jeudi 1 octobre 2015

7 Remarkable Habits of Consistently Successful People

Read this the other day and thought of this section of the forum.
#4 hits home to me and to me is one of the most important traits of a successful entrepreneur:


Some people quickly decide that they’ve chosen the wrong path and go off to try something else. Others doggedly put their heads down and keep doing what they’ve been doing, hoping that if they’re stubborn enough, eventually they’ll get what they want.

Consistently successful people do neither. When things don’t work out, they take a second look at how they’ve been approaching the problem, and make adjustments that may help improve things going forward. Then they go forward. They don’t give up until they’ve tried every conceivable approach, and then some.
Source: 7 Remarkable Habits of Consistently Successful People |

I've come across a lot of people both here and in life that have one plan, one vision, and can't possibly conceive of doing things any other way...and those people usually fail. IMO if you aren't able to pick yourself back up, brush it off, learn what you did wrong and fix or improve on it then you're kidding yourself that you can be successful in business and in life.

I actually go into some things knowing that I don't have all of the answers, but confident that what ever kinks present themselves will be the additional information and education that I need to fine tune the idea.

What do you guys think?

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