samedi 4 juillet 2015

Website Start

Frontline Plans |!

This is a site I was messing around with some time ago on a wix DIY program. The intent was to create the basic site and then have a pro spiff it up. Our primary business is taking micro cap companies public. These are NOT Wall Street deals, just small OTC type offerings.

There is no real concern for SEO as we don’t expect to attract clients through the internet, but maybe we will be surprised. Our marketing is a little different in that we search out prospective candidates or are referred by contacts.

We just want to try to reduce that first round of discussions about “going public” and be able to refer prospects to a website.
I wanted it to be fairly short and easy reading. We are not trying to make a “sale” conversion from the site, just trying to save some “phone” time with the most basic info.

I may create a separate site or section that addresses legal issues, the process and related strategies in more detail. That could easily be pages and pages but I didn’t want to go down that path yet.

Anyway, the questions are: is this copy too simplistic, is the black and white scheme too boring and does it at least answer the initial questions about going public and what else would you want to know on a first round of info.

BTW-I had discussed on here with Harold and others why I didn't see a need for a site BUT I think I may have to have one after all!

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