lundi 11 novembre 2013

being more aggresive on sales

im trying as hard as I can to find some more the past ive always taken a low key approach to sales....I send fliers and let the customers come to me....about once a year I call all the potential customers on my list and ask for work(most of the time I just get an answering machine)

well its time again this year and ive gotten some decent in particular said he is looking for another plumber...I sent him all the info today in a fax

how long before I do a follow up call? how many follow up calls do I do? what should I ask in my follow up calls?

typically I have done 1 follow up call.....typically I give up after that....many times I get a answering machine

I am trying to expand and want to attempt to be more aggressive on sales....the customer im trying for has enough work for several employees...

should I ask him for a meeting? lunch?



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