lundi 25 novembre 2013

Soccer affiliation

Hi, my question needs a bit of presentation ,before I ask what I need. I am a soccer coach in progress to start my own club, soccer academy .

So ...I have an agreement with parks and recs for Spring time to use use their fields, until then I am working on getting my name for the club,but the only thing I am having trouble to completely understand is how to get affiliated . From what I read, I need to get affiliated in order for my kids to play games with other organizations and clubs,and aslo to have insurance ,but in order to get affiliated you need to have a certain number of players. That puzzles me a little ,can I function ,and start practice with the kids without being affiliated?At this point I do not know how many players I would have ,because In Spring will be the very first season for me in a new area where nobody knows me.So it will be a a brand new club.Please any info or link ,or a recomandation for a specific attorney will be great.Thank you.

Sincerely Claudiu


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