vendredi 27 décembre 2013

Starting an Online SEO Course!!!

I received many questions about search engine optimization lately and decided to start a fresh online course that briefly explains how anybody could optimize their site. Everyone is welcome to join and please feel free to comment on what you read. Discuss the techniques, say what else you’d like to be covered.

Here is a section from Chapter 1:

Why are keywords important?

Let’s put it in simple terms: No keyword research means NO SEO.

Why is that? Keywords are the main building blocks in SEO. If you try to promote a website without having the right keywords will bring you zero traffic. It’s like chasing a treasure without having a map where to search.

Here is a real world example:

A big European online bookstore nearly failed a $90,000 worth optimizing campaign. Everything looked good at a first glance and the site was ranking high for certain keyphrases, but the company didn't make any sales. Why? Some keywords weren't bringing traffic to the site, while others brought traffic, but didn't make sale, or in SEO language, convert. Guess where the problem is? Yup, the keywords were wrong!

The keywords you will choose will be critical of your future optimization such as: on-page optimization, video syndication, guest blogging, social media activities, directory submissions, or other. But this is for later!

So in simple terms, the best investment when doing SEO is finding the right keywords. I will show you how later.

What’s a Keyword?

A keyword is a word that people will type into search engines.

Here is a typical example:

Let's say a friend of yours is going to buy a new skirt online and she is typing modest apparel in Google. At the very top of the Search Engine's result page she sees your site. This means that you rank first for the keyword modest apparel. In addition, this means that your friend most likely visits your site and makes a purchase, than from a competitor's site that has a lower rank, let's say #5.

In SEO you can use one or several words, like, clothing, modest apparel, or buy fashion clothing. Terms that contain more than one keyword are usually called keyphrases.

Looking forward to your feedback...


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