've been doing SEO on personal websites for a little over 3 years and just recently started my own SEO company. Slow but steady, things are starting to pick up.

I'm glad to be here and I'm excited for the future.


New Corporate Startup - Need Advice/Consulation before we look for funding

We have our business plan done and we are in the 'seeking funding' stage of our venture.. but for us, this is a new thing.

Here is what we are looking for: We admit that we don't know what we don't know. We are looking for somebody who can gently and competently guide us and tell us the ins-and-outs, what we can probably get and the best sources and options, etc. BEFORE we dive into this...

Question: What sort of companies provide this service?

Thank You.


How do you collect data on your customers?

What are your preferred methods of collecting data on your customers to ensure you are providing them the products/services they desire so they will continue to return?


Looking for Entreprenuir president on run my business

I make several hight quality products from recycled tire: horse & bull swing for playground equipment; door mats, floor mats, truch liners; and purses and wallets; construction log and water abatement; belts, etc. Next week when I have them all in pictures for you will see how wonderful and easy they are. I have done 99% of the work of making a business plan; contacting the city, county, and state who are really for these grand products. etc...

I'm taking care of something personal; but have the manufacturing and accounting software; which has several other other modules to be added as needed; the program is called openERP and if this sounds like you can do it; give me a call, or email. Everybody I meet says it's the best thing they have seen in years; it's fun and we can make some pretty good money.

So, please get back with me to hear the details and please be a go getter I prefer a woman that can speak spanish, but If you think you can do the job give me an email at first at then we can set up a phone/ skype call to hear the great details.

Thank you and looking forward to hearing from you, Respectfully, Walter


how to transfer a rental property in your name to a business LLC

I have one rental property, but it is in my name. How would i go about putting in a LLC that i have set up. Is an LLC the best vehicle to do this? My goal is to buy a house every other year to rent out. I am currently getting ready to rent out the house that I am currently living in as well.


jeudi 28 novembre 2013

Attention all 21st century beings

Found this picture while blogging, have a laugh :D


Attached Images


Happy Thanksgiving

Thought I'd wish all those in the US a Happy Thanksgiving. A much belated Happy Thanksgiving to those of you in Canada and a hope it's a good Thursday for everyone else.

Waiting here for family to arrive so we can dive into all the food. In the meantime I have football on the tv.

How is everyone else spending the day?


PS4 or XBox 1 for Christmas?

I originally wanted the PS4 and have been searching for 2 weeks for that time I changed my mind and have been looking for a Xbox 1 for a few days

last night on the Target website it suddenly showed that my local Target had them in....after a phone call to verify I ran there 10 mins before closing......only TWO came in...and as I was buying mine someone else showed up with 2 mins to spare to get the 2nd one

cant wait until Christmas....already bought 3 games for good deals on

anyone else?


How do you Convert social media activty to Paying clients?

Hi All, I've just started my on-line B2B business and have been incorporating all the do's and don'ts I can find for social marketing. I'm happy to report that I have been having lot's of activity on the various sites but I am totally stumped on how I can convert all the likes, shares, pins and retweets into $$'s. There must be an angle / formula for accomplishing this. Any thoughts on this???

Many Thanks



mercredi 27 novembre 2013

Hello everyone :D

Hello, my name is Lily Hollies.

After 30+ years in marketing consultancy, I decided to get a career change. I entered entrepreneurship, running my own marketing firm. Gone were the stable income, and comfortable office space! In terms of marketing, I have significant experience, working for some of the largest corporations in the world. However, I have no experience or knowledge in running a business, aside from my university degree from yonks ago.

I hope I can get some tips and advice from this forum, and see you around!


If you Could do it all over Again...What would you do Differently?

Hey guys, if you were 18 (or younger for some of you) and could start your small business all over again...what would you do differently?

Personally, I would be more of a doer than a researcher.

I would seek out people in the field I am interested in and work with them or ask for their advice. My past small businesses I over researched thing (I'm talking months here) and execute my "flawless" plan only to make no money. :rolleyes:


mardi 26 novembre 2013

Inventory management with a barcode reader


I am trying to create/find a cheap and simple inventory system for a very small business. We create frozen raw catfood and package them in tubs. We have a UPC code for each item. What I would like to do is when we create a product, scan it into a inventory system so that we can look and see how much we have on hand and also scan as we ship our product so we can track the stock depleting, as well as alert us if possible when stock reaches a certain level for a item. Ive been looking for quite a long time at things like skyware and salesbinder and inflow and so forth. But it seems im not finding something that can just perform the simple task of reading a bardcode and adding or subtracting it from inventory.

Anyone have more experience in this and willing to share your knowledge?

Thank you for your time.


Howdy Neighbor!

I'm Heather Lopez out of Harlingen, Texas. I own a new business consulting firm here in the Rio Grande Valley! I specialize in starting businesses but can assist you with anything you need no matter where you are in your business journey.

I have a huge passion for helping people achieve their dreams! If I can do anything for you or help in any way, please let me know!

I can't wait to get to know you all!

-Heather Lopez of Procella Consulting


lundi 25 novembre 2013

Is this a good business name?

Hello there. I am new here and hope you go easy on me since this is the first time being on a forum for me.

So, I have decided to start my own contracting business and am in the fun process of finding the right business name. I am looking for something with an animal in it because I got a few ideas for a logo. I really liked "Blue Bear contracting" but that one is already taken.

I don't want the typical John's contracting so I came up with "Mighty Monkey Contracting". How do you guys like it? Any ideas/comments?

Thanks in advance

The Tietzify


Soccer affiliation

Hi, my question needs a bit of presentation ,before I ask what I need. I am a soccer coach in progress to start my own club, soccer academy .

So ...I have an agreement with parks and recs for Spring time to use use their fields, until then I am working on getting my name for the club,but the only thing I am having trouble to completely understand is how to get affiliated . From what I read, I need to get affiliated in order for my kids to play games with other organizations and clubs,and aslo to have insurance ,but in order to get affiliated you need to have a certain number of players. That puzzles me a little ,can I function ,and start practice with the kids without being affiliated?At this point I do not know how many players I would have ,because In Spring will be the very first season for me in a new area where nobody knows me.So it will be a a brand new club.Please any info or link ,or a recomandation for a specific attorney will be great.Thank you.

Sincerely Claudiu


Come to the dark side we have cookies....New project

Hi everyone, I'm new here finally joined after lurking around and reading everyone's posts, there is a wealth of information on here its fantastic. First of my name is emily and I'm 28 i recently launched my first crowd funding project with pozible please check it out

Its a cooke mix jar business that i have been selling well on my Facebook page and thought id expand to local markets in the area (look its not going to to take over the world anytime soon)

My question is has anyone else used some form of crowd funding and how did they find it?

thanks heaps guys

Em :)


POS advice!! Need a SIMPLE program!

Okay so Im wondering if someone here can help me.

As I wrote in my intro thread, I am helping run a menswear boutique in Zurich. As things stand right now we are making all transactions with a cash register from the 90's. Bookkeeping is a nightmare -having to manually input everything into the computer, I am sure you can imagine. Besides the fact we can't even get it serviced anymore.

I want to change over to a digital system. I have a spare laptop and if neceesary android tablet and a cash drawer so in terms of hardware I am basically set.

I have researched software for POS. My needs are simle. I need a program where I can input price, select BASIC category (for example: "suit", "pants", "shoes", etc, but not exactly which model was purchased.) Till now every program I looked at works on inventory. One would need to PREprogram the items in the store along with the prices and by the checkout simply select the item. This is not practical for my store. We do not have the resources or time to build a digital inventory and since we are a small shop with multiple orders & merchandise arriving daily, the amount of time it would take to input every single delivery would waste more time than it would save and likely clog up the workflow. It is a small business and any one manning the register can be trusted to get the correct price.

My question is this: Can anyone here reccommend a very basic POS program that allows one to:

* simply type in the item cost for numerous items by each transaction

*export to a bookkeeping program

* i imagine much can be found for free but im willing to pay as long as its not much. With such a simple program i would expect it to not cost much.

* be able to work with credit card reader and cash drawer

* I live in zurich so I would need a program that could offer alternative currencies

*compatible with either windows pc or android.

Any thoughts or suggestions welcome.

Thanks in advance,



hi! new member here!!

As my username shows, I am Penny.

I help manage a small family run menswear boutique in zurich and think this is a great way to bounce ideas around.

Cant wait to get to know you all!



Infographics, how to create

I do not have much experience with infographics and looking to create and use them in my marketing, Is there a software to use or what do you guys do?


best way to advertise

I have an online gift basket store and an online candle store. what is the best way to advertise? money is very limited at the time


samedi 23 novembre 2013

Business name cool or not?

Looking for some advice on the name "ServeTech Services".. I think it sounds catchy but does it?

Really would like some import good or bad.



vendredi 22 novembre 2013

Silent Owner How allow someone else 'appear as owner without others really knowing

Thank you. I have done ALL the business planning, designs, charting etc. of the business I want to launch; but I'm currently disabled and it's hard for me to run the business all by myself. Also, I'm a white 53 year old male with a record (Credit Card abuse) I did when I was 25. I don't want to argue about other things; I just wanted to ask -Please - how can I allow a college aged Asian entrepreneur appear as owner and not lose control of business and with me like a silent partner?

Again, I'm not looking for anything but an answer how to accomplish this legally; and I would greatly appreciate your input and help at answering this question. Thank you.

Respectfully, Walter



Hi, anyone familiar with SEO and or google ad words? I started my own mens clothing online retail company last month and i'm trying to learn as much as possible. I know this is critical when trying to get traffic through your website, an was wondering does anyone really know the ins and outs.



Image optimization tips

* Put Emphasis on Originality of Images

* Put Emphasis on Quality of Images

* Image formatting: Image Slicing, Image cropping and Image Re-sizing

* Image file naming: Make sure the Image file name or IMG SRC string contains your prime keyword

* Avoid Usage of heavy images

* Image Tagging:

* SRC attribute specifying the URL of the image

* Width is specified in pixels

* Height specified in pixels

* Alt attribute that describes the content of the image-this is one of the most important elements of image optimization

* Title attribute that contains text to be displayed when the user hovers mouse over the image

* End up with an XHTML image reference

* Avoid query strings for IMG SRCs

More tips will appreciate....


jeudi 21 novembre 2013

Hello! Glad to be here!

Hello my name is Luke and I just started my business.

I create mobile websites at

Just by reading some of the posts here I have already learned a lot and I am excited about learning more.

Also if any of you experienced business owners can give me feedback on my site that would be awesome.




Announcing a New Business for Net Resources

We have just started a new company SUNROS . Oiljobszone a flagship and group company of Sunros is an interactive Jobsite and a recruitment platform for its customers in Oil & Gas, Chemical / Petrochemicals, Infrastructure, Construction and Energy sectors.


Cloud Based Solutions for the Business!

I am becoming bigger and bigger fan of cloud based solutions. I now use Cloud BAsed Surveillance for my Cafe from fennocloudcam(dot)com . There are also other Cloud based surveillance providers - ivideon, sensr.. I am very satisfied with their services.I just plugged the IP cameras and chose a plan from them.

Also I use Cloud based telecommunications from chainsolutions(dot)net . I used BT before and Vivacom, but They were quite expensive. Traditional Telecoms rip off your skin with contracts and plans. The guys from Chainsolutions are great and provide high quality business telecommunications with all the features, like voicemail, voicemail to email, recordings, call transfer and etc. I like their admin panel..All I needed is an IP phone. I recommend Yeahlink. I just pay for the minutes I use, which is $0,014/ minute to USA ...I used BT before and was not very satisfied with the business plan, all the cabling and the contracts. I do not have any contract now, just pay for the minutes I use..

What other solutions do you think are out there - cloud based...

I have CRM system and I integrated it with Chainsolutions API and now I can manegge easily all my contacts and see statistiscs for my business calls...I also like Vinterface and Google Calendar..Do reccomend them for you Business needs!

I believe in Cloud based solutions...What else is out there as Cloud based solutions for businesses!


My First post!

Hello there!

Just want to introduce my self on this forum site. Looking forward to learn new things especially about business stuffs. :D


mercredi 20 novembre 2013

Image Optimizer: Ngimo

Joining any community in these days became a professional trend for every business holder sometime people joined for getting some entertainment, but sometimes they want some useful and informative knowledge to the forum members. I am Cooky Adam founder of NgimoPvt.Ltd. It is a software selling company regarding image optimization, webspeed optimization,Wordpress plugin,SEO Plugin and many more.We are looking such a type of technical board to get to update and explore our latest software & web technology. I am a new member and found this forum is very interesting so hope other members/webmaster helps me to stay with them.

Thanks & Regards

-Cocky Adam


The type of a business a LLC perform

Good evening everyone,

Not sure if this is in the right place or not, but let me know if it isnt.

Everyone I talk to (business lawyers) and see on the internet in regards to setting up an llc asked what type of business is to be conducted. My intended business is to import a bag from south korea, nothing nefarious. My question is, does it matter what my business is? I only expect this bag venture to last a max of 5 years, but after that, if I want to do something different with my llc (like perhaps start a consultant business), can I? Or do I need to shutdown my current llc and start a new one? Thanks.



International Import

Hello everyone,

I have entered negotiations with a south korean company to import a type of bag that they make. My plan is to just use USPS, because for some reason its the cheapest way to ship the bags. However, they have said that if we have a long term sustained business that we need to use a freight forwarder. I have never heard of anything like that before. Does anyone know of any US business/import law that says something to that effect? Or does anyone do business with South Korea, know if that is a Korean law? I appreciate it.



Glad to be here. Greetings from Texas

Hi All - My name is Joey from San Antonio Texas. I have been a Business Consultant for about 10 years now. I am looking to network

while also sharing with the members of this forum what I know about start ups and launching businesses. Sometimes I am asked to take on projects or

consultant positions where I dont know a lot about the business in general and I thought I would use this forum to learn more

about those businesses so I can basically do a knowledge exchange. If anyone has questions about how to sell a business or buy a business I am here for you all.


Anyone with importing goods experience?

I've racked my brain thinking of what business I would like to pursue and decided that importing goods and selling them by whatever means possible to start is the way to go for me. Planning on starting off very small and easy to get some experience and minimize mistakes etc. Anyone in this type of business can give some advice? It seems like this type of business is everywhere, but I think if I can pick a niche and start somewhere, it would be something I'd like to try.



Star-a-Nova from Philippines

Hi everyone! I am Star from the Phillippines. Concurrently engaged in Travel & Tours as industrial partner. I joined this business forum to meet other people, listen to a new business idea and innovation technology, share and contribute my knowledge and skills in business operation and management. Hope this will be a good start of joining this forum.

Smile :)


Business consulting and services, Ljubljana - Slovenia

Hi everyone from Slovenia :)

My name is Marko and I work for a company Called DATA that deals with business consulting, company registration, accounting services and all other related services.

Data poslovne storitve, d.o.o. (DATA) is a private company with more than 40 highly educated employees. We are a leading company in Slovenia in providing comprehensive support for entrepreneurs.

Data d.o.o. was presented with the greatest recognition for our work in the twenty years of the company’s existence, as we won the European Enterprise Award in the Improving Business Environment category with the project Programme of Providing Support to Entrepreneurs Aimed at Reducing the Closure Rates of Businesses.

Kind Regards



mardi 19 novembre 2013

New partnership

My grandpa owns a business that is very seasonal (month in the spring, 2 months near fall) he wants to do a partnership with me, he basically wants to retire, so I'd be running it, doing paper work plus in the field work. I would be using my tuck and equipment, but it's his clients. He wants to do 50/50. I'm looking for an outsiders view. What would be a fair partner ship agreement plus with a percentage after he would die and transfer to my grandma. Thanks.


Inventory integration between POS system and website

Hi everyone!

First post here. I am desperate to find a program for inventory that works between a retail POS system and our website (presently with 3dcart)

And like most small businesses we can't afford a LOT but hope to find something that will allow us to download our inventory sold from our store and send it up to our 3dcart website. Or a program that may allow us to sync them both. Now we are pretty much stuck with 3dcart for now as moving our website would be a huge undertaking, but we have not purchased a POS system (we have been using a cash register). All the inventory sold in the store has to be updated on the website.

We are in Canada so the POS system has to:

Customer records

Be able to handle multiple taxes - We have status cards here which means we have to remove ONE tax prior to finalizing the sale.

Needs a flexible loyalty program -- Buy 9 of these get the 10th for free type of deal.

Needs to round to the nearest ".05" - Canada - no pennies

Would like to to have a "paid out feature". Take money from till drawer to pay for office supplies down the street or a supplier that comes through the door.

We can move from 3dcart to another cart system if there is something that will help us make the switch. We are flexible, but time is a constraint, as it is with most business owners.

Any direction or help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in Advnace!


Hello from Acelloria Corp - Toronto, Canada

Hi Everyone!

I just recently joined and wanted to say hello and thanks for having me. If anyone is interest in web design for their new start up, please give me a shout! Our websites feature social integration, blog (self-filling), lead portal, all modern coding for better indexation, and mobile adaptation.

Would love to hear from you! And hope to see you all around this site.


Starting up a business...

Hi guys,

I thought I'd make my first post into an interesting discussion. I thought it would be cool to help out aspiring business owners with a thread which has tips, experiences and opinions from the knowledgeable.

Here's a couple cool resources with tips for starting up a business:

1. BBC News - Top tips for starting your own business

2. Top Tips for Starting Up

If anyone could go back to when they first started a business, what would be three things you wish you'd known then that you know now?




Hello from the DC area!!!

Hi Everyone,

My name is Letta and I am excited to connect with folks who thrive in the online marketing world. I am a blogger/affiliate marketer so this is my bread and butter. I hope to share and learn tips from people who are successful and from those like me who are trying to be successful. Tell me about where your from and about your online business journey?

Thank you!


How to solve this?

Hi, I have a question,

We currently have a commercial cleaning company Inc and would like to start a promotional items business - t-shirts, keychains..etc that is under the current Inc.,but operates separately. Selling Promotional items would be occasional. Is this possible? Thank you


lundi 18 novembre 2013

I need traffic!

So when you are balling on a budget, what are some free/paid ways you use to market on the internet? I have used many free options but I dont think its bringing in any good leads. If I pay I want it to be something that works!


I Created A Clean Webpage - I Need Your Opinion!

Hi guys,

About 2 months ago a company in The Netherlands asked me to design a salespage for their new product. I'm almost done with the design, I already converted the design to HTML. But I'm pretty sure that there is still a lot to improve. I really want to make a good impression to this client because I know there is a lot more work to do.

What I had in mind when I started with the design:

- The first impression should give a short overview of the product

- There should be a CTA (Call To Action) above default

- Things should be clean

- Not too much text

- Guiding design with a step by step process

- Building trust with testimonials and trusted logos


I really appreciate if a few good designers can give me a few tips to improve my design and make it better!

Also open to better CSS solutions.

Thank you guys!



Amsterdam here!

Hi guys,

I'm a freelance designer from Amsterdam and I think this is a great place to share my knowledge and I love to receive some tips on my designer skills :).



Regulations for producing consumables in a home-based business

I am currently formulating an herbal remedy that will be deliverable via a spray bottle to the mouth. What sort of regulations do I need to look out for in terms of producing a consumable product out of my home? I assume there are both federal and local regulations. I'm in Massachusetts if anyone has experience doing anything similar here.

I know I will be exempt from a nutrition label, and I plan on printing ingredients on the bottle. Given that I am marketing it as an herbal or natural remedy, I assume I wil need to put the typical "these claims not endorsed by the FDA" label on there as well. Will I need to establish a dedicated area of preparation, or simply be able to show I bring my work area up to a certain standard of cleanliness when I produce and package my product?

If anyone has been in a similar boat and has any links to specific regulation, I would greatly appreciate them. I've been trying to search through the FDA website, but I've found it hard to discern what is and is not applicable to me. Thanks!


I need help with a limited "silent" partnership

Some friends of mine have come to me with a shipping business that they want to start, they need start up capital. They will be running the business and I will be funding it with 10,000 initially. I was wondering what a fair deal would be if I was the only one of the three of us that has risk initially. Also, I want to make sure I have no liability going forward. I am new to this situation but I want to help these guys out and a separate revenue stream sounds attractive.


New merchant account solution

Do you have a new merchant account solution you would like to advertise and sell?


New business idea: food industry

Hello everyone :)

A bunch of friends and I have come up with an idea about a new business opportunity that we find appealing: delivering conveniently what we like to call "Dinner Kit".

Our "design challenge" could be something like "How to improve the culinary experience of young professionals?". The idea is that those people usually like cooking but don't have time or/and do not want to spend/waste time grocery shopping. We could then provide them with some Dinner Kit including all the necessary ingredients to cook one tasty meal for one person, whithout wasting anything! Original but easy recipes could help us to convince people to subscribe.

What do you think of such idea? Any advice? Any critics? Any help is more than welcome :)

Also, will this survey help me learn about my customers? We indeed would like to test our empathy map with it.

Would you change/add anything to it?

Thank you very much for your valuable time and feedback!




dimanche 17 novembre 2013

Finding your niche!

I hear people say all time to find your niche and blog about that. Well I don't just want to be stuck on one thing. I want to be able to provide readers with a variety of things from love and relationships to something weird that happened and was in the news. Is it wrong to be all over place? I just feel that when people search Google for something I want to be on every result as oppose to one topic only.



Blogging/Online Marketing

<Please set up a signature through Settings>


Mergers and Acquisitions Business strategy

Merging and Acquisition services to family-owned and privately lower-middle-market companies across a variety of industries. Are you think business valuation expert help us to rise our business.


Scrapebox - anybody here using it?

Hi all

I am looking at buying Scrapebox. The software sure looks good and I like the idea that it is only a once off payment.

Anybody here using it and if so what are your thoughts on it and what kind results you have been getting?




Magic Submitter and Penguin


I'm planning on getting Magic Submitter, does anyone still recommend it post Penguin?

And also can anyone share a list of tools they are using for effective link-building please?

Thanks guys!



Hello all! Am so lost in market research

Hello all!

Excited to be here. My name is Alex. I enjoy web-business but am so lost in market research and to find the niche. i am new to affiliate marketing. I need to know how to choose the profitable niche. Please help.



vendredi 15 novembre 2013

Hello from Indonesia

Hi everyone,

My name is Herdy, I'm from Indonesia & interested to purse global trading business, especially exporting from Indonesia.

It's nice to find this business forum, hopefully I could learn from and contribute to this community.

And it would be nice to meet new friends or business partners here.

Thank you.




Dissolving a Short Term Partnership Fairly

Hello! I'm new here, facing a challenging situation. I own a small retail vintage decor and furniture business. I have never had a business before and have worked, as I'm sure most of you have, endless hours to build this, investing virtually all of my money and putting just about every dime back into the business. I have put $25,000 into inventory that is worth, retail, about $100,000, over the course of the past two years.

I was in a very small shop (about 300 square feet) for about a year. Five months ago I moved to an 1100 square foot former muffler shop in a great location. It took a lot of renovation, but it is a fantastic space with a lot of personality. The building is attached to a smaller, more typical storefront which was on the market as a separate rental when I rented this place. Revenue has consistently grown every month since moving here.

Shortly after moving in I was approached by a very nice neighbor proposing a partnership. She was tired of being "just a housewife" and was looking for something to do outside the home.

Our deal was this: she would put $400 a month toward the business. In addition, she would work 20 hours a week. My thought was that, since I couldn't afford to hire an employee, I was losing out on revenue online by not having time to list all my merchandise, and her contribution of time would definitely end up increasing the revenue enough to pay for her share, which was to be 35% after a set amount that covered basic operating expenses like rent and electricity. The time she would put in would be frankly more significant than the $400. The catch was we could have nothing on paper, because she's on disability, so our entire agreement was verbal.

At first, she did her 20 hours, but very inconsistently. It didn't result in the predicted income increase, at least not right away. But to be honest, I liked having a partner. I'd been working so hard for so long, just having someone else to share the burden - even if they were only sharing a tiny corner of it - felt good. So I was willing to keep trying.

When I moved into the current shop, I had it in mind that I would eventually rent the attached 700 square foot storefront as well. This would allow me to have much more visibility, as the current shop can be seen by people headed east on our busy street but is virtually invisible to those heading west. The landlord had priced it very high, however, and wasn't really budging on price. Plus I was tapped out from the initial move. I decided to wait until January - when he would have had an unoccupied building for a year and I would have recovered from the outpouring of money from the move - to make my proposal again, assuming he would be more amenable at that point. What he was asking was more than double the local going rate. I was reasonably certain no one was going to rent it at that price, and was willing to take my chances that it would still be available when I was ready to rent, and that he would be likely to accept my offer at that time.

My new partner felt that this storefront was crucial to the success of the store, and she was worried it would be rented by someone else. She offered to pay the first month's rent if I would take the place right away. I hemmed and hawed for a while, worried that I was perhaps growing too quickly, but then I did it. I made the offer to my landlord, and he accepted, at a rate slightly higher than I wanted, but still in the range. Only my signature went on the two year lease because, again, she wanted our deal to remain under the radar.

Part of the deal here, of course, was that my partner and I would split up the major expenses of expanding the store - signage, construction, etc. I was concerned because, though I could afford all the improvements over time, these expenses were all going to hit at once. It was clear from the start that she was far more liquid than I, and I understood from our many conversations leading up to signing that lease that she was willing to float a portion of my share should any unexpected costs arise, to be paid back at an unspecified date. I felt this was a fair arrangement, as she was consistently recouping her $400 a month investment every month from her share of sales of the approximately $25,000 worth of merchandise I already owned before she came along. She seemed to feel it was fair, too.

Well, the first time something unexpected came along she did cover the cost. Then she became freaked out about the money because she would have to explain to her husband where it had gone, and asked me to pay back my share about a week later. I was able to, but it was very different than what we'd agreed to verbally. The next time something came up - unforeseen costs on our signage - I didn't want to go forward, wanted to come up with a different plan, since I didn't have the money. She put in the money with a smile on her face, reassuring me that we were in this together. Two weeks later, she freaked out again and demanded that I repay her immediately, claiming she had never intended to cover my portion for more than a few days.

At that point, I told her I couldn't handle the back-and-forth, and she told me that the whole thing was stressing her out. We agreed to dissolve our partnership.

That leads me to two questions.

1) I'm pretty sure I was selling myself short by even entering into this, but I don't know what it SHOULD have cost for someone to buy into an existing business with $25,000 in inventory and an established income of about $4000 a month (not a lot, I know, but growing consistently). How would I have determined a figure for this if I'd been thinking more clearly instead of grabbing at the first person who offered to help? If this ever comes up again, what should I be asking of someone who wants to buy in to my business?

2) Do I now owe her back all of her unrecouped investment? That includes the money she put up for the first month's rent, and her portion of expenses related to opening the new building? I know I owe her my share of these costs; I had always expected to pay that back. But do I owe her for the things she agreed to pay for, like her half of the sign that's already been paid out? I think I probably do, because she will never reap any benefit from that sign, and because even though it was her sharing the cost that made me willing to do it, I am the majority owner (the only owner on paper) and ultimately responsible. But I have a friend whose opinion I respect telling me that I only owe her for my share - the loan part - and that she should consider the rest a loss.

3) If I DO owe her this money, is it realistic to expect that I would make monthly payments to her until it is repaid, basically converting her investment to a loan? Or is she entitled to come in and take merchandise out of my store equal to the amount of money she has put in (this is what she wants to do right now)?

I really want to do the right thing here, but I don't want to screw myself in the process. I am now saddled with many expenses, including a second rent, that I had planned to take on later, not at the start of what is a notoriously slow period for the vintage business (Christmas is slow for used goods, since most people only give new for the holiday). I have signed contracts taking responsibility for things I would not have agreed to without knowing someone else was picking up part of the tab. And I feel as if my business has been so disrupted by all this.

I know I am an idiot for entering into all this without a written agreement. Feel free to remind me - I deserve it. Thanks for any insight you can give.


Jumpstart your MLM business.

Hi, I was wondering after you run out of people in your "warm market" how do you approach the "cold market" or people you don't know. I'm 22 years old and the majority of people my age who I have been around are too busy at bars partying and racking up their student loan debt. I want to take control of my future now, but it seems like when I approach older people about my MLM opportunity they almost don't take me seriously. Maybe because network marketing has taken on such a bad reputation over the years? Anyway what are some tips about approaching people you have just met for the first time. I would assume just to build relationships to gain there trust first, but i'd like to hear what you guys have to say.




Pricing Handmade Items

Hi All, I have been doing a small side business making leather accessories for women for about a year. I haven't put too much time into it but without virtually any marketing or a website I have been making sales and it has been profitable since day 1, which is good.

Things are starting to get more serious and I'm doing a craft fair coming up and needing to hammer out pricing. I thought I wanted to factor in wholesale into my pricing structure, but when I do that my retail prices become very expensive.

I exist in a market where other people are selling handmade leather bags similar to mine for $300-$500. I'm making my products by hand, using all american materials—which I think is something that sets me apart from other people who are usually not doing anything 'made in usa' (I can see why... it's very expensive.)

My materials for a bag cost me about $60-$70. It takes about 5 hours to make a bag, and I would like to charge $12/hr as I think that's a fair wage if my project takes off... so that's another $60 into the bags. Not factoring in the cost of shipping, and other things (bags if I'm selling them at craft fairs, buying new needles every once in a while, etc.) what I was doing to come up with a number is 120+50 for profit = $170 for wholesale price, *2.2 for retail = $374. This seems really high to me, and to some people I have talked to about it. I think my bags are nice, but in reality I wouldn't be able to afford one at that price. I feel like this a common problem that people face when making handmade stuff, especially leather.

For clarity here's what goes into a bag: I have to cut the leather bag and straps, puncture the holes to stitch it up, stitch the handles on, stitch up the bag (all of the stitching is done by hand), finish the edges, and oil it... some of my other products I add in some tooling detail and even hand-dying the leather. Sometimes even hand-braiding is required.

Do I NEED to factor wholesale into my pricing structure? Am I shooting myself in the foot if I don't? For clarification, my half-baked plan is to create a really nice luxury-style website to sell my leather goods (I do this for a living and know how to code, so this isn't a cost to me, really.) and sell through the site year round, then possibly do 2-3 craft fairs a year, where I will find out in a few weeks how much I can make from those. I've projected about $4-5k per show, but I haven't done one yet. I was also considering doing wholesale on a limited basis, with stores that ONLY meet the image of my brand. Such as luxury handmade good stores, and cooler fashion boutiques that are more in my price range. I've gotten 5 wholesale inquiries without much marketing, no website, but they have mostly been lower end boutiques or vintage stores that probably don't fit the price range I think I would end up being in... so I've declined for now.

For now this will be a side business—but when I see the number $374, in my head I think of all the big ideas I could accomplish sooner with that profit margin if I can get people to buy, but some other people see it as a price too high to be worth it. Then again, I live in NYC where people have lots of disposable income and want luxury. $374 is also much higher than the $145 I was charging for the bags when they were made out of cheaper materials (which I realized I was making basically no money off of what I was doing, because it still took 5 hours to make a bag even if the materials were cheap.)

Thanks for your time and input!


jeudi 14 novembre 2013

New business and filed an LLC but little income.


I few months ago I started a business but with the end of the year coming up soon I'm anticipating that there's not going to be much in terms of income cause its just been taking a while to really market myself (online work so far).

So I filed for an LLC (upon recommendation) about 2-3 months of doing work for it and investing in it. I've kept record of all my expenses and the limited income that I have gotten, but I haven't yet opened a bank account which I know is required for an LLC.

Considering my current situation with income I'm starting to get concerned about my taxes for next year (and my own limited income is heightening that a bit). So I have some questions:

1. Should I even bother to keep this LLC that I registered or just cancel it and go to sole proprietor?

2. If I were to keep the LLC and have a separate business account, how do I actually list all of these expenses that I've had for starting the business that I've made personally to be sure it is written off?

3. When opening the account, how much should I put in there?


Hi from Desk Jockeys

Hi There,

Glad to be amongst a community of like-minded individuals changing the world one small business. My experience is in financial analysis ranging from the corporate environment to startups. I currently run a startup which has a web application that allows small businesses to project, analyze and track their finances.

Looking forward to insightful discussion and to help in any way I can.




Hello from Phoenix, Az

Hello eveyone, my name is Monique and I am an independent representative of Jewelry In Candles by Icy Candles. I am VERY new to all of this but I know that I will do well with some help and research along the way. I just want to thank you for having me and I look forward to learning many new things so that I can be successful. :D


What is the purpose of your blog?

Blogs have a wide range of purposes - from demonstrating expertise to engaging with an audience to gaining leads, blogs can be a useful and critical strategy in marketing your business.

What I want to know is: how many of you have a defined purpose for your blog? What do you use your blog to do? What are the issues/challenges that you face when blogging?


courier sub contracting

Hi Guys

i would like to say its first time on the site and i hope i will be able to assist and be assisted, i am very fond to go on sub contract with the courier company, so right now i dont have any idea who to contact, i have a bakkie with close canopy that i would like to get it on contract and be an owner driver, so if there is someone who can assist i can greatly appriciate, looking forward to hear from you. Thanks


John from Core List here,

I just wanted to do a quick introduction on myself and my business Core List

My name if John, I am 33, I am an Australian resident, but I have joined this forum to get an understanding of how small business operate in America and any tips I may learn. I also wish to pass on any general business information I have learned over the past 7 years. I have a couple of business interests at the moment, the first one is a Hospitality Supplies business - Maven Supplies, this business doesn't sell to USA but it has given me extensive knowledge in small (micro) business issues.

My main interest at the moment is Core List, this business supplies Business Contact Lists of US Businesses. This is mainly what I am representing here. At Core List we our business databases are a basic and inexpensive means of getting basic contact information for direct marketing and research in specific industries in America. Feel free to visit our website to see if we can assist you in any way.

That is all for now and I look forward to passing on my experiences and learning from yours.

Kind Regards



mercredi 13 novembre 2013

S Corp versus Sole Proprietor

Hi, I have been in business for 15 years in a technology type business and there are no employees other than myself. The technology has grown past my services and the business is dwindling. I have always been an S Corp and thinking that I may be advantages to switch the company to a sole proprietor to save costs ( ei payroll checks, etc.etc. ). Does anyone have any insight as to whether or not this may be a good or bad idea? the business may have another year or so or less. Thanks


Which one is safer?

Hello Everybody,

I got confused in PayPal and credit card. Over 100 million people use PayPal to buy products and services online—but how does it compare to using a credit card?

If you’ve never used PayPal, it’s a service that allows you to pay online—using money in your PayPal account, your bank account, or with a credit card—anywhere a merchant displays a PayPal checkout button.

Whats your suggestions


mardi 12 novembre 2013

Local LLC for Offshore Company?

I am in the process of setting up an offshore entity out of which to run a finanical trading business. I am resorting to an offshore location strictly to gain access to international brokers who will not take US accounts, NOT for any tax avoidance or anonymity. The brokers have requested that my corporate structure be as simple as possible.

Because I will still have some expenses that must be payed in the US, I was thinking I should also be creating a US-based LLC as well. Does that make sense? Should my US based LLC be the owner of the offshore company? Or should I own both directly?

Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks!


I am trying to finance my own business and need help!!!!!!!!!!

Hello, my name is Nick Byerley and I am applying for Chase Mainstreet grant and I am trying to get 250 votes before Friday (Which seems impossible).


Or, if you do not trust the link go to the website: and enter PageDesk Incorporated.

If you are also on this, I will be willing to trade a vote for a vote. Please let me know ASAP and I will do the same thing!


Pre-Start Up Market Research

I am considering opening a cafe but first I want to find some good information on how saturated my markets are. Also I am looking for service that canvases for local consumer habits. I don't want to end up standing on a street corner with a clip board unless it is really necessary. Can any one help or if this topic has been covers please link me.


Strange Things happening to my website

I have a site for my ceilidh / Barn Dance band.

I have never had that many hits - enough to bring in a bit of work, in the 100s per week maximum.

However, recently it has been oveloading the bandwidth.

I have had over 600,000 hits lately, from all over the world (over 50 countries).

All on IE6 as well.

Something isn't right.

I can't even log onto it today to check the latest stats.- my bandwidth allowance is exceeded.

There are no large images - not too many pages, all fairly compact.

Can anyone suggest what I can do?

What might be happening?

Advice appreciated.



Cafe idea in Norway

I am 27 year old female, recently married and had to move to a different country as I have an international family. Although I have good education and experience in high positions, not knowing local language fluently holds me in the trap of no work. Been like this for about 4 months now, so started looking for ideas of my own business. I live in the small town about 30km from the capital city. I love Oslo, it has thousands of cafes and restaurants. But place we live in has very little what to do. There is one pub/bar where everyone goes, as the alternative is to get to Oslo. There is also a huge shopping centre. I personally feel that I am so tired of this shopping centre, that I just avoid it. There are some cafes around the city centre, but nothing where it would be more than just eating and drinking if you know what I mean.

I have a strong background in business, both from my personal life (both parents have their own businesses) and from my studies. I know it requires a lot of hard work. I was thinking that to start a café could be a good option. Of course I have my doubts: 1) if there is no such place, maybe it isn't in demand? 2) café seems like a business where I don't need very much specialised knowledge, but am I right? I know you must know what you do, but what I mean is that its not pharmacy or electronic inventions... :)

Maybe there are some Norwegian business people in the forum who could advice about the cultural habits? I know its expensive to eat out in here, a lot of our friends stay in home. But then again, we often talk how nice it would be to have where to go, but Oslo is too far for just coffee and at the end too expensive, as you need a train ticket... Thanks for any thoughts!


Business think different...

We invite you to discover for yourself what you can expect to be taught at the Business Th!nk Different event which will give you just a glimpse of what you stand to gain, at this chance-in-a-lifetime, 2-day Entrepreneurial Event....

Singapore Event Venue

23rd and 24th November 2013

Millenium Hotel Singapore

81 Anson Road, 079908 Singapore

Malaysia Event Venue

To be confirmed

Malaysia Event Dates

30th November and 1st December 2013.....


lundi 11 novembre 2013

Working Capital for Business Owners


Our process is quick and stress free.

• In business for at least 4 months

• Bad Credit

• Past Bankruptcies

• Previous Tax Liens

• Need capital in 5-7 business days

• Process $5,000 a month in merchant services

• Have at least 5 deposits of $10,000 a month in your bank account

• We fund up to $5,000-$250,000. 00 of your future sales


Submission takes less than 15 minutes:

Complete our…

• 1 page application

• Provide 4 months of your latest bank statements and merchant statements (if applicable)

• No application fee

• Approval in less than 48 hours

• No Personal Guarantee

We have an A rating from the Better Business Bureau and we are a leader in providing working capital for small to medium size businesses.

To receive an application please sends an email to:

Write: FUNDING APPLICATION in subject line.


Am I a Independent Contractor?

I am working as a License Massage Therapist.

I choose what days and hours I would like to work.

If I need the day off or any time off. I let the business know in advance. And if possible I will find another LMT to be oncall when I am not there.

I have the right to refuse to work on a client if I can not help the client feel better.

I work at more than 1 location for 2/3 business. I have business cards.

I own my own Table, Chairs, etc...

But the locations I practice massage they provide the table and room for me.

I have a business license for one of the locations to practice massage because of being concidered an I.C. now I'm being told I am an employee.

And I need to pay booth rent to practice massage at the one location to prove that I own my own business.

I buy stuff that I need, Cream, sheets, professional clothing to work in, any extra products.

AM I - I.C. or employee?

State is saying I am not an I.C.


Thanks for everyone's help.


Advice for new Oppertunity?

Hi Everybody,

Hope all is well, I am looking forward for advice that my little brother ask me to let him know the opportunity to earn by any activity on sports function at their university. I am getting confused that what sort of activity that he can implement on sports day that will be beneficial for his reputation in university's Gala.

Looking forward


Client Selection

Hi all,

Hope doing well, Conglomer is looking for client in fashion industry so what will be your opinions to get involved with corrupt country.


being more aggresive on sales

im trying as hard as I can to find some more the past ive always taken a low key approach to sales....I send fliers and let the customers come to me....about once a year I call all the potential customers on my list and ask for work(most of the time I just get an answering machine)

well its time again this year and ive gotten some decent in particular said he is looking for another plumber...I sent him all the info today in a fax

how long before I do a follow up call? how many follow up calls do I do? what should I ask in my follow up calls?

typically I have done 1 follow up call.....typically I give up after that....many times I get a answering machine

I am trying to expand and want to attempt to be more aggressive on sales....the customer im trying for has enough work for several employees...

should I ask him for a meeting? lunch?



Sell to shops or sell to a wholesale supplier (middle man)

I have been making a few products for tobacco smokers out of exotic wood for over a year now and am now motivated to go full steam ahead after recieving 5k inheritance. I sell on and to local shops currently. I'm wondering if it would be a good idea to sell to try and sell my products to the handful of companies that supply these shops at a lower cost but higher quantity. Or contacting the shops myself and getting as much as I can per piece and hopefully having more orders come in after the initial sale. I get in between 4-6 per piece selling in quantity to shops 30 or more pieces at a time average.

Does anyone manufacter a product that sells retail in a niche market? If so which route do you use? If you supply wholesalers what is a typical number of items they purchase?

I like the idea of going to a wholesaler to get my name out there, establish a reputation for excellent quality, then sell my customer base custom or unique pieces through a website.

Any input on how to go about this is much appreciated :-)


Hello,Supplier from China

Hi, everyone ,we are ice cream machine supplier from China, we export all sorts of commercial ice cream machine at a reasonable price. If anyone insterested in starting an ice cream business, I think we could provide you with the best equipments. We are Jiangmen Gaoyu Energy Technology Co,.Ltd verified supplier on Alibaba.


dimanche 10 novembre 2013

Review/Feedback of Site Would Be Greatly Appreciated

So, long story short, a good friend of mine asked me to come on board with his athletic prep program and help coach his football team. It was a great honor. But, I didn't feel I could do him the best service in that area. I spoke with my father for advice, proposing that while I may not be able to provide the coaching expertise, I could definitely help in the area of web design.

I spoke with my friend about this and he was ecstatic. I presented my vision to him and 2 other staff members. They were impressed with my ambition and vision. So, I was pretty much given full control of the site. I went to work and rebuilt it from scratch. I was many a days until the late hours learning all I could to improve on the original site. Since I was under a time crunch, there were areas that I had to link to as I didn't fully know how to code it (the PHP-based questionnaire). Nonetheless, they were happy with the what I had done.

Now that the foundation has been laid out, I want to take the site to the next level. I want this to look as good (if not better) than an NCAA or NFL site. While I do have video on the site right now, I'll be adding more (game footage). But I'm looking to create a roster (full team, defense/offense/special teams, etc.).

Any input that you folks can provide would be gratefully appreciated.

Here is the site: Mountain West Prep

Thanks again for your feedback and suggestions.




Hello Everyone!!

My name is Christine and i recently started a small jewelry buisness and also i am an Independant Webcenter Consultant. I look foward to learning from all of you here and wish everyone success in your buisness ventures :):D


My Best Source for New Business

Since I work with a lot of small business owners, I thought I’d give the community a little insight on what has worked well to get them customers. Get some great lead generation ideas in a report I just published. You can get it here at no cost.

Interestingly, as we see countless advertisements for website promotion in forums like these, most of my clients DO NOT get the bulk of their business from promoting their website in search. That’s still important, but the number one source of business for them comes from Yelp.

For those of you who don’t know, Yelp is an online business directory where consumers can rate and review businesses such as general contractors, florists, plumbers, mechanics, attorneys, restaurants, salons and just about any small business you can think of.

I often hear new cleints say, “I don’t want to be in Yelp because I heard that people can post bad things about me.” This is true. They can, but Yelp scrapes the Internet for small businesses they can add to their directory. Consumers have the right to post their opinions about a business and Yelp has the right to give them a forum to do it in. That means you’re probably there whether you want to be or not. Here’s the real question: Are you going to control your message or are you going to let others do it?

I hope you want to control it because if you do, there are a lot of consumers waiting for you in Yelp. Here are a few tips:

1. Promote Yelp in Search

First, rather than focusing so much on your website, promote your Yelp profile instead, especially if it has a lot of gold stars. Google shows the stars right in search results. If a consumer searches Google and finds both your competitor’s website and your Yelp listing, one next to the other, which one will they choose? If it were me, I’d choose the one with all the gold stars next to it—that would be your Yelp listing.

2. Ignore this Rule

Second, Yelp ‘recommends’ that you not ask your customers for reviews and that you should just let reviews happen naturally. That’s BS. They do this because they think if you only ask your satisfied customers for reviews, that it will not accurately reflect the true quality of your service. Don’t buy it. You should ask every customer who is happy with your service to write a review in Yelp, Google and anywhere else they can think of. They can even share it in their Facebook, Linked In or Twitter feed. Add a link back to the review and you’re golden.

3. There's Gold Hidden in Negative Reviews

Third, you absolutely must respond to negative reviews. Yelp has a function for you to respond publicly to all reviews. Get in the habit of doing this. Check your profile every day. If someone posts something negative, respond in a nice, professional way. Do not go on the defensive. The best response is to thank them for their feedback and to promise to do better. Take your slap on the hand. As a consumer, I don’t care about using the company with the highest rating. I want to use the one that cares the most.

If you get a few negative reviews, don’t sweat it. Consumers know you’re human and that you make mistakes. Just apologize for them.

Never offer a discount to disgruntled customers. This will cause others to write negative reviews just to get a freebie.

Alright, I’ve got a lot more tips to share with you on this, but this post has already gotten too long, but I want to stress that you guys should get active in Yelp. More than 79% of consumers use reviews now to make purchasing decisions and Yelp is the place they’re going. I’ve been using a “customer review” marketing strategy for my clients for years and they clean up. That’s how I know this works. Ignore online reviews at your own peril.

If this stuff helps, let me know and I’ll be happy to share some other tips that my clients are doing that are making them market leaders. If you have any questions, be sure to let me know.


Thank you for the warm welcome and I'm very excited to be here. - Abq, NM

I just recently started my own business in direct sales with an amazing company. While I'm sure most (if not all) of us here got into business for ourselves to make money, we also wanted to provide a service to others.

And yes, while this company does afford me the opportunity to generate a significant income, it also provides some impressive tools, benefits and perks to others (whether you're a business owner or not). The name of the company is called Wake Up Now (WUN).

After a great experience with another company (MCA), I wanted to take the plunge one more time to create a better future for my family. I hope to gain a wealth of knowledge from the members of this forum and hope to be able to provide others with some nuggets of wisdom as well.

If you would like more info regarding the services provided by either company, please let me know.

Thank you all and have a blessed day...




New Business Owner in Tucson, AZ USA

I just became a Referral Agent with Instant Rewards brief it's a program that pays commissions and bonuses for promoting the trial offers of major U.S. companies...we're open in the U.S., Canada, and the U.K.

I've been posting to many free business sites, Linkedin and Facebook...I printed copies of a flyer that I've been distributing...and now I'm doing business forums to get the word out...I'm happy to be a member here...


samedi 9 novembre 2013

how to start a flooring installation business

I'm starting C.L.R. FLOORING INSTALLATION in Emmett, ID and surrounding areas such as (Boise, meridian, eagle, nampa, caldwell, star etc...) I'm getting the Insurance taken care of now.. my question is do I need to do the L.L.C. to get my license number needed to get contracts through flooring companies or can I use the free federal tax ID number as my license number??? Thanks and any and all advice would be grateful


Hello from Original Hosting!

Hello Small Business Forum Community,

Would just like to keep it short and sweet. My name is Jordan and I own a small web hosting business based in London called Original Hosting, we provide web hosting and design services to other small businesses and individuals. I would be happy to answer any questions anyone may have on here in terms of websites, feel free to shoot me a PM at some point. I am interested in where everyone else is based and what businesses you all run?


vendredi 8 novembre 2013

How much to pay for restaurant CRM system?

Hi, a quick question to restaurant/bakery/coffee shop owners - how much would you be willing to pay (or are currently paying) for a CRM system that gathers all feedback from your customers and streams it into a web-dashboard for owner and restaurant to see, analyze, and respond to? I have been approached by a vendor and I want to check with you how much you would value such a system. Their has an app included as well which consolidates feedback, so I can respond to my customers with an actual SMS from anywhere in the world as long as I have access to wi-fi.

Thanks so much!




I have a consulting which is currently generated about 200k in 6 months. I need a second business partner who is able to close deals, so I can move forward to get more business?

I had a candidate in mind who I thought we would be a great team? The cons....he has in no experience in the industry and he lives in Chicago and I am in New York. He says he will be in New Jersey or New York in or about 6 months. He was interested in 35% but he said he doesn't do sales? He wants to monitor my two workers from out of state and watch my books, fly in when needed, so I can introduce him to my contacts. And if I get a Refferal he will close. Do invoicing. Interviewing for software.

I offered him 50% for every Refferal while he lives in Chicago, when he moves to NY we can revisit partnership. My business is a consulting business which needs minimal capital which I have. I told him why would I partner with someone to do back office support when I can hire someone?

I just need to know if I am missing something I am not understanding...because he was highly offended with my offer.


Ex-Employee, now Business Owner


I have a quick question. I own a small business and have hired mainly family members and family friends since we started.

One of these family members decided to go off on his own after a full 8 months of training in the industry. He copied our sales pitch, website is almost word for word the same as ours, he is servicing the same area and based out of the same city. It was a very disrespectful to say the least, but is it legal? He is lying on all his advertising stating that he has worked for years in the industry, etc... but should I look into taking legal action? He is also lying to potential customers about our practices so he would get hired instead of us. Luckily we have very faithful customers who stick with us and let us know whats going on.

I'm just not sure how to approach this. Any advise would be appreciated.




Good Software Program for Service Business?


I have a service based business and would love any advise on some software programs to modernize my files. Everything is now paper-based and I need to get with the times since our business is growing.

Ideally it would have a database where I can store all my customers information, generate quotes, sales orders and invoices, place notes on customer accounts, keep track of how much has been paid and owed, and some kind of calender so my employees can see the appointments and stops for the day.

I'm not sure if anything like this exists. Please let me know what you use and how you feel about it. Maybe that will point me in the right direction.




Gross Income Estimation for new business?

I have looked all over the web for help on this one. Can anyone give me some advice on getting a good estimate for the first year?


illinois articles of incorporation how do I allocate shares?

Hello my wife and I are starting a business, where it will be a female owned business.

I am confused about the following

4. Paragraph 1 — Authorized Shares, Issued Shares and Consideration Received

Filing online, I have the shares listed as common 100,000 allocated issued 1000 at $ .01 would his work with the online filing? I read somewhere that online you can only do 1000 shares, I could be wrong.

Where do I indicate she is 51% owner? In the By laws?

How do I create the By laws? Are they filed with the state?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.



S-Corp distribution

This has been our best year for our s-corp and we need to pay estimated taxes but if I take out what I need to pay that will be more than the basis in the company until after the first of the year. Can I take the money out as a loan to the shareholders or would I be better off waiting until the first of the year


Link Building Through Images

If I host an image on my website (so for instance, the URL would be "") and someone shares this link on their site, how does it compare with a text link. Meaning, if all other factors are the same, does the image link or a text link offer more SEO benefit? Or is it roughly the same benefit?

And just to be clear (and excuse me if this is a dumb question), images that on the "/images/" sub-directory of my site will benefit me SEO-wise, right?


jeudi 7 novembre 2013

Energy Deregulation

Im starting a canvass crew to gain new customers for IGS Energy.

Im looking to recruit sales reps for residential and commercial accounts.

This is a door to door and business to business industry.

What's the best way to recruit people?


Please advise.

Hello, i am planning on setting up my own website to sell electronics online. I live in Florida and i was wondering what should be my legal steps to do it the right way without having any issues later on. It is going to be only me in this business, should i get an EIN, which type of business structure( s corp, LLC, Sole proprietorship, etc)? I have already set up my Fictitious name. Please advise.


Some nice publicity and recognition

It's always rewarding to have your credentials recognized by others because it means a lot more than tooting your own horn. In this case, a collaborative effort between three parties was required and took a few months to bring to publication. I was honored to be one of those three.

Although the target market is professional contractors, anyone in business can benefit from what I am sharing here. The end result is achieved by combining the perspective of the target end customer (homeowners in this case), my input as a web design and marketing professional (and homeowner), a contractor, and even a vendor who sells fasteners to the contractors. This covers every primary link in the chain.

I was asked for input on the blog post in the link below regarding the importance of a web site. To make the information even more useful, a PDF resource is included showing the easy to understand nuts and bolts components of an effective web site. To create this resource a successful contractor's site was evaluated and the site owner provided information on how the site has helped his business, and how it helped him reach markets that he otherwise could not have captured. I am also featured in the example as the web designer.

IMO, this is also an example of great marketing by FastenMaster which is the company behind it. By helping their contractor customers increase their business volume by pointing out the value of an effective web site, they sell more products to those contractors. In addition to the obvious benefits I get by being featured, I like the fact that this was not just thrown together as more marketing clutter. Everyone wins in this approach and SBF members can benefit regardless of your business model.

Here it is: Why Pro Contractors Need a Pro Website - FastenMaster



Hello forum members i am new here and wanted to say hi to everyone.


Business Freelance Writer says hi!

Hey guys,

A pleasure to be on the forum! I'm a business freelance writer that specializes in encouraging customer engagement and generating leads.

After years of loving psychology but not knowing quite how to combine it with my love of both the written word and business, I finally figured out that business writing was my true passion!

I've done the academic side as well, with a Bachelor's in Psychology and Master's Degree in Consumer Psychology with Business, a cutting edge course that combines human behaviour with the mechanics of marketing.

In my spare time, I also write short stories, and have actually won a local prestigious prize for my short story work.

I also am a sports fan, and I love football, basketball, and cricket (yes really!)

If you want to talk to me about ANYTHING, just send me a PM and we can chat.




how to set up cleaning service

Hi,I have been in cleaning service for a while and would like to open my own company. What are the steps to follow to set up commecial cleaning service company? (Office cleaning, schools, restaurants.. carpet cleaning.) Planning to have a few employees work for me. Where to start? What to do? Should I first set up the corporation? Then what? Can I do it online? Im in Florida. Sorry for many questions, but I have never been in business and have no idea how this works.

thank you


mercredi 6 novembre 2013

What are the 5 elements that make up an effective Management Operating System?

I would like to offer this site some value by having a conversation about the 5 key elements that make up an effective Management Operating System (MOS). Every organization has an MOS however only a few understand the 5 elements and have developed tools to effectively manage the system.

Now, does anyone know the 5 key elements?
