mardi 21 janvier 2014

Starting a new aesthetic business, planning stage. Thoughts?

So my wife and I are looking to start a new business in the next 8-12 months. Its an aesthetic business doing stuff like botox, juviderm, lasers and more. We're looking to find a 1400 sq ft space with about 4 or 5 rooms. I found a commercial real estate agent that said he may have some medical spaces available for about $26 triple net plus utilities. this will be in South metro Denver fyi. I am meeting with an attorney tomorrow to discuss creating an S corporation. My wife currently works for another physician doing this line of work but we think we'll be able to be successful on our own. Our biggest obstacle however is that we'll need to partner with a Dr, which can even be a chiropractor, to put his name on the business and basically be a silent partner. Basically the machines require a Dr in order to be operated but they do not need to be present since my wife is certified to run these machines. What we don't know is how should we approach the Doctors we have on our radar with a proposal of what their compensation should be. I am still researching the start up costs but I guess confirming an S corporation is best and how to identify how much to provide a Dr for their name and backing. I have most of the other information I think I need in these early stages but I know a flood of question will be coming once I get a Dr proposal written up.


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