mercredi 11 décembre 2013

Legal Help

I am a silent partner with an equal stake in a company, that is formed a S corporation. Due to some financial problems and non payment of money owed to me I announced my intention to leave the partnership. No formal agreement has been completed on the dissolution of the partnership yet and the other partners have already removed my access to the bank. I believe I still have legal right of access to the bank because I am technically still a partner till the dissolution agreement is signed. One of the clauses in the partnership agreement was that all the members would have unrestricted access to all the bank information, this clause has been violated in my case. I want to know what legal options I have restore my access to the bank. I intend to get a report of all the financial transactions made by the business and audit them because I suspect some irregularities. Also, is there any penalty that can be imposed through the courts for violating the terms of partnership by blocking my access to the bank.



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