lundi 20 janvier 2014

How a college professor made his students wealthy. Thoughts please!

I am looking for feedback from business minded people, who are interested in, or experienced in network marketing.

Below is a letter from David Frost, a business professor at Bethany College in Lindsborg KS. He was asked to find a way for his students to make money in the networking marketing industry and in doing so he came up with a new system.

I will include his letter as well as a basic description of how his system works and I would like to know what anyone thinks of this idea and if anyone would like to join me in giving it a try.

Let me know what you think!

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An open letter to my students and colleagues,

Over the years, my students have often asked me what I looked for when I started businesses in the past and what business would I do today if I were to start another one. After some consideration and research, here is what I have concluded.

I think the perfect business should…

Have little or no financial risk.

Make at least 50K the first year in residual income.

Be available to anyone.

Help those around you.

Reward those who work hard and smart.

Unfortunately, the only business model that I know of that fits ALL of these requirements is the Network Marketing Business model.

I say unfortunate because I realize most adults have tried it in the past and were unsuccessful. Most people see them as a scam or pyramid scheme because of the bad experiences they, or someone they know has had with one of the over 2000 Network Marketing Companies available today.

I say unfortunate because many people, including myself, overlooked the Network Marketing Industry for years because of its well-deserved tarnished reputation and joined the work force either by way of getting a JOB or starting a business. (I did the latter for 20 years)

I found in those 20 years of running several traditional businesses that if you have decent management and people skills you will probably make $30,000 to $100,000/yr., depending on how good or lucky you are, with no real hope of making more or of any of it being residual income.

My research and interviews over the last 5 years (thanks to Bethany College) has proven to me that those same skills used in the Network Marketing Industry could create residual income of $10,000 to $30,000/month. And yes, it was a little frustrating interviewing 20 year old kids who were making 10K+/month, realizing it could/should have been what I was doing when I was in my 20’s.

Fortunately, many of them took the time to show me how they were able to create this kind of success. Over the past few years I have been able to use this information to create what I call a “system for success.” This system will work with any legitimate Network Marketing Company but is not a get rich quick system. It does however give you the opportunity to try your hand at building your own business with little or no financial risk.

In the end, while it still requires focused determination, and the ability to work with and manage people, the payout seems to be much greater than the traditional business model, for those willing to learn.

Please contact me if you would like to use this system to help you with your current Network Marketing business or to help you decide which of the over 2000 Network Marketing Companies might give you the best chance of success.

David Frost

Assistant Professor of Business

Bethany College

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Here is a quick description of what the system is:

Business in the 21st century is changing; today, most businesses are online. Each of these new e-businesses have the same goal; to create a large group of customers who have some incentive (financial or otherwise) to stay with them. Example: Amazon, Facebook, Twitter, etc. These online businesses create a lot of income for their owners.

What if we could put a large group of people together online, just like some of these companies did, but have it benefit us instead of them?

Take a look at how this might be accomplished with the following example:

If you were willing to buy $150.00 worth of groceries at the grocery store every month, do you think they would give you 10% back every month?

No of course not. Not with just one new customer!

But do you think it is possible that the owners of a local grocery store would pay you a 10% commission if you found 1000 new customers (buyers’ club) that were willing to spend a minimum of $150.00 every month at their store?

Let’s do the math: That’s $150,000 worth of new business every month for the store and they give you $15,000 (10%) for bringing them 1000 new customers.

That many potential buyers would definitely get their attention but unfortunately, the only companies I know of that are willing to pay for customer referrals are the network marketing companies. They have the only business model that is set up to pay each person willing to put a group of buyers together.

So, how do we access their pay system without risking our money or reputation?

We simply form our own “buyers’ club” which will pay us instead of the company.

What is the most efficient way for you to create a buyers club with 1000’s of people in just a few months?

On a blank piece of paper or in your mind, draw 21 circles about the size of a penny at random all over the page. Put a Y in one of them in the middle of the page. Now pick 4 more circles and number them 1-4. These are your 4 friends who joined your buyers’ club. At this point you are done telling people about your club. Now manage (help) your 4 friends get their 4 friends in their buyers’ club. So the other 16 circles on the page are the friends of your first 4 friends. (You helped (managed) them each get 4 friends) Look at the example of how you could have over 1000 people in your buyers’ club in a few months.

1x4=4x4=16x4=64x4=256x4=1024. 1024 people purchasing $150.00 each month with a top 10 network marketing company equals around $10,000 in your bank account every month, it really is that simple.

If this makes sense to you then consider joining our team and allow us to help you build your own buyers’ club!

Find out which network marketing company we partnered with, how we can get you a $1200.00 check within 30 days and why we chose this company from over 2000 companies!

If you decide this business could be for you then contact the person that cared enough to give this to you!

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I would LOVE to hear some opinions on this. If this sounds like a solid opportunity that you may want to be a part of, I have loads of more information to share and actually know David Frost personally and would be more then happy to put you in touch with him.

My email is Please email me or comment below with your opinion!


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