mardi 28 janvier 2014

What college degree is the most suitable for a future business venture?

Hey folks! I'd be really glad if you could read my entire question and help me.

I'm about to go to college, but I'm from the few who haven't chosen what to do with their life yet... I've already applied for computer science in the UK (I'm from Europe), but I'm pretty sure I don't want to work as a programmer for the rest of my life. I do enjoy programming to some extent, and I love technology, but I don't see myself working for salary as a programmer when I'm 35-40 years old, but as far as a computer science degree goes, I'm most probably expected to wind up that way. I'm not saying that working for a salary is bad. I'm saying that, personally, I prefer to start my own business, and be an entrepreneur. Both cases have their benefits and drawbacks, for sure! There are plenty of examples of people from computer science that created successful business ventures, such as Bill Gates and Michael Dell, but I don't really expect to have a business in the computer field. I like making money (not just the money itself, but he entire process), and I think I would be happy to be in charge of almost any business, as long as it's functioning OK.

So, my real question is, do I have to stick to my computer science degree, or pursue a different one, maybe in the business/management area?

In my opinion, there are certain benefits of a Computer Science degree over a Business one: better job security, and bigger demand of computer specialists than business or management graduates (correct me, if I'm wrong). Plus, the salaries of programmers are a little better for those who are able to find a decent job. The drawbacks of starting a business are, of course, the huge risks you take, not just financially. A lot of people tell me that I need to have some starting capital, and the best way to gather this capital is by saving a part of my salary as a programmer, but I'm not entirely sure that this is the best way, though.

Overall, I'm extremely confused and puzzled as to what "path in life" to pursue. There are just so many overwhelming opportunities, that only make me wonder more and more about what to do. It's like Yahoo Answers is my last chance to get my head straight. So, please, try to help me straighten my head, and give me some advice! Any advice would be more than helpful (even if you say: "I don't know!", really...)

Thanks in advance!


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