mardi 31 décembre 2013

Did you get anything new for Chistmas that you really like? If so what?

I got myself a 7" Google Nexus 7 Android tablet to take on my trip with me.

I've had a 10.1" Motorola XY Board for over a year now and I like it and mostly read and play games on it, but the Nexus blows me away. It's UI is very easy to use, it's fluid, smooth, and I put it through the ringer while out of town. It functioned as my entire entertainment, and communications center. Besides listening to music and reading blogs on the Google Currents app, I was taking pictures and uploading them to Facebook, Emailing, and Skyping and I didn't notice one glitch, lag, or stall...even when running 2 apps at one time.

I was thinking about getting a new iPod, but I don't even need it now. The music player is fabulous and the sound ( through ear buds) is every bit as good as my old iPod.

7" is also the perfect size. I hardly ever take my 10" tablet out of the house, but I take the Nexus everywhere....fits perfectly in my jacket's inside pocket.

Besides the XY Board, I've played with the iPad which of course is good, and I got my Mom an Asus Transformer running Windows 8 which I also like. If you need a tablet that runs office, has a detachable keyboard, and has a USB port, then that's the one to get.

But for speed and ease of use, the Nexus blows me away.

Google and Asus definitely got it right.

What about you guys, did you get any new toys this year?


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