mercredi 22 janvier 2014

Alternative to Franchising

Hi All, new member here

Since most of my experience is in automotive repair, and not business,

I may have more questions than opinions at first.

(unless someone happens to post a question about their car)

After working as an automotive technician at a new car dealership for years.

I noticed a trend of vehicles being towed in that only needed minor service.

A few years ago I started a small home based business providing

mobile roadside assistance and automotive services

I invested $20K in startup costs (van, equipment, inventory, etc.)

My service charges are based on $75 per hour

I have been able to earn a living for several years (about $70K a year)

while working part time (about 20-30 hours a week)

I am turning down a lot of calls from surrounding areas and have been

asked why I don't hire someone or start a franchise.

I like the idea of making more money, but not the idea of working more.

I would appreciate opinions on a few options that have been brought up as an

alternative to franchising, which seems to basically include training and allowing

someone to use your business model, but requires a lot of laywers, time, and money.

(1) Purchase another van and set it up with all the equipment. Sell this to someone

for $40K and train them to use my business model in a different area.

(2) Have someone start thier own business first. Then hire me as a consultant for

20K to show them what equipment and inventory they need to purchase

and train them to use my business model.


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