dimanche 6 juillet 2014


Amazon is the Walmart of the internet because it literally dominates online retail. There is so much traffic on Amazon one can utilize to towards their online business. This is why it is so important to sell your products on Amazon in addition to your website. Read carefully, as I am about to show you some unconventional selling strategies that yield good results.

First I will talk about the obvious, tagging your product appropriately. You’ll get traffic from other books and products that have the same keyword because people will go to the tagged pages and find your products. You can get better traffic from targeting keywords on Amazon that other sellers aren’t targeting.

The first step is to do a massive listing activity burst. All on the same day, or as close to a short period of time as possible. You are going to get multiple buyer accounts to do purchases, reviews, likes and tags of your product on Amazon, all on the same day. If you have friends, family members, customer lists, existing web traffic, you can drive it to Amazon. The good part about doing that as opposed to your own website is that you’re going to rank higher on Amazon, which will help you get more traffic from Amazon itself. You get so many more buyers because of the compounding effect directly from Amazon. An example of how this has worked in the real world on a big scale is Tim Ferris. He is the famous author of The 4 Hour Work Week. When he wanted to market his 4 Hour Body book, what he did was send out 1000 advanced copies to friends, families, business associates and anybody he could think of and then on the day his book launched on Amazon, he simply sent them an email reminding them that they have had a couple weeks to review his book and to please write a review of his book within the next 24 hours. He ended up getting 100 reviews within the first hour, 200 reviews within the second hour, and now it is well over 2000 reviews on Amazon. As a result of this, his book has done extremely well on Amazon, which not only reached one of the top selling books on Amazon but also became a NY Times best seller. Make sure its economically viable to do this with your product but you can definitely do this for any book. In fact, if you are selling a book, you don’t necessarily have to give out the whole book for free. You can simply give out the 1st chapter in a pdf form.

Tim Ferris is still doing well with his book because he got the ball rolling and he knew how Amazon works, mainly from massive activity listing burst. Next step is to review the top 5 related products on Amazon and add a link back to your listing, just like an Amazon customer. Amazon loves reviews. After writing those good valuable reviews on the top 5 products, you will add an insert product link and add a hyperlink back to your product. As people are reviewing the other products, they will see your review and link, some of them will click over to your product and buy.

Another thing you can do is write a kindle book about the products/niche in your market. Sell it cheap and add a hyper link to your other products on Amazon. An example of this is, if you sell golf equipment, write a book about gold products, and the best golf products to buy, etc, include your products and links within this pdf.

All these strategies are good ways to get traffic to your products. Keep in mind as well that this relates to Email Marketing as well because you want to encourage the people on your list to go to Amazon and buy/write a review.

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