mercredi 18 décembre 2013

emergency service?

should I say on my new website that I offer emergency service even though 1/2 the time I wont be able to do it?

I am wondering if my definition of emergency service is the same as the general questioning it

is it something like a leaky water heater than can wait a day or 2....or is it water spraying, I need help in 30 minutes? questioning whether many emergency calls are truly emergencies or am I missing jobs I could do in a day or 2 by not advertising for emergency service....I really cant see that many circumstances that I would consider a true emergency, but to some homeowners a water heater leaking or a garbage disposal that died May be a emergency.

I notice all of my competitors offer emergency service and I dont list it...

on my slow days I could handle a extra job or 2....some weeks I only have 4 hours of work in the middle of be available for it....but in the middle of summer im typically booked 7 days out and while I still may be able to squeeze some extra work in at the end of the day I would NOT be able to drop everything and run with 30 minutes notice

so should I advertise for something that I can sometimes do? when a homeowner calls and I say 'sorry im too busy today' will that do any damage?

should I advertise for it in the winter months and then take it down once late spring comes?

when I do get emergency calls I get the idea the homeowner has already called multiple plumbers, so im pretty sure many plumbers who advertise it cant always do it

I can only think of 2 or 3 large shops that have guys sitting waiting for calls...they also charge 2-3x what I do because of it....most plumbers are small 1-3 man operations and there is little chance someone is waiting for the call and will be there in 30 minutes

just wondering if there's a downside to advertising something that you cant always do (and my competition most likely cant do either)


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