mardi 21 janvier 2014

Some Advice Starting A Holding Company


I am new on this forum and this will be my first post. I would like to start a holding company, but have a few questions before moving forward. This will be my third company and I have had good success in the past two. Due to my young age I feel that I am slightly limited in creating a holding company because no one tends to take a 17 year old seriously. Hopefully I will have better luck on here. Here is my situation.

I feel comfortable investing about $50,000 of my own money into this company.

I have two companies as mentioned before that would become subsidiaries of the parent company.

Would LLC be best? and...

Is this enough capital to start a holding company? If so what would be the best route for the company? I am not looking to be the next Berkshire Hathaway, instead a small town holding company.




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