lundi 20 janvier 2014

Does original "Artwork" sell?

Does anyone have experience selling their hand made artwork?

I'm at the stage where I will be painting a lot, mostly macabre/surrealism landscapes acrylic paintings on canvas of many sizes. I want to eventually sell these and sell the originals.

My questions are:

1) Has anyone on here sold original paintings over the internet with general success? (I'm talking like 1 a month—not looking for anything crazy)

2) Has anyone regularly purchased original artworks from "nobodies"?

3) What are your thoughts on purchasing original artwork in general. Do you see it as a possible investment or something "special" to have in your home/office as a conversation piece?

4) If you do sell original artwork/paintings/hand made products.. which online websites do you use that are more successful? Do I start and Etsy account? Should I start my own website and sell of there?

5) How successful can you be by doing a tradeshow/gallery showing? Any experiences there?

6) If you were to purchase an original painting, would you prefer to purchase online? In a gallery? At a tradeshow? Locally?

7) What type of painting/style would you purchase?

I know this stuff is very niche, I might not really get much replies, but any advice would help me determine if it is something I could pursue for fun.


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