jeudi 30 janvier 2014

Service quote contracts and if they are binding.

Good afternoon,everyone.

I am in a pickle and I need some advice. My situation is as follows:

I need my roof repaired and contacted a local roofing contractor. I stupidly signed on a contract without reading the small print. He listed all the repairs and materials needed to be done but there is no estimate. he came up with his estimate days later in an email. The total amount is roughly $9000 and my insurance company only paid $4800 plus a $500 deductible. He claims he has two "legally-binding" documents which I allegedly signed which allows him to penalize me for 20% of the total cost estimate. He recommended submitting a letter of dispute which we did two times but the insurance adjustor called me saying the amount is outrageous and this particular contractor has a reputation of overcharging. Now, since I have a copy of the contract without a cost and I want out of this contract can I take him to court so i can have this matter settled and preventing him from putting a lien on my home for 20% penalty fee? i need help


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