mardi 26 janvier 2016

advice required for membership streaming website thanks

Hi everyone,

I am interested in setting up an audio streaming membership website, using self recorded audio material, and am looking for some advice on how best to go about this. The website will have a database of several hundred audio files initially, rising to 1000+ over time, and the most important feature is that the user (customer) can create a playlist containing any track from the database in any order (average playlist size is likely to be 10-15 tracks). The website should also be able to handle billing/membership management etc.

I would be grateful to know firstly if there are any off-the-shelf website solutions which offer this functionality, or if it is possible to piggy-back on other systems (eg licensing spotify type software). Is it possible to create such a site using WordPress plugins or is that asking too much?

If not I would be grateful for any advice regarding customised website building, including rough costs for a website with this functionality.

Many thanks in advance for your input :)
All the best,

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