mercredi 2 décembre 2015

Momma's Recipe Business

Hello everybody!

Today i had an experience that led me to a business idea:

Since i'm a student 200Km away from my hometown, my mother packed me some canned food she made. Today i felt like i should eat something from home. I opened a jar witch contained a mix of vegetables cuted and prepared into large pieces. I wasn't very enthusiastic when i first saw the food since i'm not a veg guy. But when i tasted them...oh god...i wished i could give you a sample to see for yourself. It was really amazing. I ate the whole jar and then a thought poped in my mind: "hey, wait a second. If i like it so much it is impossible there are no others that will love this product!". Then i realized that there are no other products like this on the market. Next minute i called my mother and asked her about the recipe. She started to describe the process with every detail.

So now i'm thinking which should be the next step. In which direction should i develop this business plan. I'm thinking about an online store. I'm thinking about samples. I'm thinking about branding ( homemade-BIO brand i think is the right one). I think about advertising. I think about the production place and process. I think about patenting.A lot of thigns are flying in my head now and i want to know how to settle them down . I'm asking you how do you see this business in a the best way?

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