vendredi 31 janvier 2014

What's the biggest challenge you're facing when it comes to turning visitors into...

Hey guys,

I'm curious...

What's the biggest challenge you're facing when it comes to turning visitors into paying customers?

I mean, this question is addressed to SMB owners who are have a website and get visitors but not too many sales.



Good Business Plan Needs Tweaking

Greetings everyone. My name is Len and I was wondering if I could get some feedback about a project that I have been eyeballing for a few years now and the cut costs keep getting smaller and smaller.

You can check out the project by clicking on my signature or at this Link --> Click Here

What I'm trying to find out is where the best places to get financial help even though the cut costs are still being tallied, The more help the merrier.


Business Opportunity For Pizza Restaurateur

Greetings everyone. Hope everyone's day is going well and has been a good week to you. I would like to present a business idea to SBF and see if I can get a little help getting some feedback. I have started a little webpage on and you can see this start of this project in my signature as well. I have been in the restaurant industry for almost 20 + years and just can't find it in me to work for another restaurant again due to what I know and the behind the scenes stuff that we all know does happen.

Of course this is just the overview and the starting point but I have specialized in Italian/Pizza mainly during this journey. Pizza mainly being because it is so easy to make and plus it is an art. Now I know details are not posted or anything like that because I am in the process of moving and I'm also processing the start-up costs cuts now to find the actual cost of what the project will take to get off the ground.

I just wanted to post this post to see what all kind of discrepancies, comments or concerns that will better help me get off the ground. Partners? Investors? I'm the labor and the idea because I have stretched the idea a bit further and could afford to use some help constructing the final business plan.


Property Owner Liability

Hi everyone, this is my first time posting, so I apologize if this is not the correct thread for this post.

So here's my situation, I'm looking to start my own "home based" business as a sole proprietor. However, I currently rent a place, and my city says that I need the landlord's signature to register the business license. I spoke to my landlord and he is okay with doing so, but he brought up a good question, if a client were to try and sue me, would he or his assets (i.e. house) be clear of any liability associated with my business?

To be clear, I only call this business home based in the sense that the license will use the home address. I will not actually be doing any work from the location.

Please let me know what you all think, thanks!


Quote pics

Have many of you flexed your quote pics for promotion via social media? They are easy to make, quick to read and very simple to slip a promo link in. Much easier than making an infographic or extensive video.


Recent hacking involving GoDaddy, Paypal and Twitter

Have you heard the recent story of a hacker managing to collect financial information from major entities GoDaddy and Paypal on a particular user such as credit card detail? He ended up hacking his Twitter as well and gaining access to the handle @N which has a price tag of $50k. It's easy to assume it won't happen to you!


Greetings Everyone

Hola amigos and amigas. Ok ok. I'm not foreign(nothing against foreign people) so don't jump on me. Smile.

My name is Len and thought I would introduce myself cause its all about following directions at times correct? Well I have done so and made it short and sweet. I will be posting throughout SBF due to not wanting to work for someone else anymore. I'm ready to claim my sense of fame with a business.

I'm determined yet friendly to the relations that can make myself a people person also because that is also what I am. I hope to also meet a lot of new people and can't actually wait to jump in on some topics and gets some good ideas rolling. Anyhow, Thanks for having me and I'm absolutely delighted to be here.


Self employment savings of S corp vs LLC

I was set to start an LLC, until I learned about the potential tax savings of a S corp. The main reason for going the LLC route was for simplicity. It probably will not matter the first few years, but I could see the tax savings in the future by going with a S corp. I just want to make sure I am understanding everything properly.

Basically, a LLC is taxed just like a sole proprietor. Therefore, I would have to pay self employment tax up to $113,700 (medicare tax has no cap).

With a S corp, I will have to pay self employment taxes on my wages only and not my net income distribution. In my industry, a managing partner could have a reasonable salary of 55k to 70k.

In my situation, would it be better to go with a S corp? Do you think the tax savings would outweigh the benefit of not having as much paperwork with an LLC?

It seems like an S corp would be a better option for a sole owner making less than 113,700. Is the additional paperwork of a S corp with the tax savings?


Silent partner finacial/payment questions

I recently relinquished my responsibilities as a managing partner in a interior remodeling firm. I am still 50/50 partner. My business partner is planning on joining me at the company I am currently working at. We have a verbal agreement with my current employer to buy them out in 3-5 years as they near retirement. The remodeling company experienced a decent 2013, is without debt, and slowly growing. The remodeling company is an award winning firm with a great reputation, strong web site, and is recognized as a mid to higher end remodeler within our community. Our goal is to either sell the remodeling company to one of our current employees or scale it back once we both are involved and working at the new company we plan to purchase. I have a few questions:

+Is there an easy way to place monetary value on the remodeling company?

+What is a fair way to be paid as a silent partner with little involvement in the daily operations of the company?

+Since we are both working towards the same goal on a daily basis (moving into ownership at the new company), should we determine that we both should have the same salary for 2014 and split the 2014 profits of the remodeling business?


Questions when assessing a Franchise for purchase?

Hi everyone,having lots of fun so far in the forum.

Inspired by a previous thread i read about due diligence and promises made by franchisors,id like to ask a question. WHat questions or relevant investigation would you ask or conduct when assessing a franchise for investment? I know its a beginners question,but i am a beginner;)

Can not wait to hear your responses

Sincerely Yours




Hello there folks

While i was poking around the website,i noticed the option of groups. Are these used in this forum? or simply a part of the software? Can anyone create a group or is there some protocol invovled? i am not wisihing to create one,simply learning my way around the site.




Now This is How You Take a Selfie

Granted it's not what you typically think of as a selfie. The pictures are taken with a $3,000 DSLR and the photographer is a professional. He sets a timer on the camera and then gets into the scene. Some pretty nice scenes too.

These were taken in the Canadian Wilderness, including a few of the Aurora Borealis.


jeudi 30 janvier 2014

My name is Victor,


My name is Victor (Lordvito9) and i am happy to find this forum. I searched for a few forums,but this seems to be filled with more adults than some others. I hope to learn and share as much as i can. Its a pleasure to be here.

I am based in Australia,but moving to Philippines later in the year for a period of 1-3 years.I greatly enjoy Retail and customer service. I am a excellent 1-1 communicator (Online Typing excluded :D),have no lack of either ambition or confidence so iam trying to bring in more humility into my life.I am married,with a baby girl on the way.

Cant wait to meet you all and learn a lot.

Sincerely Yours



Service quote contracts and if they are binding.

Good afternoon,everyone.

I am in a pickle and I need some advice. My situation is as follows:

I need my roof repaired and contacted a local roofing contractor. I stupidly signed on a contract without reading the small print. He listed all the repairs and materials needed to be done but there is no estimate. he came up with his estimate days later in an email. The total amount is roughly $9000 and my insurance company only paid $4800 plus a $500 deductible. He claims he has two "legally-binding" documents which I allegedly signed which allows him to penalize me for 20% of the total cost estimate. He recommended submitting a letter of dispute which we did two times but the insurance adjustor called me saying the amount is outrageous and this particular contractor has a reputation of overcharging. Now, since I have a copy of the contract without a cost and I want out of this contract can I take him to court so i can have this matter settled and preventing him from putting a lien on my home for 20% penalty fee? i need help


Nice to find this forum

Hello all,

I am executive coach starting 2010 and try to expand my coach experience and business internationally.

Currently I am working only online with limited time but interested to stay active in communities as a source for my own preparation for sessions.

I am open for any challenge from your part. Wishing you to find the best answers you need.


OPAC Commercial Brokerage LLC - Dubai - UAE

OPAC Commercial Brokerage LLC. has grown to become a leading Global Commercial Brokerage Company. An achievement resulting from unwavering commitment to Middle East, the professionalism of the Group’s employees, a keen sense of social responsibility with a strong awareness of its operating environment and the exceptional vision and close adherence to basic values.

We Connect Clients to state-of-the-art investment platforms to cope with the challenges facing business in today’s global environment.Our real estate portfolios focus on investing in real estate and land development projects that provide the opportunity to create and capture value.

Our specialty is that we identify these areas and present to clients a complete investment solution from commodities ,commercial and residential properties,import & export, wholesales, EU Citizenship by investments, bank instruments and project funding. Through our vast network of resources, and relationships, we can connect you to buyers and sellers to give you access to physical commodities such as oil, gold, diamonds and everything else you need to obtain a worry-free investment.

Right now OPAC C.B. have a unique investment opportunities in UAE, middle east & worldwide.

They are investment that could make you rich, protect your wealth — or both. And they are available exclusively to OPAC C.B. LLC.

OPAC C.B. have created a dealflow network to help you find investment opportunities. Our Business offers you access to thousands of business investment around the globe.

OPAC Commercial Brokerage LLC. utilizes industry expertise to connect investors and clients. It guides clients through the investment process from beginning to end, providing options most suitable to clients’ growth patterns to ensure their success.

Through the OPAC C.B. Services, our clients will be able to utilize our value adding platform that consists of public and private projects, entrepreneurs, service providers and resources, as well as businesses that share similar regional growth aspirations. This environment ensures an accessible gateway to opportunities for our clients, hence maximizing their chances of success.

If you own a property,land,business,hotels,retails or commercial building in UAE or international that you’d like to sell you need to consider that targeting one single market today is not enough. It’s time to broaden your horizons and start to address potential investors all over the world!

We are constantly reviewing investment development opportunities for our clients to invest into. Our company has an excellent track record in achieving above average returns for investors.

All listing must be exclusive and direct owners NO AGENT PLEASE.

At OPAC C.B. LLC. We don't charge our clients any fees for selling.

Investors; Call us today at 00971555832013 or 00971561396284, or send us an e-mail to schedule an appointment to discuss your investment needs.


Indonesian Designer

Hello, my name is Fransiskus Hadi Prasetyo. I'm a designer and ready to start my own business. Hope from this forum I get much help.


mercredi 29 janvier 2014

I've never owned a laptop and bought this one today

I've never owned a laptop and bought this one today MSI GS70 2OD-001US Gaming Laptop - Intel Core i7-4700HQ 2.4GHz, 16GB DDR3, 128GB SSD + 750GB HDD, NVIDIA GeForce GTX765M 2GB, 17.3 Display, Windows 8 - GS70 2OD-001US at

It comes with win 8 so I'll probably leave it as a windows machine. I'll probably load open office on it though. I bought one for my wife a few months ago and it seems like a good machine.


How do you get clients for a staffing agency?

Who do you ask to speak to and how do you go about it? In person? Do you get applicants first or clients?


Forming an LLC

I am planning to form my LLC prior to actually starting the business so I do not have a business address yet. Does it matter if I use my personal address as the business address for the time being? I will already use my personal information and address for the Registered Agent information. This is for New Jersey.


Hi, everyone from cold Russia

I'm Serge, our company has more then six year experience of software development in Russia. Now we searching customer relationships abroad for new interesting projects.

Thanks for attention!


Ambitious, Scared to Death and Seeking Input

Hello all. I signed up to this forum to see if I can get some advice which will aid in some pretty serious life decisions I need to make. I know that none of you can provide me with an answer because it is my decision, but would really appreciate your thoughts and sound advice. I apologize for the length of this post.....

First off, a little about me. I've owned three micro businesses over the course of my lifetime. None of them were really successful but all of them taught me something.

The first, a small flower/gift shop in my early 20's that I didn't intend to own. I graduated from technical college, was broke and unable to find a job right away and my mother suggested I come work for her in her flower shop. She had one FT employee at the time. Using all the money I had left, I convinced my husband to move from the city - where there were jobs - to this small town with limited jobs. Long story short. Three months after arriving my mother decided to divorce my dad, how did I not know? It's a long story. I discovered the full time employee she had was stealing her inventory and having plant parties, so my Mom fired her. But she wanted to close the business due to the divorce, so that left me - having just moved there, broke and with no real options - out in the cold. My father decided to provide a revolving loan so I could continue the business on my own. At first the business was doing well. I am a Jill of many trades and picked up on flower arranging easily. Life seemed like it just might work out; but the thief inherited a bunch of money, decided to open her own shop and undercut me till I couldn't sustain the business any longer. After a year of struggling I went and got a full time job, hired someone to run the shop but eventually had to cut my losses and close it down. Needless to say, I felt like a true failure, but chalked it up to experience, continued on with my job and moved on with life.

In my early 30's I continued to feel trapped in a life which did not seem like mine. Always trying to make everyone but me happy. I'd been hearing - follow your passion and you will be happy. I wanted to be, amongst other things, a professional songwriter. Since my job paid pretty well and I had some disposable income I made an album and tried to market it for a couple of years. But well, as you can imagine, I didn't win the songwriting lottery and so continued with my survey career.

If life wasn't hard enough I had the opportunity to emigrate to the USA and took it, even though it meant leaving everyone and everything behind and moving somewhere I had no connections. For the first five years I continued to work at my survey job which paid excellent, required me to travel and was seasonal, so I would spend half a year in the USA and half a year in Canada. During a project in Texas I met my current husband. After we got married I decided to try another business - wedding videos. I only pursued this on the weekends, and although I loved it, I couldn't make a living at it. Why? Mostly because people aren't willing to pay for that service, they will pay a photographer, but the idea of a videographer wasn't really catching on, and today - well every digital camera you buy has one built in, so cousin Joey will do that for free.

Another dream I had was to have a restaurant. I can see you all rolling your eyes.... Yes I know it's a silly dream but I worked in restaurants for about 10 years and thought I would be successful. I created a business plan, monitored my competitors clientele, determined what my menu would be and after about 8 months of red tape, used equipment purchase decisions, recipe testing and lease negotiations I finally got the business open. The restaurant was in an old mall which had been taken over by a large tech company. The future looked bright. After three months I finally figured out how to order product only once a week and was making enough profit to pay my overhead and have $1500/mth left over. The tech company was supposed to ramp up to 1500 employees and if that had actually happened, all five of us serving various items in the food court would have made it. But, that didn't happen. Instead they started ramping down, cut their employees lunch hour to half an hour and shortly thereafter only two of us remained. I was working about 80 hours a week on average and could see the writing on the wall and decided I had to get out. One of my regulars came in one day and told me that a co-worker of his felt that I was running the restaurant all wrong and felt that he could do a better job. At first I was a little upset, but then the light bulb went on - that person was my ticket out of there. So I found out who this person was, convinced him that he could do a better job than me and sold the business to him. I broke even in the sale and was thankful that God was looking out for me and I was able to get out my lease! I still felt like a failure, even though I knew it was a tough row to hoe.

Fast forward 12 more years. Since then I have gone back to school, obtained a degree and have been struggling to find secure, full time employment. I graduated in '09 and the economy had pretty much tanked. My husband is 59, has a pretty good job that he is happy with and it would be really hard for him to start over somewhere else - but (bless his heart) he is willing to move if I want find that dream job elsewhere. If I pursue my career, I will be able to find work just not where we live now. I've had three positions over the last three years; a contract position, an internship and was just laid off due to lack of work a month ago. All of these positions required living in a different town than where we own our home and I have been spending a third of my income supporting a second household and rarely getting to see my family.

So - this is where you all come in. I have always been ambitious, hardworking and possess a strong desire to be self employed, but now that I'm 48, I'm really a-feared. These other business ideas didn't require a lot of capital, but I still spent nearly everything I had. The big difference between then and now. I wasn't afraid. I was gung-ho. The thought of failure never entered my mind, cause somehow I figured I could handle 'it', whatever 'it' might be, and looking back, I did okay and learned a few things. But now I'm really scared. Call it maturity.

Even with my day job I'm always trying to think of that next invention where I can make my first million. I have come up with several ideas over the last few years, but the last one I'm working on now I think is a pretty good idea and am pursuing building a prototype for my product. There really isn't anything like it out there - but that doesn't mean it's a good idea. I've done quite a bit of research and plan to sell it on-line. Conservatively I estimate there are 12 million people who could afford my product. Without hard numbers, cause there are no stat's on this, I'm estimating 20% of those would have need for it, or about 2.5 million and further conservatively I'm estimating about 1% of those would buy it from me online. That's about 24K people. With a profit of $150/unit and working from my home I only need to sell about 5/week to make the same wage as my last position. I haven't worked out all the bugs, would need a professional website, some product and market testing etc. I think that I can swing it so that I can get a job locally and try to work through any potential issues, but it won't be a job in my career field. We're 100K in debt in student loans - another long story - have only a small amount of savings, and maybe, if all went well, could swing the start-up of this business without cashing in our 401K's -but they aren't worth much either. So in an effort to try and decide what to do, lots of blogs say to make a list PROS versus CONS. Here's my list.

Pros - Stay at home with my family; work in the basement to start so basically no overhead; be my own boss (which is huge); potentially earn a pretty decent income if I can figure out how to market the product effectively. Could sell 20-25 units per month from the basement without employees, but after that will need to ramp it up.

Cons - For the job - have to uproot my family, sell our house, run the risk of potentially getting laid off again after moving or worse - my husband having to work somewhere he hates and start at the bottom of the ladder again, if he can even get a job at his age; For the business if it doesn't take off, risking potentially all our savings trying to get it started, spending another 2 years of my life trying something that could fail and then having to try and explain to an employer what I've been up to for that time, feeling like a failure yet again.

So..... I expect this is a new story to any of you on here but I hope you will be able to provide me with some advice.

Thank you so much in advance.


Property Questions

I am hoping to purchase a piece of property instead of leasing for my start up and will be checking out a place this weekend. I was wondering if anyone had any general tips on what to look for or ask about. I'm in the early phases so if I were serious about a particular place I plan to take a more knowledgeable friend along to see the place the 2nd time.


Link building is a waste of time. And one reason that it isn't. But it is.

I stopped the futile exercise of random, attempted self manipulating link building over 2 years ago.

Used to be a time you could plop up a WordPress site with about 10 posts on it.

Run it through a directory script.

Link it to a forum signature and a few blog comments.

Drop a press release on it.

Link back to it from a few random free blog pages like Blogger and Weebly....and on the next Google update you could get a PR4 for at least one term or phrase.

Those days are over and have been over since my cell phone had an antenna...and they were still called "cell phones".

This is a good article that exposes some of the old school tactics and misconceptions that some people keep wasting time and money on.

I'm not saying anything stupid like SEO is dead. All I'm saying is that great content, with an awesome presentation and smart targeting wins out every day of the week, and twice on Sunday.

11 Reasons Link Building Is A Futile Waste Of Time -- And One Big Reason It Isn


How many do you list per day?

I wanted to ask this question to people who sells online full time. Do you keep in mind how many items you list per day or week? Such as maybe 50 items per day or 300 items per week? Also, if you list one of your item for sale on 5 different sites, would you count this as 1 post or 5 posts.

For example, I may have a goal of listing 50 items per day online. I may decide to list 10 different items to 5 different sites. Would that satisfy a goal or is it better to find 50 different items?


Need help from business owners

Hi everyone.

I'm doing market research for the business I want to start up. It is shaving supplies (straight razors, brushes, soaps etc). I recently got into wet shaving and I'm hooked on it. It's an art. I contacted suppliers and have a price lists and everything I need from them.

Now this is my question,

I contacted a local mall and was told for the CART it is going to cost me 3000$ a month PLUS 10% of gross sales once you break even with your rent. That just blew my mind. Reason I wanted to start with mall cart is because inventory doesn't have to be huge and you get thousands of customers walking thru the mall a day. That cuts down on marketing a lot in my opinion.

On the other hand I could rent a small shop for around 800$ in the city downtown. It gets quite busy during summer time. Now I have to purchase all the equipment to start a store and my inventory has to be a lot bigger so the store doesn't look empty. Also parking is not available close to any of the stores downtown.

So my question is what do you guys that have a business think. If I go to the mall and get sales I can easily move and open a store once you have your regulars. I think a lot more people are going to see your product at the mall and bigger chance to make a sale. If I go with the store it may takes months to build clientele. Another thing in the mall that doesn't makes sense to me is how other carts survive. People that sell sunglasses,avon,jewellery (cheap kind),phone cases etc. How many you have to sell a day just to cover your rent ? It doesn't make any sense to me.

I will be opening web store as well but not really relying on having big sales on it since there is quite a few stores online.

Any info would be really appreciated.

Thanks in advance,



Hello, everyone from newbie

I'm Nick. I'm just venturing into my own business and hope to find lots of useful information and building good friendships here on the forum.

I'll try my best also to contribute and help other members here

Thanks for attention


What is the term/name for new retail outlets operating for less than 12 months

I remember coming across a term/name for new retail stores that is in operation for less than 12 months. Does anyone know the term/name?

Same-store sales comparison will normally exclude these new stores.

Thanks in advance!



mardi 28 janvier 2014

What to do if there is no receipt for the COST OF GOOD deducted?

Hey guys, new to business and new to this forum!

I sell collectibles, they gain value through the years. Recently, I decided to make it a business. So my inventory is a mixture of new goods and personal goods that were bought a long time ago. What do you do when you sell something that was purchased so long ago that you have no receipt for it? But you do recall how much it cost you.

Can you still deduct base on memory, or is this a case of in which I should not deduct? Say I sold for $600, and I bought for $300. I don't have the $300 receipt, but what if I can show advertisements for that piece that showed it was $300 when it was first in the market?

So basically, what I like to know is... are we proving "WE" bought it? Or, are we proving its value? Because like I said, through advertisements, internet links, I can prove what they cost a long time ago.

But if I have to prove that I actually bought it through receipts, then that'll be hard. Please advise, thank you for your time.


Hello there from MWCC :)

Hi everyone,

My name is Tom and I work with MWCC (Midwest Corporate Credit)

We specialize in getting small business owners the credit lines they need for tough times, expanding their business, or just day to day purchases. You can actually use the lines for whatever you want :)

I read in this thread that we can post a link. So if you all were wondering, here's our website. Unsecured Business Credit

We started in 2005, incorporated in 2008, and here we are in 2014 :D

We're BBB accredited with an A+ rating as well.

I hope to talk with a lot of awesome people here :)


landing page critique please

Here is a landing page i am working on, it is a template. It will be the same for each niche but with relative keywords and image.

Is it too busy? Too simple? What about the form? Initially i wanted a css fixed form, but the fields look kinda 3d dragging attention.

What about the colors? I am trying use "sense of urgency" and also "trust" colors.

Would an address improve conversion?

Also i am working on the logo and tagline, it is way to long.

-My main goal is get you to give me info for a follow up call

-Only google ppc to this link

opinions and thoughts on everything, color, seo, copy, format, layout etc... Thanks.

Business Insurance Quote | Liam Dai


Hello From CandidateBroker

Hello Everyone,

My Name's Scott and I am the founder of After nearly 2 years of development, we launched a little over 3 months ago and have quickly grown to nearly 40,000 users. CandidateBroker is a soup to nuts recruiting platform, that's affordable and includes a number of features including automatic job board syndication to 50+ jobs boards, video & text questions, applicant tracking and a number of other features.


What college degree is the most suitable for a future business venture?

Hey folks! I'd be really glad if you could read my entire question and help me.

I'm about to go to college, but I'm from the few who haven't chosen what to do with their life yet... I've already applied for computer science in the UK (I'm from Europe), but I'm pretty sure I don't want to work as a programmer for the rest of my life. I do enjoy programming to some extent, and I love technology, but I don't see myself working for salary as a programmer when I'm 35-40 years old, but as far as a computer science degree goes, I'm most probably expected to wind up that way. I'm not saying that working for a salary is bad. I'm saying that, personally, I prefer to start my own business, and be an entrepreneur. Both cases have their benefits and drawbacks, for sure! There are plenty of examples of people from computer science that created successful business ventures, such as Bill Gates and Michael Dell, but I don't really expect to have a business in the computer field. I like making money (not just the money itself, but he entire process), and I think I would be happy to be in charge of almost any business, as long as it's functioning OK.

So, my real question is, do I have to stick to my computer science degree, or pursue a different one, maybe in the business/management area?

In my opinion, there are certain benefits of a Computer Science degree over a Business one: better job security, and bigger demand of computer specialists than business or management graduates (correct me, if I'm wrong). Plus, the salaries of programmers are a little better for those who are able to find a decent job. The drawbacks of starting a business are, of course, the huge risks you take, not just financially. A lot of people tell me that I need to have some starting capital, and the best way to gather this capital is by saving a part of my salary as a programmer, but I'm not entirely sure that this is the best way, though.

Overall, I'm extremely confused and puzzled as to what "path in life" to pursue. There are just so many overwhelming opportunities, that only make me wonder more and more about what to do. It's like Yahoo Answers is my last chance to get my head straight. So, please, try to help me straighten my head, and give me some advice! Any advice would be more than helpful (even if you say: "I don't know!", really...)

Thanks in advance!


lundi 27 janvier 2014

I came across what appears to be a "steal of a deal"

After spending another day battling some of the worst roads I think I've ever seen, I've come to the decision to give my sanity a check. Rather than spending as much time on the road as I am currently, I've decided to look for something that will complement my current business.

My question here is, does anyone know where I can find some basic metrics on valuing sawmills? What's throwing me off is the difference (lower) between the asking price and what I'm perceiving as value for the land, buildings, equipment, inventory and other FF&E.


Inventory Management System?

I am holding a motorsports swap in my area ( I need a way to manage inventory. How do you think the best way of keeping track of everything? I think computers would ease the process, but all the product will be brought in the night before and possibly morning of. I need a way to keep track of everything, its price, and, who it belongs to, if it has sold or not, if it has been checked in(see below) and maybe barcode.

i think it would be cool if there was a way to use excel or like program and have people add in there own items and then check them in in person after they are preregistered. At check in, a barcode would be assigned and labels given out. anyone know of any programs or alternative ways to keep track of everything?


prmote business using brochures

Best printing companies in Singapore - The Visual Publish specialized in printing services: Offset Printing, Digital Printing (Brochure Printing, Name Card Printing, Sticker Printing etc.), Bindery Services.


How to monetize my business/organization?

I started a business/organization that helps Catholics connect with each other, basically a networking site. We allow churches to post in our directory (for free) with the option to add another webpage to explain about their church and activities/events that are going on.

For the youth groups/catholic individuals we host business tours. (airplane manufacturing/hotels/banks/ etc.

We also allow people to post activities, events, jobs, and businesses for free.

Since keeping a website running costs money, I thought I could monetize this by allowing a business to post their ad for free in a directory and if they notice some feedback from the daily traffic, they have the ability to buy this "extra webpage" option that allows them to explain more about what they do and include discounts etc.

What is the best way I can monetize this?


How we can supply a supplement store?

If I planned to open my own supplement store and I wanted particular items in it would I have to do business with every organization for every single product or could you purchase the products in bulk from web sites and then re-sell them without it being illegal.


dimanche 26 janvier 2014

A suitable business name...

Hi. I am new on this forum so am still becoming familiar with it. The business I have been working on starting up breeds insects for animals such as reptiles fish and poultry. As I anticipate some of my customers to be farmers and from the agricultural field I have been considering the name Agri-bug. Have also thought about Bugfeed, Bugprotein and even Seabug. Any opinion on these names would be greatly appreciated or suggestions for others. Hoping I can in turn assist someone else on this forum.


business auto leasing in wa

Hello, I have an s-corp and my accountant recommended that I lease my next car under my business for tax advantages. Has anyone here done this in WA? What are the costs, benefits, rules and restrictions around this?

Are there any special questions that the dealer or state government might ask that I should be prepared to answer in a certain way in order to make sure that I can successfully lease my next car under my business?


Hello from Talkroute


My name is Paul Howey and I am one of the owners and co-founders of Talkroute!

I'm looking forward to being apart of the community :)

This looks like a great place to both share and learn from other members.



samedi 25 janvier 2014

Business targeting college students: Need a second opinion

Hi everybody, first time poster here. I recently bought the domain name for a group buying site which focuses on targeting college students. Things that I would sell are cheap clothes, school supplies, discounts for local businesses such as bars, etc. One of the main attributes of my group buying site which will make it different is that it will focus on attracting college students going out into their local college community and getting small businesses to sign up to give discounts. I will essentially be sharing my profit with the student based on the commission I receive from the coupon revenue. This commission would probably be around 10%, I figure if I can keep my overhead low I would actually be able to help out businesses instead of destroying their profits.

I just need some input on this though. First, do you think there will be any motivated college students that will actually try to get local businesses to sign up? Second, do you think they will be able to network with their friends to get enough people to buy the coupon to make it worth their time? And third, is it a good idea to target a generally low income demographic such as college students?

My thinking is yes, because often times many college students do spend money and if they have an easy way to save they will take advantage of it. But I am not exactly sure, which is why I need additional input.

I am a recent grad, and I did see a lot of spending, especially at bars and cheap dining. But then again, in many of my local college town bars, the places were packed and probably would not agree to a discount coupon since they are already at capacity most of the time.

You can see why I need a second opinion


Supply Chain Management Consultant

Hello My Name is Peter. I am a Supply chain management consultant at Operations Consulting Group

I specialize in retail operations and health care operations and have earned a MBA degree.

I Like to make financial models and operations models to make better businesses decisions.

I have been a consultant for 5 years.


I really need some advice. Niche restored antique business.

I restore antique trunks and then sell them. I do have a website, utilize eBay, Craigslist and other free or nearly free marketing outlets. I also use Google adwords. Sales are few and far between. I know that I am not reaching near enough people. The amount of people looking or searching for a restored antique trunk is almost none but I feel that people would buy my product if they were able to see it at a furniture store, auction, retail outlet etc. Maybe I am wrong and I just don't have a good product. Consignment stores charge 50% and I can not afford to give away that much. I sell my trunks from 500 to 2000 dollars retail. There are other people out there that do the same thing I do but there trunks are not as nice as mine and they ask the same prices. I am lost if I can take this business to the next level and make sales. Any advice would be helpful and appreciated. My website is


vendredi 24 janvier 2014

When you can "buy" an existing restaurant for "Zero"

As a business broker with ten years of experience, I have "sold" existing restaurants for zero. The most common instance is when the landlord received the restaurant with equipment and furnishings to settle past due rent or eviction. The landlord wanting to quickly rent the vacant space will lease the space including the restaurant and equipment to a qualified tenant without any upfront money except rent security deposit to create an incentive to quickly fill the vacancy. A way to get a restaurant cheaply ($5,000 - $10,000) is to make an offer to seller of a distress sale. The seller will just want to get out of a lease and sell the business for anything that is offered. Ask owners of restaurants you know that have bad food, poor service and no customers if they want to sell. They probably do. You can then do your own concept and menu. You can find answers to the 30 most frequently asked questions about buying or selling a business at


Starting a Business?! READ THIS

Hey All,

This is a rant for all of you who are starting a business.

Everyday coming home from the office I would see people working on this new pizza drive-thru. I got excited (I always get excited when I see new businesses opening up) thinking about how good this pizza will be compared to the other 10 pizza shops within 2 minutes of us.

So, one day I drove by and it was open for business. Actually, I was kind of disappointed. Why was I disappointed? Because, I never knew when this pizza shop was opening. I never saw an ad in the local paper. Never received a postcard that they were opening. Never saw a sign on their building of when they would be open. Hmm... something was wrong.

That something is.... MARKETING. They didn't do ANY marketing. Nothing, nadda, zip. I live a mile down the road and they failed to market to me. I've been in touch with the business owners and they said they got caught up on the "business side of things" and failed to market. They set themselves up for failure before they even started.

They did put a little, tiny, black and white ad (no call to action) in the local paper. The owners told me they put an ad in the paper, so the day I got the paper I looked for it. Guess what? I didn't see it! Then, I decided look more closely and I found it this time!! I thought it was some kind of joke. If I was looking for it and missed it, how many people actually show it that were not looking for it?? Oh, and the cherry on top... the ad was blurry! I told them to get their money back.

Then.... I found out they have a mobile app. I looked into it and they paid between $2,000 and $5,000 for this app. Ugh. How is any supposed to know about this app if they don't even know your business exists?!!!

Ugh. So, the point of this rant, for all of you who are starting a business, is for all of you to market, Market, MARKET!! Market your business. Market your business before it opens. Market your business when you're open. Market your business 24/7. MARKET MARKET MARKET!!!!

Ok. That's it. I'm done.


Need Advice - Client requesting deposit to be refunded

Hi - I am web designer/developer who has a Client requesting half of the their deposit be refunded. I collect a 50% deposit upfront to start the project and the remaining balance is due once the site is live. I began working with this Client on Nov. 19, 2013 and he decided to cancel the project on Jan. 10, 2014. I provided him 4 unique designs with 4 different variations of those designs. He decided to cancel because he felt that I was incompetent since I could not understand what he was looking for in a design - although he refused to provide me with any specifics on how the last design failed to meet his requirements. I sent him an email detailing all of the items he desired within the design and how the last design met that goal - and if it didn't could he please elaborate. Instead he wrote back saying that my email was contradictory and the he wants half of the initial deposit refunded. I explained to him that I do not think I can honor this considering I have already invested into development, custom coding for his database, the 8 designs, professional copyright content, a virtual tour, and keyword research for his Internet Marketing campaign. I offered to continue to provide additional designs to meet his needs, but he was just being so unreasonable and would not provide any specific whatsoever.

I advised him that these items were taking place concurrently and that we were just waiting for a design approval so that we can "skin" the actual platform of the website. In addition, the time I have invested into the project, as well. I stated to him that at this point of the project it is neither one of our best interests to walk away given we are more than 50% complete. His final response was basically screaming at me in an email using like 42pt font stating that no further communication is required other than to mail him the requested refund. I do not have anything in my contract that states that a deposit is refundable or non-refundable - just that a 50% deposit is required to begin the project. After reviewing my expenses with this project - I truly cannot honor his request because then I am taking a loss. He sent me an email today that if I do not honor his request by January 29, 2013 - he will pursue legal action for the entire deposit. Do I have any protections and/or rights in this situation? Any and all advice is very much appreciated! Thanks in advance!


To file or not, that is the question!

Background: Two friends and myself created an LLC based in Indiana back in January. Since then we have been developing a website with the help of a contracted third party and using funds we have provided. We are still in development on the same project and have paid aprox $6,000. Now it's come time to file!

I spoke with a CPA about doing our taxes for us and the estimate was a bit over our heads as we have no income yet and everything's out of pocket going to the business. However, he did give a final bit of advice which is why I post. He stated that because we're still on the same project, we could consider this a "work in progress" and carry it over into 2014. This would eliminate the need to file this year and we would lump everything together next year. However, all of this was prefaced by saying "While filing a return for 2013 would be proper, I would argue....."

Therefore, I'm left with a few options:

1) File through a common online source, Turbotax, and try my hardest to get things right (1st time filing!)

2) Ignore the issue and lump everything together for next year.

If you have any ideas on how to play things and have experience with a similar issue, please let me know!


How Does Adobe's Change To Subscription Pricing Affect Their Business

Note: This conversation started in another thread, but since we hijacked that other thread to have the conversation, it seemed appropriate to move it here. It's why this thread probably starts a in media res (in the midst of things for our non-Latin speaking friends).

Adobe priced me out of the market with their change to monthly charges. I've switched to some Mac apps (Pixelmator and iDraw). They don't do as much as Photoshop and Illustrator, but they're enough for my needs. I can see though how given your business you couldn't do without the Creative Suite.


can sole proprietor allocate revenue to S-Corp?

Greetings! I have operated a business as a sole proprietor for several years.

In Feb. 2013, I formed an S-Corp for the same business. I am the only shareholder. I did not close the sole proprietorship.

I only opened a bank account in the S-Corp name in May.

I received revenue in sole proprietor name up to September. About 60% of revenue for the year was paid to sole proprietor.

I paid expenses, including some of the equipment purchases, some of the rent and most of the 1099-misc payments to contractors as sole proprietor.

Both entities use cash method accounting.

My question is: can I allocate any of the revenue and expenses in the sole proprietorship name to the S-Corp? I would much rather allocate everything to the S-Corp if possible.

Can I simply create a 2013 1099-misc to allocate the sole proprietor revenue to the S-Corp and transfer the funds to the S-Corp?

I would rather distribute 2013 1099-misc to contractors in the S-Corp name. Can I allocate such expenses to the S-Corp if paid by sole proprietor?


My First Blog Recording

After reading Patrysha's (thank you for the tips) thread about her podcast, I wanted to try out a recording on my blog here:

Marketing Is The Heart Of Your Business | Duke of Marketing

It's a quick 60 second recording.

I'm open to feedback and constructive criticism. Thanks!


jeudi 23 janvier 2014

So... Copywriting is essentionally coming up with slogans?

I don't mean to offend anyone in this industry but based on what I've read (online not in books) about copywriting, it seems to be coming up with slogans and catch phrases. Am I close or am I dead wrong? If I'm wrong, can someone please explain it to me?


New Bookkeeping Business Questions

I am going to be starting a bookkeeping business in the near future and I have a couple of questions:

1. I am currently planning on starting this business as a sole proprietorship. Ideally I would like to set it up as a LLC but it costs $500 in my state to do so. Since I am starting this on a shoe-string budget, I feel the sole proprietorship is my best option. What are the disadvantages to this? How difficult is it to change it to a LLC in the future?

2. I am an accountant and have my MBA in accounting. However, I do not have my CPA. My concern is that I am not very well-versed on what a bookkeeper actually does. I don't really remember taking any classes on bookkeeping. Is there some sort of inexpensive/free class I can take online? Do I need to work part-time for a bookkeeper for a couple months to gain some experience and get a better grasp of responsibilities?

Thanks in advance!


Business Strategy

What do you think of when you hear the words, "Business Strategy"? Do you think of businessmen playing a ruthless game of chess? This is what many people believe. Many people make the assumption that business strategy is something only evil businessmen would know. The assumption that only businessmen know business strategy is horribly wrong. The concept of business strategy is actually quite simple. They concepts reside in five questions:

1)What will you business do? (Products or services are providing)

2)How are you different from your competitors? (Rivals doing the same thing)

3)What's your market? (What is the market of the product your making) (Example: Skin care, oil, auto parts)

4)What are you going to do to insure you meet your financial expectations?

5)What's your financial forecast? (How much money do you think you'll be making in a few months of opening?)

These five concepts make up the theory of business strategy. As any logical person can tell, the theory is not sophisticated. It relies solely on the basis of “what will make the business suceeed”.

Without an effective strategy, a company will most certainly fail in under two years of operation. This causes a lot of complaining consisting of the owners saying, “But I had a strategy”. Did you have TWO parts of the strategy? Let’s look at how Wikipedia has defined business strategy or “Strategic Management.

“In management theory and practice, a distinction is often made between operational management and strategic management. Operational management is concerned primarily with responses to internal issues such as improving efficiency and controlling costs. Strategic management is concerned primarily with responses to external issues such as in understanding customers' needs and responding to competitive forces. Widely-cited Harvard Business School professor Michael Porter identifies three principles underlying strategic positioning: creating a "unique and valuable position", making trade-offs by choosing "what not to do", and creating "fit" by aligning company activities to with one another to support the chosen strategy. Dr. Vladimir Kvint defines strategy as "a system of finding, formulating, and developing a doctrine that will ensure long-term success if followed faithfully."”

If you read through that definition, you read that there is a distinction between operational management-internal business strategy- and strategic management-external business strategy.

Recognizing both of these areas can make or break your business. Every company requires a plan that can address an internal or external issues. Companies that fail to design these plans usually fail themselves. As Benjamin Franklin said, “By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail”


Hello Everyone

Hi everyone. My name is Frank and I hope to soon join the ranks of being a small business owner. My goal is to open a dog daycare/boarding facility in Hudson County New Jersey. Over the past 6 months I have been doing my research, compiling everything, working on a business plan and meeting with a local SBA consultant. I've joined these forums to hopefully get advice along the way from folks who have done it already. It would be awesome if there was someone that has already opened a similar business as well. Looking forward to conversing with everyone. Talk to you soon.


What should I legally consider my friend who is helping out with my business.

I am in the process forming an LLC so I can sell a product I am developing via my LLC. I am forming the LLC with a business partner who is also developing the product with me. My partner and I have a friend who we paid a lump sum to develop a circuit board that will be used in our product. We also agreed that he will receive 1% of profits once we begin selling the product (we have this all in writing). I'm not sure what to legally consider this friend. I'm not sure if he would be considered a contractor because he is receiving some percentage of the profit. I'm also not sure if he would be considered a business partner. I don't want to run in to any legal trouble in the future by paying him a percentage. Any input as to how to deal with this would be great!


INFOGRAPHIC: Digital Marketing Trends 2014

Hi all! I created this infographic and the good people at Get Busy media were willing to republish it. I'd be very interested to hear everyone's opinion: Digital Marketing Trends 2014 Infographic | Get Busy Media


Business Consultant


GB Table brings clients and business together also provides information for the

location, business and marketing analysis solutions for business or any entities involves

in the spatial technology fields. Business and clients can express their interest by

completing the form


Abro-Car care products India


I am in confusion that is i want to launch a website but i don't decide that which kind of website i launch.

So kindly can you all suggest me what kind of website is profitable for me.


mercredi 22 janvier 2014

An Interesting Read

Written by Andrew Carnegie about 100 years ago on being in business for one's self. I'm amazed at how many of his points seem to stand the "test of time".


Questions about being a marketing agent

I see that this section is really more for people to find marketing opportunities. But I'm asking questions because I want to be a marketing agent. The questions are really more about how marketing works, rather than how to do the job.

1. Do marketing agents/agencies have to be able to market things on all available media outlets such as TV, print, radio and social media? Can one or a few be fine?

2. Can someone be a freelance marketing agent and not work for an agency?

3. Can you be a marketing agent for a specific thing like sports, theater, film, toys, food etc.?


Alternative to Franchising

Hi All, new member here

Since most of my experience is in automotive repair, and not business,

I may have more questions than opinions at first.

(unless someone happens to post a question about their car)

After working as an automotive technician at a new car dealership for years.

I noticed a trend of vehicles being towed in that only needed minor service.

A few years ago I started a small home based business providing

mobile roadside assistance and automotive services

I invested $20K in startup costs (van, equipment, inventory, etc.)

My service charges are based on $75 per hour

I have been able to earn a living for several years (about $70K a year)

while working part time (about 20-30 hours a week)

I am turning down a lot of calls from surrounding areas and have been

asked why I don't hire someone or start a franchise.

I like the idea of making more money, but not the idea of working more.

I would appreciate opinions on a few options that have been brought up as an

alternative to franchising, which seems to basically include training and allowing

someone to use your business model, but requires a lot of laywers, time, and money.

(1) Purchase another van and set it up with all the equipment. Sell this to someone

for $40K and train them to use my business model in a different area.

(2) Have someone start thier own business first. Then hire me as a consultant for

20K to show them what equipment and inventory they need to purchase

and train them to use my business model.


TAXES: reasons why C corp is better than S or LLC

message deleted


I Bought a New House

Ok it's only in my dreams, but here it is. Scroll down the page to see the house. Seriously who wouldn't want to live there. I want to buy the whole island. Again it's only happening in my dreams. I think if I ever moved in, I would never leave. Did you see that sunset? How clear the water is?

Sadly it's not actually for sale. It's part of a resort. $900/night for the villas. $6500 a night for the private breach house. The article I linked to has it right. That definitely looks like paradise.


mardi 21 janvier 2014

Marketin Jeunesse

I just started marketing Jeunesse. Anyone have advice on how to be successful marketing online?


Starting a new aesthetic business, planning stage. Thoughts?

So my wife and I are looking to start a new business in the next 8-12 months. Its an aesthetic business doing stuff like botox, juviderm, lasers and more. We're looking to find a 1400 sq ft space with about 4 or 5 rooms. I found a commercial real estate agent that said he may have some medical spaces available for about $26 triple net plus utilities. this will be in South metro Denver fyi. I am meeting with an attorney tomorrow to discuss creating an S corporation. My wife currently works for another physician doing this line of work but we think we'll be able to be successful on our own. Our biggest obstacle however is that we'll need to partner with a Dr, which can even be a chiropractor, to put his name on the business and basically be a silent partner. Basically the machines require a Dr in order to be operated but they do not need to be present since my wife is certified to run these machines. What we don't know is how should we approach the Doctors we have on our radar with a proposal of what their compensation should be. I am still researching the start up costs but I guess confirming an S corporation is best and how to identify how much to provide a Dr for their name and backing. I have most of the other information I think I need in these early stages but I know a flood of question will be coming once I get a Dr proposal written up.


Glad To Be Here!

Hey there.. Verner here.

I want to say "hey" to everyone here and give you a little background of who I am.

Currently i have a job working pretty much full-time, however I have dabbled in the Internet marketing world for a couple years now and have made a decent chunk of change from the internet.

I'm not rich or anything, but i got the itch..

I've traveled around the world for 6 months recently and I fell in love with the sense of freedom and adventure.. I want that to be a part of my life more regularly.

My goal is to make a great living online, move to Southern California and enjoy life.. Period.

Thanks for reading and I hope to connect.

I'd love for you to follow me on Twitter if you don't mind.. You can find me at...

HTML Code:


Legal question about owning an equity in a company

Hello everyone,

I own a small consulting company. Currently I have a few equity deals, where I get X ownership of the company in trade for providing consulting services.

It puzzles me but all of the initial research and everyone seems to suggest that for me to own equity all that needs to happen is:

on the company's end, when filing the incorporation or reworking share ownership, they list my company along with shares or percentage and I sign a piece of paper.

To me that's odd. It just feels too simple.

Is this correct? any information on this subject would be highly appreciated. Thank you in advance!


question about home office deduction


My wife and I rent two bedrooms in a house with two other people living there. My wife has her office in an enclosed back porch area. How do we figure out our deduction as we aren't renting out the whole house? Do we just calculate based on the size of the two bedrooms and office area that we are paying for? Thanks.


Business opportunities for a software engineer


I am a software engineer and working for software servicing company. I got an interest in starting a business. Since I do not have much experience in business, how to start a business and in which field to start are my questions. Expert can you please guide me over the same?


need some advice in garments industry

hi guys... whatsup? :) anyone there has some tips or advice to manage a small company in garments industry?

right now we make customize jeans, pants, jackets and etc here in Brunie. currently we have some machines but lacks the man power

and also i have 2 sewers mostly we can make 30 pairs/week and me as a manager/designer and my mother also who markets our company

anyone who can share some ideas to help us? its really hard to find some sewers here because of our current starting salary...

hopefully in the future i am planning to open an upholstery shop, caps and bags for customize.

btw i am also planning to make some ads in the news papers but only the small portions.. anyone can help me here? im not really good at making a

catchy paragraph or slogan for the ads :) i would love to here all of you opinions... thanks in advance guys


-jet :)


What do you think of VoIP for starting businesses?

I recently launched a company and I am thinking fo using cloud based VoIP solutions! A company offered me no plans, no fees, just to pay for the minutes I use and the feedback from its customers are great! You just register on a control panel and plug your IP phones and you are good to go with many features, that traditional telecom do not offer or offer for a payment!

What are your comments!


Some Advice Starting A Holding Company


I am new on this forum and this will be my first post. I would like to start a holding company, but have a few questions before moving forward. This will be my third company and I have had good success in the past two. Due to my young age I feel that I am slightly limited in creating a holding company because no one tends to take a 17 year old seriously. Hopefully I will have better luck on here. Here is my situation.

I feel comfortable investing about $50,000 of my own money into this company.

I have two companies as mentioned before that would become subsidiaries of the parent company.

Would LLC be best? and...

Is this enough capital to start a holding company? If so what would be the best route for the company? I am not looking to be the next Berkshire Hathaway, instead a small town holding company.




lundi 20 janvier 2014

Looking for a business partner

Hi Guys,

I am currently run a website that gets 100+ hits per day. It involves all teams information on all the teams in the New York City area. I am looking at getting offering a membership for people who sign up to my website. The only problem is i am currently based in the UK and have no links over in the US to help me push this forward. Any help would be very much appreciated. Also please visit Gameday Hub - Home to give me some pointers on the website aswell.

Kind Regards


Screen Printer / Sign Maker from California

Hello! I'm new to this forum and am happy to have found it! Looking forward to being part of a business community like this.


How a college professor made his students wealthy. Thoughts please!

I am looking for feedback from business minded people, who are interested in, or experienced in network marketing.

Below is a letter from David Frost, a business professor at Bethany College in Lindsborg KS. He was asked to find a way for his students to make money in the networking marketing industry and in doing so he came up with a new system.

I will include his letter as well as a basic description of how his system works and I would like to know what anyone thinks of this idea and if anyone would like to join me in giving it a try.

Let me know what you think!

************************************************** ******************************


An open letter to my students and colleagues,

Over the years, my students have often asked me what I looked for when I started businesses in the past and what business would I do today if I were to start another one. After some consideration and research, here is what I have concluded.

I think the perfect business should…

Have little or no financial risk.

Make at least 50K the first year in residual income.

Be available to anyone.

Help those around you.

Reward those who work hard and smart.

Unfortunately, the only business model that I know of that fits ALL of these requirements is the Network Marketing Business model.

I say unfortunate because I realize most adults have tried it in the past and were unsuccessful. Most people see them as a scam or pyramid scheme because of the bad experiences they, or someone they know has had with one of the over 2000 Network Marketing Companies available today.

I say unfortunate because many people, including myself, overlooked the Network Marketing Industry for years because of its well-deserved tarnished reputation and joined the work force either by way of getting a JOB or starting a business. (I did the latter for 20 years)

I found in those 20 years of running several traditional businesses that if you have decent management and people skills you will probably make $30,000 to $100,000/yr., depending on how good or lucky you are, with no real hope of making more or of any of it being residual income.

My research and interviews over the last 5 years (thanks to Bethany College) has proven to me that those same skills used in the Network Marketing Industry could create residual income of $10,000 to $30,000/month. And yes, it was a little frustrating interviewing 20 year old kids who were making 10K+/month, realizing it could/should have been what I was doing when I was in my 20’s.

Fortunately, many of them took the time to show me how they were able to create this kind of success. Over the past few years I have been able to use this information to create what I call a “system for success.” This system will work with any legitimate Network Marketing Company but is not a get rich quick system. It does however give you the opportunity to try your hand at building your own business with little or no financial risk.

In the end, while it still requires focused determination, and the ability to work with and manage people, the payout seems to be much greater than the traditional business model, for those willing to learn.

Please contact me if you would like to use this system to help you with your current Network Marketing business or to help you decide which of the over 2000 Network Marketing Companies might give you the best chance of success.

David Frost

Assistant Professor of Business

Bethany College

************************************************** ******************************


Here is a quick description of what the system is:

Business in the 21st century is changing; today, most businesses are online. Each of these new e-businesses have the same goal; to create a large group of customers who have some incentive (financial or otherwise) to stay with them. Example: Amazon, Facebook, Twitter, etc. These online businesses create a lot of income for their owners.

What if we could put a large group of people together online, just like some of these companies did, but have it benefit us instead of them?

Take a look at how this might be accomplished with the following example:

If you were willing to buy $150.00 worth of groceries at the grocery store every month, do you think they would give you 10% back every month?

No of course not. Not with just one new customer!

But do you think it is possible that the owners of a local grocery store would pay you a 10% commission if you found 1000 new customers (buyers’ club) that were willing to spend a minimum of $150.00 every month at their store?

Let’s do the math: That’s $150,000 worth of new business every month for the store and they give you $15,000 (10%) for bringing them 1000 new customers.

That many potential buyers would definitely get their attention but unfortunately, the only companies I know of that are willing to pay for customer referrals are the network marketing companies. They have the only business model that is set up to pay each person willing to put a group of buyers together.

So, how do we access their pay system without risking our money or reputation?

We simply form our own “buyers’ club” which will pay us instead of the company.

What is the most efficient way for you to create a buyers club with 1000’s of people in just a few months?

On a blank piece of paper or in your mind, draw 21 circles about the size of a penny at random all over the page. Put a Y in one of them in the middle of the page. Now pick 4 more circles and number them 1-4. These are your 4 friends who joined your buyers’ club. At this point you are done telling people about your club. Now manage (help) your 4 friends get their 4 friends in their buyers’ club. So the other 16 circles on the page are the friends of your first 4 friends. (You helped (managed) them each get 4 friends) Look at the example of how you could have over 1000 people in your buyers’ club in a few months.

1x4=4x4=16x4=64x4=256x4=1024. 1024 people purchasing $150.00 each month with a top 10 network marketing company equals around $10,000 in your bank account every month, it really is that simple.

If this makes sense to you then consider joining our team and allow us to help you build your own buyers’ club!

Find out which network marketing company we partnered with, how we can get you a $1200.00 check within 30 days and why we chose this company from over 2000 companies!

If you decide this business could be for you then contact the person that cared enough to give this to you!

************************************************** ******************************


I would LOVE to hear some opinions on this. If this sounds like a solid opportunity that you may want to be a part of, I have loads of more information to share and actually know David Frost personally and would be more then happy to put you in touch with him.

My email is Please email me or comment below with your opinion!


Is the sales funnel obsolete?

This arrived in my LinkedIn today which I found interesting. I've noticed the trend over the years but never consciously thought about it this way. Although written from the perspective of insurance which the author is an authority on, the principles apply to any kind of sales, especially service businesses. It will be an interesting read (so are the comments) and should make a good discussion here for small businesses.

Here's the article:

Is the Sales Funnel Obsolete? | LinkedIn


Print W2 and 1099 Form before Jan 31 deadline

Do not forget Jan 31, 2014 is the emailing deadline to issue 1099 forms to contractors and W2 forms to your employees.

If you are a new employers and cut cost by printing tax forms yourself. Here are some good article you may like to read.

- how to fill out & print W2 forms

- how to prepare and print 1099 forms




Trouble with county during an expansion.

7 years ago I started a mushroom inoculate and supply mail order company.

5 years ago I started playing with growing rare mushrooms to the US and supplying them to high end restaurants in limited supply.

9 months ago I bought a 160,000 sq foot 5 story light industrial building. Built out 60,000 sq foot for my mushroom production, 10,000 sq foot for the mail order supply, 2,000 commercial kitchen to dry mushrooms to expand my product line, 2,000 sq foot lab, and 4,000 sq foot of offices.

8 months ago we added a 4,000 sq foot addition to mix and sterilize the substrate that we use because it can be dusty or a bit smelly. Did not want this in our main building.

3 months ago we had our custom made substrate mixing and sterilizing line installed. Everything permitted, stamped, and installed, but the county inspectors will not sign off so we can run the line. Every time it is inspected they find a possible code issue and I spend more money chasing down something that dose not exist. If I have the plumber on site the inspector finds an electrical issue. At one point we were even made to have a machinery safety inspector come out and nothing was found, but it is out of the scope of the counties inspection office and is an OSHA issue

We are still using the old substrate mixing equipment at my old location and driving it 38 miles to our new location. It takes 3 workers a week (120 man hours) to make the same amount of substrate as the new line should be able to put out with 2 workers in a day (16 man hours).

I have only been able to think of 3 reasons to why were getting the run around from the inspector.

The inspectors sun work for us for about 3 days through a temp agency before we let him go.

The county was not 100% behind us moving into the building because of the sq feet to worker ratio.

The county dose not like that I use a temp agency for the first 60 days of employment before we hire.

We are slightly over our projected employment numbers from our time line, but were now limited to where we can no longer expand. I did not make any “deals” with the county so I don't think the county is trying to hold something over me. Currently were only able to use 40,000 sq feet of our production floor and I'm ready to build out the other 60,000 sq foot of production floor.

I want to give the inspectors and the county the benefit of the doubt, but I’m about done playing there games. The electrician and the plumber are asking me to make a complaint at the state level.

Has anyone ever had a similar issue or have any advice?


Does original "Artwork" sell?

Does anyone have experience selling their hand made artwork?

I'm at the stage where I will be painting a lot, mostly macabre/surrealism landscapes acrylic paintings on canvas of many sizes. I want to eventually sell these and sell the originals.

My questions are:

1) Has anyone on here sold original paintings over the internet with general success? (I'm talking like 1 a month—not looking for anything crazy)

2) Has anyone regularly purchased original artworks from "nobodies"?

3) What are your thoughts on purchasing original artwork in general. Do you see it as a possible investment or something "special" to have in your home/office as a conversation piece?

4) If you do sell original artwork/paintings/hand made products.. which online websites do you use that are more successful? Do I start and Etsy account? Should I start my own website and sell of there?

5) How successful can you be by doing a tradeshow/gallery showing? Any experiences there?

6) If you were to purchase an original painting, would you prefer to purchase online? In a gallery? At a tradeshow? Locally?

7) What type of painting/style would you purchase?

I know this stuff is very niche, I might not really get much replies, but any advice would help me determine if it is something I could pursue for fun.


Anyone know of a new business startup checklist?

I am in the process of trying to build myself a checklist for starting my business so I can make sure I do not miss anything. Anyone know where there might be some for me to use as a template for my checklist? I got basic sections figured out, just want to make sure I try to cover everything I can because there is so much to cover when starting a business. Thanks for your help.


Looking for a small business vegetable and fruit supplier locally

Hello All,

I am putting together my business plan and looking for a wholesale suppliier for me to get my fruits and vegetables I need for my business. I have called some larger places like Wholesale Grociers in Kansas City but they do not supply to small business. Any help or thoughts would be greatly appreciated.


Starting a small business: Advertising methods

Hi guys,

We are starting a small business to help media companies sell ad-space direct to the customer.

I was looking for feedback on our idea and website on another post, and someone here suggested that I should contribute to the forum.

I like doing analysis and research on things, so I was thinking I could help some of you guys who are starting a small business by doing some research for you.

What would you like to know about marketing your business?

e.g. some suggestions:

What kind of media can I use?

What kind of reach will I get?

How do I start?

I need a logo - where do I go?

What kind of return will I get?

I have a limited budget, what can I do?

Leave your suggestions below for a research topic, and I'll come back with something.



Hi from a man in bankrupt -_-


I'm here to seek advice for my web agency.

In the beginning I could'nt find a single client with my two business partner.

Since two month we started to find 1,2,3.. 7 potential clients !

But the joy didn't last long since no one ever signed anything..

I don't know what's wrong with our closure tactic but there must be something.

We have a website, a clear speech and advantage upon the competitors.

The only thing I could see is the fact the we never met anyone but we can't..

I'm from france and we make website for all france by calling new businesses in all france.

Do you know any real closure tactics ?


Its for testing on website



Looking for distributor to resell our fashion products, can drop ship

Recently as our order quantity is larger and larger, we have seen a great market for our products worldwide. If you want to start a new business or you are lack of supplier, welcome to contact me for further information. Our site is You can go through it and think carefully about this business.


dimanche 19 janvier 2014

Hello All,

Hello All,

I am new here.. feeling great... :D


how do i manage a garments company?

Good Day to all /

I'm Prince frm PH but currently here in Brunie to manage a Business.

To make it short. We just recently open a shop for a garments. jeans for now.

Planning to make some bags and caps or even custom shoes hopefully soon.

Currently now we have some machines but lacking the man power and finance for there salaries.

Anyone have a tips, advice or etc. here about in garments industry?

thanks in advance and T.C

have a good day ahead -prince


HI! From Brunie! :) /

Good Day to all :) /

I'm Prince frm PH but currently here in Brunie to manage a Business.

To make it short. We just recently open a shop for a garments. jeans for now.

Planning to make some bags and caps or even custom shoes hopefully soon.

Currently now we have some machines but lacking the man power and finance for there salaries.

Anyone have a tips, advice or etc. here about in garments industry? :)

thanks in advance :) and T.C

have a good day ahead -prince


samedi 18 janvier 2014

Opening a retail store in 2014, Advice appreciated

I'm looking to start a buy/sell video game and movie store in a rural village setting. My only problem is my lack of business experience! What do I need (besides inventory) to get this started? Capital, I have just over $30,000 ready, will this be enough to get started? As for inventory I have over 20,000 products available from NES cartridges to Blu-ray Discs. Additionally I'm going to continue scouring classified ads and ebay listings for more inventory. I've even begun scouting for a storefront, which I have my eyes on a 16'x16' space right in the center of town - approx $350/mo plus utilities.

As for competition, this is a small town where broadband internet hasn't been routed to yet (only option is satellite internet which only few residents have) and the nearest store to sell movies/games is about 40 miles away. Additionally this is a high tourist area in the summer time so business is likely to pick up then.

I should probably point out that I will not hire employees, I will be the sole proprietor of this store.

The most important things I have no idea how to go about acquiring are business permits, Tax ID #s. Is there anything else I need to know before signing a lease?


Anyone hiring Digital Marketing companies?

Hey all. I'm new to the forum and I see that there are a lot of passionate business owners/members here! I love it.

I work for a Digital Marketing company (a reputable, established company) and was wondering who is hiring companies to build their site, boost their Google search results via SEO, manage their social media, create content like blogs/photos/infographics/videos/etc.

If you have hired a Digital Marketing Company: What was your experience like? What did you enjoy about that company? Any services that you didn't get that you wanted/needed help with? Did you receive a good return on that investment?

If you haven't: What prevents you from reaching out to an industry expert to boost your online presence? No budget for it? Not sure it will return your investment? Not sure what a Digital Marketing company does?

Thanks for any/all responses!


California: confused about when LLC fee + franchise tax due

I'm going to be forming an LLC this month, and the California franchise tax board site is a little confusing about when the annual tax + "fee" for a first-year LLC are due.

I managed to find this on another (non-government) site: "A domestic LLC has until the 15th day of the fourth month after filing its articles of organization with the Secretary of State to pay the first year annual tax." Which I'm taking to mean that if I file the articles of organization on 2/1/14, I have only until 6/1/14 to pay the annual franchise tax (the $800 minimum tax). So far so good (maybe)...

But what about the "LLC fee," which varies based on the company's income? I found these on the CA franchise tax board website and I'm having trouble interpreting what this means in my situation:

"An LLC required to file Form 568 pays an annual tax of $800, and may be subject to an LLC fee based on total income from all sources derived from or attributable to the state of California. The annual tax is due by the 15th day of the 4th month of the taxable year, and is paid using CA Form 3522, Limited Liability Company Tax Voucher."

It says when the TAX is due, but not when the variable FEE is due.

Maybe this is referring to the fee?... "If the Limited Liability Company is classified as a partnership or disregarded entity and files California Form 568, the following estimated tax guidelines apply:

Estimated LLC fee is due by the 15th day of the 6th month.

Members may have to make estimated tax payments for their own reporting purposes."

I can't tell if they're using "tax" and "fee" willy-nilly, but they are TWO DIFFERENT THINGS, both of which I will be in very big trouble for not paying on time. I can't find anything specifically referring to the first year in business, for the "fee," only for the "tax." I seem to recall something about not paying the fee until the first calendar year is over, but now I can't seem to find that, so it may have been wishful thinking. Ugh. Trying to do a cash-flow projection and need to know this. Very hard to get through to the FTB on the phone...
