lundi 11 novembre 2013

Am I a Independent Contractor?

I am working as a License Massage Therapist.

I choose what days and hours I would like to work.

If I need the day off or any time off. I let the business know in advance. And if possible I will find another LMT to be oncall when I am not there.

I have the right to refuse to work on a client if I can not help the client feel better.

I work at more than 1 location for 2/3 business. I have business cards.

I own my own Table, Chairs, etc...

But the locations I practice massage they provide the table and room for me.

I have a business license for one of the locations to practice massage because of being concidered an I.C. now I'm being told I am an employee.

And I need to pay booth rent to practice massage at the one location to prove that I own my own business.

I buy stuff that I need, Cream, sheets, professional clothing to work in, any extra products.

AM I - I.C. or employee?

State is saying I am not an I.C.


Thanks for everyone's help.


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