mercredi 18 décembre 2013

SaaS accepting credit card payment advice.

Hi all, a little background. My colleges and I have developed a very user friendly web based software package to help Non-Profits manage fundraisers. (auctions live and silent, coordinate volunteers and venders, seating and table assignments, ticket sales, etc.) Really we have developed an SaaS package. We are finishing up beta testing now and everything looks very promising. To this point our customers have been using SquareUp to accept credit cards. However Square has no API and there is no verification that payment was made and we have to rely of human data entry reconcile payments. This process can and does cause an issue that has to be tracked down. It was suggested we go with PayPal Here but the process of each client setting up their API seemed overwhelming for our non-tech users. So we are back to Square one ;-)

Our pricing scheme at this point is a small setup fee + percentage of sales on the first event and then a percentage per event there after. Maybe with a maximum total fee.

I would like to have a system in place where clients accept credit card payments on our behalf and we pay the client minus our cost and event fees. But this process may be unacceptable because card readers cost.

Any advice here would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,



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