lundi 30 décembre 2013

monthly emailings/constant contact

ive decided to start collecting customer emails and send out monthly e-mailings/fliers.....

a friend uses Constant contact and likes it....its $15 a month to use

my wife says she can do it with Word for free

constant contact makes it into a miniwebsite and keeps track of how many open the email and what they click it may well be worth $15 a month for the extra features

my plan is to give a tip of the month and a product of the month...ill offer a coupon off the product

I am planning on asking customers for their emails by mentioning the special monthly asking for a customers email a bad thing? im not sure id want to give out my email....but then again most people live on their computers and giving out email isn't that big of a thing?(right/wrong?)

just looking for any suggestions...this is something I should have done 6 years ago...I did keep an address database at one point...but never an email database



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