vendredi 6 décembre 2013

Keyword Research

I'm a SEO specialist for a St. Louis based web marketing company. I've been very involved with keyword research.

I have a perfect story to help illustrate how important keyword research is. About a year ago when my partner were learning how to do this from a close friend who is considered one of the top online marketers in the country, we wanted to start a fake company just to see how well we can advertise it. We decided to start a maid service. We utilized the keyword research for blogs, videos, sites, etc. We started getting so many phone calls we decided to hire one maid. Even with the maid, we didn't scratch the surface of how many potential customers we were getting. We even received a call from a local news station wanting us to come on and talk about a cleaning product. The reporter had googled "cleaning service expert st louis" and found us. My partner and I had no idea about cleaning services, but we had positioned ourselves as experts.

For $500, I am willing to do full keyword research for you if you need. This stuff really does work. I'm not going to lie, you have to put the work in putting out content for it to work properly. If you put in the work, I promise it'll pay off.

Please feel free to email me at If you would like to talk more about keyword research or anything SEO related, please email me or comment on this forum and I will be active.

Thank you


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