vendredi 8 novembre 2013


I have a consulting which is currently generated about 200k in 6 months. I need a second business partner who is able to close deals, so I can move forward to get more business?

I had a candidate in mind who I thought we would be a great team? The cons....he has in no experience in the industry and he lives in Chicago and I am in New York. He says he will be in New Jersey or New York in or about 6 months. He was interested in 35% but he said he doesn't do sales? He wants to monitor my two workers from out of state and watch my books, fly in when needed, so I can introduce him to my contacts. And if I get a Refferal he will close. Do invoicing. Interviewing for software.

I offered him 50% for every Refferal while he lives in Chicago, when he moves to NY we can revisit partnership. My business is a consulting business which needs minimal capital which I have. I told him why would I partner with someone to do back office support when I can hire someone?

I just need to know if I am missing something I am not understanding...because he was highly offended with my offer.


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