samedi 25 janvier 2014

Business targeting college students: Need a second opinion

Hi everybody, first time poster here. I recently bought the domain name for a group buying site which focuses on targeting college students. Things that I would sell are cheap clothes, school supplies, discounts for local businesses such as bars, etc. One of the main attributes of my group buying site which will make it different is that it will focus on attracting college students going out into their local college community and getting small businesses to sign up to give discounts. I will essentially be sharing my profit with the student based on the commission I receive from the coupon revenue. This commission would probably be around 10%, I figure if I can keep my overhead low I would actually be able to help out businesses instead of destroying their profits.

I just need some input on this though. First, do you think there will be any motivated college students that will actually try to get local businesses to sign up? Second, do you think they will be able to network with their friends to get enough people to buy the coupon to make it worth their time? And third, is it a good idea to target a generally low income demographic such as college students?

My thinking is yes, because often times many college students do spend money and if they have an easy way to save they will take advantage of it. But I am not exactly sure, which is why I need additional input.

I am a recent grad, and I did see a lot of spending, especially at bars and cheap dining. But then again, in many of my local college town bars, the places were packed and probably would not agree to a discount coupon since they are already at capacity most of the time.

You can see why I need a second opinion


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