samedi 12 juillet 2014

Looking for feedback

New to the site and glad to be here! First and foremost I want to state that this is still an idea. I really believe this can be extremely helpful for couples around the world but before I pursue development Id like some feed back first. The idea came to me during a discussion with my girl friend a few weeks ago. I cant get in-depth about the details at this point or it would reveal the uniqueness.

If someone told you there was an APP that would not only make improving your relationship easier, but enjoyable, could you honestly say you wouldn't be interested? In this day and age of high divorce rates and dysfunctional relationships, it's time for something that not only helps you work on your relationship but makes improving it fun. You say your relationship isn't dysfunctional? That's great, its what I love to hear, but you must admit there's always room for improvement in many aspects of life, and I'd feel comfortable betting that most people's relationships have significant room for improvement. I've created a unique program for improving relationships. Its an extremely revolutionary tool that will help couples around the world!

My question: Would you be interested in using an APP that claimed it makes working on your relationship easier and even enjoyable?

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