lundi 23 décembre 2013

Extremely good niche need help on extensive marketing and possible business inquries

Hi, im fairly new to the forums

So im fairly young "18" I have been making good money since I was 10 through the help with a successful father who owns a toy distributing business and currently

sells to very large corps including national museum of history....Disneyland and hundreds of stores across the world. He recently moved all his market to licensed tv

show memoralbelia "bad spelling" now these licenses each cost aroun 150k - 250k for a year most of them are on the channel amc including walking dead... all the

shows are in the top 5 list on some of the biggest tv networks including the most popular show in Europe and two of the most popular in the u.s

I have now wedged myself in a new business plan through gaining respect with the Chinese wholesalers and my families business to run and operate a retail site for

them "they are wholesale" with some of the profits going to the Chinese wholesaler and my families company now these products I have started a ebay site with

them and did very well in the first month around 1k profit with only 10 products wich we have much more there was a limit in stock of the hot selling items but it

definetly is in the 1% of niches as these products there is only 2-3 online vendors who legally can sell the product in wich 2 of them buy stock from my fathers

company so we are going through india in producing the website which I am designing the families business recently created a new wholesale site wich in the

process of building we have gotten a large amount of retail orders from people who thought it was retail "prices weren't even posted" and no marketing was even

put in as it is directed for large business so this new retail site definetly can do some big numbers now to the point of this post "very long intro" I need help in some

marketing ploys I am very fimilar with very good social media marketing wich I can direct 200-300 organic traffic a day alone and all of that traffic is people who

directly are fans of the tv shows which is very interesting cause no other place I can direct a huge amount of traffic that only like what im selling in under an hour

but I want to expand some of my marketing ploys in late January in feburary when I launch the site I need some experts here on the forums to either pm or reply on

the thread to give me some basics on how I should go about this and I am serious about working with some of you with expierence if it is good now I have a good

amount of capitol ecspeccially for my age that ive earned myself and ive never been handed money from parents or anyone so I have expirence in business please

reply and we can chop up some business thanks!


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